Mo Yun quickly retrogressed. His clothes broke like a ragged beggar. His black hair was like a madman.

His face was as white as snow. Under Lin Xuan's fists, he couldn't resist. He vomited more than ten mouthfuls of blood, and his face was pale!

The original elegant Tianjiao Renjie was beaten like this by Lin Xuan, which made many people speechless and shocked in their eyes!

"How could that be..."

Mo Yun also felt shocked. He knew that Lin Xuan's body was powerful, so he used his own most powerful secret skill. But he did not expect that even such a secret skill could not really hurt Lin Xuan.

At the moment, Lin Xuan was walking like a tiger. He was full of Qi and blood. Like an invincible king, he came again!

Mo Yun can't keep calm. He doesn't want to fight any more. His figure is like lightning. He wants to escape back to the floating bridge and re-enter the vast, mysterious and magnificent fairy palace!

Because the result has been doomed, even the strongest move is not Lin Xuan's opponent, even if it can hurt Lin Xuan, at least let him see a glimmer of hope!

But now, his unyielding heart is dead!

In the fairy palace, there are many Tianjiao disciples of Mingyue college, and more outstanding people who can compare with him or even surpass him!

Perhaps, escape, but also save a life!

This became the only idea in Mo Yun's heart!

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan didn't want to let him go. If he missed such a good opportunity, I don't know if he could meet it in the future.

Moreover, if such a strong enemy is released, it is really to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"This is the so-called Millennium genius in Mingyue college?"

Lin Xuan laughs, his body is like a dragon, his feet are like stepping on the clouds, his footwork is very elegant and natural, and shows great power.

He wants to tell Mo Yun, is that it?

When you came here, you played the flute, your hair was flying, and your spirit was protecting your body. Even Lin Xuan thought this man was very difficult to deal with.

As a result, he found out that this man was a showman. If he was talking about the real combat power, he might have broken the sky with Shi, that is to say, five five.

Now he left his classmates and wanted to escape.

This change is too fast!

"Brother... After all, you and I have no injustice or hatred. Why do you have to force me to a dead end? Can you let me go?"

Mo Yun was really a little flustered. He had a smooth life and never lost. He had been crushing his opponent. But today, he met Lin Xuan and was crushed!

Such a blow made his heart almost collapse.

He came from a very high background. He was once an invincible man in a certain school. After he went to Mingyue college, he even suppressed several outstanding figures and was praised by many people. As a result, he was praised as a thousand year old wizard who had never been seen before!

The most terrifying thing is that even he believed it, otherwise he would not have been so arrogant that it would be easy to defeat Lin Xuan.

At this time, Lin Xuan really wanted to laugh, thanks to his previous feeling that this popularity may be eternal, there is that kind of invincible power.

It turned out to be just a paper tiger.

At present, it is one after another to say such shameful words.

"Mo Yun, you are really hopeless. When it comes to the end, you are still imagining that I will let you go. You really have strength and potential, but unfortunately, you don't have a tenacious heart."

Lin Xuan sighed and commented on Mo Yun briefly.

It was the first time that he met such a rare genius and asked for peace from himself.

You know, along the way, Lin Xuan has fought with the big and small Tianjiao figures, among which Shen Qingfeng is the one who can match Mo Yun.

Although Shen Qingfeng was defeated at the beginning, he did not admit defeat, so he was able to rebirth from nirvana, and the heart of Tao did not collapse.

"People like you don't have a heart that will never admit defeat. Even if God gives you the immortal Scripture and the potential of none in the world, you can't go to the end. When you meet a real strong enemy, you will show your true colors immediately!"

Lin Xuan seems to have turned into a golden dragon. Before Mo Yun is about to step on the floating bridge, he catches up with people. There is no more words. Today, he will die.

Sometimes it is the opposite of the two. Whoever is unstable will be defeated.


Mo Yun roared. He threw the jade like flute in his hand. It was like a small sword. It was like a sword. It turned into a magic light to stop Lin Xuan's attack!

Mo Yun turned around and walked towards the pontoon without turning back. He was completely shadowed by Lin Xuan in the duel just now. He didn't dare to fight with him again for fear that he would hold his escape time.

So I don't want to take this move. I'd rather lose one of my secrets.

"This flute is made by master himself. It was sent to me for registration before I entered the college. I didn't expect to use it today. I'm really ashamed of master!"

Mo Yun is really not reconciled, but he does not have the courage to continue to fight with Lin Xuan. Even if he is distressed, he has to run away!

Such a scene, far away by the side is also in the scuffle in the door to see, many people in Mingyue college, like to see a strange brother Mo Yun!

Brother Mo Yun, who used to be as gentle as sunshine, handsome, rich as jade, and ethereal, is now running around like a lost dog under the pursuit of Lin Xuan!

It's too dramatic.

Originally, when elder martial brother Moyun appeared from the front of the pontoon, they thought they had stabilized the winning game, so they laughed and were very happy.

After all, they know who brother Moyun is!

That's the most powerful conceit recognized by the college that can make it into the top three.

No one has ever been defeated!

Such people, there will be such a scene?

It's very sad.

"If you lose, you still lose."

"It's us who are wrong. The real competition of selecting the best in the college hasn't started yet. Many Tianjiao and Renjie have never played each other. Mo Yun's ranking is very watery."

"Yes, the real selection of the number of people on the way to the summit has not started yet. Many outstanding people are very low-key and have never been as popular as Mo Yun. All of us overestimate him!"

"Even if we are not defeated by that man today, when the real selection war starts in the future, we will eventually show the prototype."

Several people of Mingyue college spoke one after another, and their eyes dimmed. The situation in front of them was really desperate.

The biggest reliance, elder martial brother Moyun, was defeated.

And the defeat was so miserable that there was no room for change.

And what can they do?

Also cannot escape the final destiny!

At this moment, Shi Shatian, Hong Hao and the young monk are fighting bravely. Maybe Lin Xuan gave them the belief that they should fight more and fight less, but they really reversed the unfavorable situation!

Not only did the stone smash the sky and crush the three talented people on the other side, but Honghao and the little monk also took advantage of their disadvantages and started a real hunt!

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