"When the semi saint of xuanming sect was alive, xuanming sect still had some hope to be among the top sects, which gathered the painstaking efforts of all the people of the emperor Daqian, hoping that the semi Saint could get rid of that half word and become a real saint!"

"Because there are saints in the top clan."

Honghao talked and understood more clearly.

"Even the top sects are not immortal."

"You should know that there is a real supreme inheritance on top of the top sect. Those famous great religions, holy places and immortal inheritance, not to mention the saints, have even produced more than one emperor, and some of them are legendary great emperors!"

"Only in this way can we be qualified to say that the establishment of religion is immortal and has unimaginable details. We can sweep the world with any treasure left by the great emperor and the emperor."

"It should be noted that there are only a few hundred people who can be traced back to our ancient emperors and emperors. How vast is the world and the ancient history?"

"It has been millions of years since the end of ancient times. In these long years, only a hundred emperors have been born. As for the supreme emperor, he can count them by hand."

"As for the events of the ancient times, most of them are buried in the years, which can't be verified. Maybe only those immortal heritages handed down from the ancient times can be recorded."

"But that was the most glorious time of the human race. The protagonists of heaven and earth who once enslaved the human race gradually died in the long war with the human race, and even fled to the forbidden area."

"In the immensity of ancient times, the great emperor appeared in groups and never stopped. The pressure of the alien race did not dare to be born!"

Honghao kept talking, his eyes were full of vitality, his eyebrows were flying like dragons, and his whole expression was also awed and yearning.

And Lin Xuan also learned from Honghao's words what he didn't know.

Lin Xuan was greatly benefited from this harvest, and he was also a little enthusiastic.

"What a glorious time it was, it really made people yearn for it!"

Lin Xuan looked at the fairy palace in the distance and exclaimed.

However, Lin Xuan suddenly thought of a question and asked curiously, "brother Hong, how long did you say the emperor and the emperor lived?"

The longevity of a king can be up to 50000 years, while that of a saint can be doubled to 100000 years!

Then, what kind of astonishing performance should the emperor and the emperor have?

Lin Xuan was just a short-lived species with a life span of several decades. He lived for a hundred years. However, the strong man in this world often lived for thousands of years, which was absolutely terrible!

However, when Honghao heard the speech, he shook his head and his eyes were full of respect.

"The emperor has no territory. It's hard to say how many Shouyuan there are, and no one knows."

"It's just the emperor. In ancient history, it was recorded that a great emperor stood at the top of the world and lived with the world for more than 200000 years."

"It's hard for mortals to reach us. In front of us, we are nothing but ants."

"Although people like to call emperor and Emperor together in ancient times, emperor and Emperor are two different realms. The supreme emperor represents the road to the end of one's cultivation and represents glory and immortality."

"However, there are too few great emperors in the world, and the emperors are also on the top of the world. They are looked up to by the world, and they are often mentioned together with the great emperor, which means supreme!"

"Because it's hard to see an emperor. There is not one in a million years. In the era without an emperor, the emperor is the supreme emperor!"

A few people talk, also did not do more stay, but crossed the pontoon, toward the fairy palace in the distance.

Although the majestic and vast fairy palace seems to be close at hand, it is still far away from them.

On the way, Honghao kept telling, which made Shi Shatian and others feel heroic.

"The emperor is boundless? Is there a great emperor in the world

Lin Xuan was caught by the words Honghao said. He didn't even pay so much attention to exploring the fairy palace.

"It should be that the emperor has passed away. I don't know that the emperor can't see it. Only their inheritance has been left."

Honghao's understanding is also very limited. He shakes his head and can't answer Lin Xuan's question.

"Brother Lin, don't worry. People like you and me will surely be able to step on the road to the summit in the future. They will meet many disciples of the great religion. All secrets can be answered on that road." At the moment, Shi also opened his mouth. Obviously, he also knew something about it.

"Which way? What kind of road is it? "

As for the road to the summit, it was like the common knowledge of all Tianjiao. Lin Xuan never understood or asked.

He asked in doubt at the moment.

At this time, Hong Hao said with a smile: "that road is what many people like to call the road to the peak. In fact, it was originally called emperor road!"

As soon as Honghao opened his mouth, he surprised Lin Xuan.

"Emperor road?"

"Yes, the so-called emperor's road is the road that the emperor and the emperor went through."

Honghao nodded, his eyes were bright, and he swept the people around him. Then he said solemnly, "the emperor and the emperor, many ancient saints, invincible kings, and many venerable people are powerful. The places where they have stayed and experienced in their practice are all over the world."

"There are ancient heritages that connect these places and connect them by means of domain gate, which originated from ancient times. It is difficult to repeat the strangeness of many places."

"Most of the outstanding people of the human race will eventually choose to step on that road. Over the years, this road has made a lot of achievements and made a lot of brilliant achievements, but it has also brought down a lot of people and buried their bones in other places."

Honghao's expression was a pity, but at the next moment, his voice was full of longing and excitement: "if you can reach the end of the emperor's road, the worst in history can become king, the strongest can even have a glimpse of the emperor's road!"

"However, no one can tell the specific situation of that road, because many people's early roads are different, just like the big network spreading the world. We in the northern region have the road of the northern region!"

"There are other ways for other regions."

"But in the end, all the invincible heroes who stand the test will meet on the ultimate road."

"Fight for the real emperor and Emperor!"

Lin Xuan hears the speech, unconsciously, in the heart to that road cognition more and more clear.

"All the way to war, lose all the opponents, ha ha, if someone can do it, it's not a king, it's really a bit hard to say!"

He laughed and went on: "I'm really looking forward to it."

Shi Po Tian also said with a laugh: "in the future, we should rush together with brother Lin and meet the world's outstanding people for a while!"

Lin Xuan turned his head and laughed back, joking: "brother Shi is here, I'm afraid we can push the emperor's road."

At this time, Hong Hao seemed to feel something and said calmly: "in ancient times, there was a strong man who pushed the way of the emperor, and no one was his opponent. Finally, he became emperor..."

"Count the time, I'm afraid there will be such a strong enemy in this life!"

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