Although his realm is not high, his fighting power is so strong because of his strong physical body.

In this place of heaven's choice, if you like fish in water and weaken your opponent, you will be able to strengthen yourself. Therefore, you will be able to bully the enemies of Mingyue college!

On the other side, though the young monk and Honghao are more advanced, they are not stronger than Shi. They are not as invincible as he is. They can fight with their opponents, but they are not as strong as Shi!

This is why Lin Xuan is so invincible!

If a water overlord comes to the land, he can only become the blood eating fish of the land overlord.

But if the land overlord enters the sea, the overlord in the water can easily defeat the land overlord. Lin Xuan is the same. This is his home court. If he doesn't have such strong fighting power, it's a problem!

In the distance, the battle between Lin Xuan and Mo Yun shakes for nine days. Mo Yun exerts his secret skills. He wanders in the sea of clouds like a dragon, and his body radiates endless golden light!

Eyes open and close, like the burning sun, there is light gushing out, very extraordinary.

They attack each other, and secret arts and psychic skills emerge in an endless stream. They all turn into horrible murders, which permeate the sky!

"This man's body is so terrible that he is invincible in this world. Any powerful opponent who is pressed by him can only be defeated!"

As strong as Mo Yun, he is also full of emotion. Limited by Lin Xuan's physical body, he can't support for a long time!

The armor was broken. At the moment, there was no barrier in front of him. The result of his body and Lin Xuan's opposition shocked him. The Qi and blood in his body flowed against each other. There was a fist seal on his chest, which was three points into the bone!

You should know that Mo Yun is also a first-class physical strength in Mingyue college, but for Shanglin Xuan, it's a pity that he has such a result.

"Never drag on, or..."

Mo Yun was calm in his heart and kept repeating that he wanted to find opportunities and get rid of Lin Xuan. He was not willing to continue the war!

He roared, and another divine skill came out. It was like the virtual shadow of a divine beast, threatening the sky. It was like a unicorn, full of fire and light, roaring up to the sky!


The huge sound waves are like rolling thunder. The huge unicorn's virtual shadow is like a revived ancient beast. Its limbs are like huge stone pillars. It's tall and fierce. It's frightening!

"Kylin steps on the sky!"

The next moment, under Mo Yun's roar, he urged the magic, and beat the terrible giant virtual shadow towards Lin Xuan. It seemed that he wanted to destroy all the retreats of Lin Xuan!

However, at the moment, Lin Xuan had no fear. He was so powerful that he rose up to meet the fierce shadow of kylin!

"Don't say that it's an evolved fake magic. Even if it's a real Kirin secret, what is it?"

"I see how long you can last!" Lin Xuan laughs. He shakes his arms like the God of war. His fighting power is almost invincible!

Lin Xuan's every blow made the void roar, and even had a spirit of breaking the sky and the earth. The cracks in the space would be opened!

This is simply unprecedented, in such a realm, he is not a real master of the spirit, unexpectedly already had such a means, really terrible!

"Unheard of, I finally understand why even a hero like Qingming will be defeated in his hands. This invincible momentum seems to swallow mountains and rivers!"

"This is the real boxing town of Shanhe. No matter who you are, I'll blow it up with one blow and I'll be very excited!"

"Why do I have the feeling that elder martial brother Moyun will not be defeated? Is that man really human? How can he be so strong?"

"My peers in Mingyue college have never been defeated. Is elder martial brother Mo Yun really going to be defeated today?"

Not far away, the disciples of Mingyue college even stopped the battle in front of them. Instead, they all focused on the battle between Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan. They were so powerful that they shook for nine days. It was hard not to let people pay attention to them!

All eyes are shining, and the whole body is shaking!

It was excitement, awe and shock!

They dare not have the slightest relaxation, as if they are fighting!

The beast roars. Qilin was originally a legendary auspicious beast, but today it has turned into a ferocious beast!

He opened his mouth, as if to devour Lin Xuan!

However, Lin Xuan turned into a golden light. His whole body was bright and he couldn't really see it. But the great power fluctuation made the whole world unstable!

Originally, the sky was clear and the sky was full of thunder and wind!

Lin Xuan dashed straight into the empty mouth of the unicorn. Like the disillusionment of the Star River, he waved the most powerful fists, like the Immortal King. He swung a big fist to defeat the empty shadow!

"Break it for me!"


The next moment, I saw that the shadow suddenly turned into a fiery red light and rain all over the sky, which was completely broken by Lin Xuan's magic fist like autumn wind sweeping leaves. With a cry of despair, it completely disappeared!

This is not a real Kirin's secret skill. You know, Kirin is an ancient royal family comparable to the dragon. That kind of secret skill will not be in the hands of the human race, let alone in the hands of Mo Yun!

It's just a fierce imitation. It's a divine skill created by the Terran's predecessors. Although it also has terrible power, it can't be compared with the real Kirin's secret skill after all.

If it was a real Kirin secret, I'm afraid Lin Xuan would never fight so easily!

Royal secret, which is almost equivalent to the pronoun of invincible.

Lin Xuan was shining like the sun. His body was intact, even without a wound.

His eyes are calm and calm, and his steps are as steady as Mount Tai, just like the God of war coming back from hell, bathed in the holy light, which makes everyone shocked.

"Oh, my God... Lin Xuan didn't get hurt by such a magic trick. It's terrible. How can it be?"

"It's you, Lin Xuan!"

Not only the people of Mingyue college were shocked, but also the people of Tianxing University were shocked!

"In a trance, I seem to see that an invincible king has awakened. If this man is not removed, he will definitely be the enemy of Mingyue college in the future!"

"This is the real pride of heaven and man... Unimaginable... How can he be so strong if he is not a man?"

"In fact, this is the most normal outcome. In the face-to-face fight, elder martial brother Mo Yun is not an opponent at all. Even if he does his best, he can't hurt this person. He has already been doomed to the end!"

"It's too far away. It's really hard to guess the strength of this man. It seems that he can break all the enemies in the world!"

There is no doubt about the invincible power!

Lin Xuan's expression is indifferent. His eyes are deep and bright. At the beginning, he has seen through the ending. Mo Yun will not be his opponent!

The level of immortal gold body is very high, and Lin Xuan's body has reached the extreme state at the moment.

His talent and the scripture skill of the holy rank have decided that Lin Xuan is ahead of many people, especially his body is extraordinary under the baptism of heaven, far beyond the realm of the spiritual master.

All kinds of things have already established the final victory.

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