Lin Xuan's body was like a flood furnace, like a volcanic eruption. His infinite divine power poured out crazily and turned into the purest and closest power to the source, crushing his opponent!

Even if he was as strong as Mo Yun, he couldn't take the continuous magic fist. The holy light that was originally around him was his body armor. Now Lin Xuan broke it, just like broken copper and iron, losing the aura and luster!

Decadent as dust, has been fragmented!


Mo Yun let out a long cry, he was very unwilling, as if he saw the tragedy of Qingming at the beginning, which was exactly the same as the result of his current war!

They all felt that Lin Xuan was just like that, and they didn't pay attention to him.

But only when there is a real war can we know his horror.

That kind of fearless fighting spirit, just like the resurrected God of war, has a feeling that I am invincible!

Mo Yun already regretted in his heart!

He really underestimated Lin Xuan!

This is an old-fashioned freak and wizard. He can't be treated with ordinary heart. He is always able to fight immortality in seemingly adversity!

Such a person, very unreasonable, so strong that there is no way to defeat!

"How can there be someone like you in this world?"

Mo Yun is just like many strong enemies who were defeated by Lin Xuan. Now he began to doubt life!

You know, he is not a cat or a dog, nor a passer-by, but the most powerful man!

Even he felt powerless and unsustainable. Could anyone beat Lin Xuan?

Mo Yun didn't know the answer, but what he knew was that Lin Xuan was still fighting. He was not only powerful, but also powerful. Every time he fell, it was like the end of the world!

Mo Yun's body armor completely disintegrates, and it is difficult to provide a trace of divine protection.

"This fellow, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us. Why don't you sit down and have a talk..."

Mo Yun's face changed greatly. This armor is his greatest reliance. He was attacked by Lin Xuan like a storm before. The reason why he didn't get fatal damage is because of this armor!

At the moment, Bao Jia is broken, which means that he will really face Lin Xuan's body. This is not what he wants to see!

With these words, Lin Xuan burst into laughter and exposed the hypocrite's face. He was just a little man who was greedy of life and afraid of death!

"Mo Yun, Mingyue college has turned a person like you into a once-in-a-thousand-year-old person. You can imagine how bad it is. What a shame!"

Lin Xuan laughs sarcastically. He loves feathers too much and is afraid that he will lose to Lin Xuan and lose his invincible reputation.

But unfortunately, Lin xuangen didn't give him a chance to meet him again. His magic fist was immortal, and the golden light rushed to the sky, drowning them again!

"You... Brother, I respect you for being a great man, so I'm willing to make peace with you. Don't think I'm really afraid of you. I just feel sorry for you and can't bear it!"

"People like you and me really don't have to face each other like this. If the forbidden area is in chaos in the future, maybe they are still friends fighting side by side!"

Mo Yun did everything in a hurry. He made a seal with his hands, and a picture of yin and Yang emerged, revealing the power of the sun and the Taiyin. It was like a roulette to destroy everything and stop Lin Xuan!

"Ha ha ha, what a joke!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan is more brilliant smile, also loss of Mo Yun dare to say, how shameless?

"A man like you deserves to be my brother and fight with me?"

"How can I trust you with my back?"

Lin Xuan sneered. He was not afraid of the terrible yin-yang diagram. In his eyes, this is one of Mo Yun's most terrible secrets. As long as he can break the yin-yang diagram, the victory will be completely established, and no accident will happen!

"Brother... You and I are the pride of the human race. I really don't want to kill you. You really don't want to force me, otherwise, no one can get good between you and me!"

The Yin Yang diagram in front of Mo Yun's body turns into the size of a roulette, overflowing with divine light. It's hard to get close to, and it can wipe out all the Qi, even if the void is unstable. It's terrible!

However, even if he is very strong in this skill, Mo Yun knows very well that his secret skill can not be performed without scruple.

Once his divine power is exhausted, he will go downhill and compete with Lin Xuan. He is absolutely looking for death!

Although he was also very strong, crushing countless monks in the same realm, he was still far worse than Lin Xuan.

Not everyone, like Lin Xuan, has been able to refine his physical body. In the realm of the spirit, he has gone through the baptism of several natural disasters, the moistening of many top-quality elixirs in the secret soil, and even the elixir of thunder. All of these have made Lin Xuan's physical body strong to an incredible level!

What's more, there is the invincible xuanjing!

And the blessing of immortal golden body!

"I've never seen such a hypocritical person as you. Before, you didn't look like that when you thought I was bullying and could be killed at will!"

"Now I think it may not be my opponent, so I want to stop fighting, so as not to lose in my hands, which will break your reputation of unbeaten legend."

"Ha ha, you've got all the good things. Aren't you pretending to play the melodious pottery flute? Now, do you continue to play it?"

At the moment, Lin Xuan really felt that the depression in his heart had dissipated a lot, and his heart was comfortable.

When this person came, he pretended to be better than Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan was not pleased with him for a long time. At the moment, he could finally feel relieved to blow the hammer!

He is really like a wild animal in human shape. He has rough skin and thick flesh. He is not afraid of the divine awn flowing out of the Yin Yang diagram. He can break through everything just by relying on his body and fists!

"Heaven's paw in the wilderness!"

It was another big hand shot out of the sky. Lin Xuan was shining all over the sky, and his blood soared to the sky. His big hand covered the sky and the earth!


The mysterious Yin Yang diagram and the big hand hit each other, sending out a brilliant light, and the fierce trembling sound resounded through the sky, shaking the people in the battlefield.

The next moment, Lin Xuan sneered, stepped out, and hit again.

The shaky picture of yin and Yang disintegrates in a flash, turns into light and rain all over the sky, and flies to the Great Rift Valley in the distance!

"You forced me!"

Mo Yun saw that Lin xuangen didn't have the slightest sign of peace talks with him, and finally he was no longer hot faced and cold buttocks. He knew it didn't work!

But want to fight to the death!

At this time, his eyes were cold, his original sacred temperament was gone, and there were clouds surging in front of him, which seemed to come from Jiuyou underworld, obscuring his Qi and making him disappear for a short time.

When the war between Lin Xuan and Mo Yun became white hot, the battlefield on one side was also filled with the sound of killing.

The stone breaks through the sky, majestic and heroic, burly and extraordinary, revealing the bronze skin, just like a wild man. Every time he wields a spear, the magical power that can overturn the heaven and the earth frightens the gods and ghosts!


Double foot, but also shaking, a boxing out, there are big cracks in the void flash!

This is in the secret place of the extinction of Taoism. I don't care about any Taoist secret arts at all. The body is the strongest.

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