Lin Xuan was just joking. Even if he was as strong as him, he was in awe of the mysterious emperor road. He didn't dare to call himself the strongest!

Hearing what Honghao said, I feel incredible.

Push the emperor's road.

What a myth is this?

It should be noted that the arrogance that will be faced is as boundless as the vast sea of stars. There is no weak person who can step on the road of God.

It's not easy to get a way out of these people.

Not to mention pushing it!

However, after the surprise, Lin Xuan just listened as a story.

Before stepping on the road of God, they should first walk out of this secret territory alive.

Lin Xuan and his party finally came to the foot of the fairy palace. In front of them, the towering palace is like a giant's residence. It stretches deep into the sky. It's resplendent and magnificent. It's like a heavenly palace connecting heaven and earth. Hundreds of millions of rays of auspicious clouds are falling down. It's strange and magnificent.

"All of you, my fellow disciples, should be in the deepest part of this fairy palace."

Lin Xuan looked back and said calmly.

"Let's go. Since you come here, you have to see the holy land of zongmen, which was second to none in the reign of emperor Daqian."

The corners of his mouth were light, and his whole body was full of invisible essence. His eyes were bright as stars.

Lin Xuan took the lead in walking. He was like a man walking in the world. His temperament was aloof and he entered this huge fairy palace.

But today's Fairy palace is empty, only the murals on the walls and the stone pillars supporting the sky, it seems that they are still showing the authority of the xuanming sect.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how many good things were left in xuanming sect. They were taken away. Now we can't find anything."

Hong Hao sighed with regret.

"Ha ha ha, we all got a lot of high-grade terrace elixirs when we found that dense soil. Most of them have broken through the realm, and the harvest is not small. Even if we can't find anything, it's not worth the trip!"

Shi Po Tian is very optimistic and laughs.

The young monk of the same company also recited Amitabha silently and was very satisfied.

They walked all the way into the deepest part of the palace group and found some traces of people.

"It's said that this is the enlightenment Hall of xuanming sect in those days, which is engraved with the inheritance of the secret arts of xuanming sect. Only the real proud people can understand and learn that kind of secret arts."

Honghao knew a lot about xuanmingzong.

In the distance, Lin Xuan and others looked forward. It was also a hall with a long ancient charm. After years of baptism, the edge of the hall was mottled.

At the moment, there are more than ten people sitting in the inner hall. All of them are full of breath and profound realm.

It seems that all of them fall into deep enlightenment, all of them close their eyes and are not disturbed by the outside world.

Among them, there are not only a lot of strange figures, but also a few familiar classmates.

Yan Chixiao and Chen Yunfan are brothers and sisters, and Mu Qianqian, the body of Yuanling, the master of shaogu and the fairy of nishang in Luoxia valley.

Lin Xuan glanced around and met many old friends, but there were no whereabouts of Shen MuQing and Shen Qingfeng.

In front of the hall of enlightenment, there are also some disciples of Mingyue college, who seem to be guarding in front of the door.

Lin Xuan didn't understand the situation, and he didn't take the lead. The people in the hall didn't fight each other, which was really strange.

They did not continue to hide, but swaggered out!

Such a high-profile appearance of a group of people, it is difficult not to attract attention!


At this time, in front of the hall of enlightenment, the disciples of Mingyue college, who were suspected to be followers, saw Lin Xuan and others approaching and immediately cheered.

"What's going on inside?"

Lin Xuan, with a familiar appearance, came with a smile.


The disciples of Mingyue college drank again to stop Lin Xuan.

It's a pity that Lin Xuan didn't listen. He came up to investigate with a smile.

As he approached the hall of enlightenment, he finally found the strangeness of the hall of enlightenment. In the dark, there seemed to be a pleasant fairy sound reverberating in his ears. There were more than a dozen glittering white jade futons in the hall, overflowing with Taoist rhymes, and no one sat on them.

"Those fairy sounds in my ears are not the so-called inheritance, are they?"

Lin Xuan said to himself curiously.

However, with his voice opening, several people in front of him were very surprised and said, "who are you, even can you hear that kind of fairy voice?"

That's right.

Lin Xuan almost didn't respond for the first time.

Then he said, "why, can't you hear me?"

Sure enough, those people shook their heads, pointed to a dozen people sitting in the hall, and said, "only the gifted monks can hear it in the secret hall."

"Are you from Tianxing university?"

At this moment, the disciples of Mingyue college, as if they had just guessed their identities, asked.

"Ha ha, is there anyone else here besides Mingyue college?"

Hong Hao came along with a low face and sneered.

"What do you want to do?"

"We don't want to get angry with you and others!"

"We know there are people in the college who want to kill you, but we just come here to find opportunities and don't want to fight with you!"

Seeing that Honghao was walking like a tiger, he was dignified, covered with a layer of pale golden light, which was very extraordinary and made several people feel scared. He kept explaining.

"Don't be hypocritical here. Tianxing University and Mingyue university are old enemies. When you killed my students, did you forget them all?"

However, Honghao sneered again. His sleeve robe rolled lightly, and his power was turbulent. Like a gust of wind, he made a bold move!

Those students of Mingyue college are just ordinary students in the college, where is Honghao's opponent.

One after another, they were blown up by the monstrous wind and hit the wall of the hall mercilessly!

Honghao's eyebrows are frivolous, and he is just about to move on. However, he did not expect that a monk with closed eyes in the temple of enlightenment suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly got up. His eyes are as purple as lightning!

"Taoist brother, if you have something to say, please show mercy!"

The young man was dressed in gorgeous robes, brocade and satin, all made of fine silk.

He was a young man with a handsome face and a sharp sword eyebrow, but he was a little thin.

However, the realm of cultivation is very high, and the breath is very terrible. Its platform glows, and there is a bright God sitting in it.

As he got up, Honghao didn't start any more. He was afraid of the young man in front of him.

"Yes, if you have something to say, why do you have to fight?"

"If you can come here, you must be outstanding people. It's better to leave some strength to break into the dark place."

Some people seem to wake up from their deep sleep and stand up from the crystal clear white jade Futon. They are all extremely powerful!

Some of the students in the University, such as Yan Chixiao and Mu Qianqian, also opened their eyes and looked at Lin Xuan and others.

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