
The roar is loud, the murderous spirit is boiling, and it rises to the sky. The stone breaks through the sky and swings its spear. At the next moment, it penetrates a person's head completely, and breaks up with the spirit in the platform. It can't even escape!

At the next moment, Shi Po Tian Tiao turns around. He is majestic, with sword eyebrows and stars in his eyes!

At this moment, the incarnation of the devil, flying, spear, flashing black light, kill another person again!

"Ah... Don't kill me!" The man's eyes contracted and his heart was splitting. He had already lost his original intention of fighting. Even elder martial brother Moyun wanted to run away. They just died when they stayed!

It is for this reason that when the two sides fight, the one who shows fear first is doomed to defeat!

Shi Po Tian didn't show mercy. He stabbed the man with a cold spear, and then roared the ghost who wanted to escape. The secret skill was like the roar of a lion in Buddhism, like a thunderbolt, which could break the mountain!

"No, let me go!"

However, in a moment, the three men who had been fighting with Shi Shatian had already killed two of them. The last one had realized that the situation was gone, and he did not dare to fight any more. He turned into a wisp of wind and fled to the distance!

However, the stone smashes the sky like the Reaper of the living beings, mercilessly throwing a spear, like an arrow from the string, to catch up with the man.


Unexpectedly, he was directly nailed to death by this spear in the air, his head was cracked, his soul light was broken and completely destroyed!

In the distance, Honghao also cut off another man's head with a big golden sword. At the next moment, he smashed the spirit escaping from the platform with a sword, leaving an unwilling roar, which finally dissipated into light and rain!


It's a secret treasure of Honghao. It's covered with divine patterns and overflows with brilliant golden light. There are nine ancient golden crowns painted on it. It seems that it can reveal its flame. It's powerful and powerful!

His sword power is not stopped, such as storm surge, cut open the empty void, revealing a tiny crack, leading to a desolate force, swept to the battlefield!

There are also three outstanding people in this battlefield, but under the avalanche, no one can resist this decline, and no one can stand up.

Stone breaks the sky one step, rushed to come over, want to help, but was stopped by Honghao.

"Don't help me, I'll do it myself!"

Hearing that, Shi said nothing. He turned and came to the two college students who were struggling to support them. They were as invincible as the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. He swept several people in Mingyue college and saved them.

In another battlefield, there was almost no suspense. All of them were killed by Honghao alone. The golden sword was dyed red by blood, and then it seemed to absorb the blood, which made the virtual shadow of the nine golden crowns on the golden sword more solid and lifelike!

The little monk is also very strong, but it is an ancient inheritance. The descendant of Lingshan Temple doesn't need to say much.

The Dharma is exquisite. If you play a Jue, one of your opponents will be killed.

The seal in his hand is like a lotus jade platform. It is suppressed and one person is killed.

The last one wanted to escape. He was killed by a light of Buddha coming out of his platform. All the disciples of Mingyue college fell in the battlefield.

No one chose to be merciful.

In the floating bridge hidden in the sea of clouds, Lin Xuan smashed Mo Yun's spirit with his last blow. He also turned into pieces of soul light and fell into the dark abyss under his feet!

This is the end!

For Lin Xuan and his party, except for two laggard disciples who were injured, the rest of them were all vigorous and in good condition. It was almost a big victory!

"Brother Lin is really a great man. Even people like Mo Yun are defeated by you. After today, I'm afraid your name will make the disciples in Mingyue college tremble with fear." Shi chuantian came from a long distance, stepped on the floating bridge, walked to Lin Xuan, and laughed.

Honghao and the little monk also walked side by side, and they all had a deeper understanding of Lin Xuan's fighting power.

"Brother Lin's fighting power is rare in the world. Even the little monk feels inferior to himself." The little monk saw Lin Xuan's hand more than once, but none of them made him have an idea that Lin Xuan was really invincible!

Let others willingly, this is the real invincible power!

Lin Xuan looked back and laughed. He was also dressed in white. Now he was very smart. He said, "you are also heroes. You can suppress the enemy with one enemy and three enemies. You are not weaker than me."

"Brother Lin is modest. I'm afraid we can't find a few strong people like brother Lin, even if we look all over the extreme North County, not to mention that we can't find them in Tianxing University."

"Fortunately, we are classmates, not rivals. Otherwise, it's hard to sleep and eat."

Honghao looks at Lin Xuan with profound meaning. His eyes show a little light. His brocade and silk are very noble.

The so-called far north county means far north in the northern region. The emperor of Daqian and the emperor of Mingyue are one of the dynasties of far north county.

The geographical level in this world is different from that in Lin Xuan's hometown. The largest unit is the five major regions in the East, West, north, South and the middle, followed by counties, States, prefectures and cities.

Here, the imperial court is not the top power, but more like the vassal of the top clan, paying tribute to the top clan in the county.

Throughout the northern region, there are countless imperial dynasties, among which there are more than 100 in the extreme northern county.

There are more than 200 prefectures in the whole northern region, such as far north Prefecture!

From the moment Lin Xuan knew about the vastness of heaven and earth, he was shocked for a short time. Even if the emperor Daqian had millions of miles of land, it was only a drop in the ocean in the whole world!

Lin Xuan was not flattered by Honghao's flattery. He laughed calmly, then turned and looked at the magnificent fairy palace in the distance. It was like floating in the sky, bordering on the heaven and earth, and winding in the boundless glow!

There are also curling clouds floating, cranes and auspicious birds flying together, just like a real fairyland.

"This is the place where xuanming sect almost became the top sect in those years. If you give it thousands of years, I'm afraid it will be immortal."

Feeling that kind of detachment and style, Lin Xuan felt it.

"Brother Lin doesn't know that although xuanmingzong was strong in its heyday, it was far from the immortality of religion."

"It's not a top clan and inheritance. No matter in the northern region, even in the extreme northern County, it's much worse. What's missing is the inside information."

However, Hong Hao shook his head when he heard the speech, and did not approve of Lin Xuan's flattery.

"Since ancient times, every thousand years, there have been people who are the most powerful and want to be among the top religious sects. Unfortunately, most of them are just a dream. It is very rare that they can continue to inherit."

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