Li Shaoqing's words made Lin Xuanxin yearn. There was a golden light in his eyes.

"Later, there was no trace of the cut corner of the fairy mountain. It should have been brought into the ancient forbidden area by the blood Phoenix."

"More than ten thousand years ago, the semi saint of xuanming sect opened up this small world. He didn't know where he moved this fairy mountain from. At that time, some people said that there were traces left by the Phoenix family in this fairy mountain. Many people have speculated that maybe this fairy mountain is related to Cangwu sect."

"It was only later that the immortal mountain in Cangwu sect was not intercepted. Only then did some people think of the strange chaos that happened 100000 years ago, and the immortal mountain that Xuefeng once took."

"Connect them together, and then the forbidden area changed, and a royal family was born. Among many orthodoxy, only xuanming sect was attacked and killed by a different race, entered the small world, and exterminated it. The war was extremely fierce, blood flowed into a river, and countless Tianjiao fell."

"In the ancient forbidden area, there are blood phoenixes, which must be related. It contains ancient secrets. Over time, this legend will be handed down."

Li Shaoqing's clothes are flowing. He wears long hair and a hairpin. His body is strong and well proportioned. He is very brave.

"As for whether this legend is true or false, different people have different opinions."

With a smile, he held his hands upside down and looked up at the magnificent and mysterious fairy mountain, standing in the hunting wind like a sacred statue.

Lin Xuan's imitation of Buddha is wandering in the long river of history, witnessing the scenes like the epic reincarnation. At this moment, after Li Shaoqing's words fall, Lin Xuan wakes up from that kind of roaming, as if his soul returns to the noumenon, and his eyes are as deep and bright as the sea of stars.

"Whether or not the fairy mountain in front of us is the one cut off from Cangwu sect in legend, it's already a fairy land. Let's go. The delay has been too long."

Lin Xuanping opened his mouth quietly. His figure turned into a rainbow light and entered the fairy mountain.

Naturally, this fairy mountain can't be compared with Zhengyang mountain, the gate of qixuezong. There is only one mountain, but it is still majestic and majestic in front of the small people. The dark brown stones flow a kind of Taoist rhyme, vast and ancient.

Xianshan, everything seems to have entered the prehistoric, the kind of savage atmosphere, they were surprised.

"This is the most original fairy mountain. It may even be traced back to the epoch-making era, and later it was occupied by the Phoenix family."

Li Shaoqing, standing in the center of the team, is tall and has a loud voice.

"I see."

All the way into the depths of the fairy mountain, met many auspicious animals, a school of peace, there is no fierce fairy mountain, it is obvious that the xuanming sect had been dealt with.

Moreover, there seems to be some restrictions in the mountain, which makes it difficult for many auspicious animals and birds to leave. They can only hover in the mountain.

Under the guidance of Li Shaoqing, they came to a cliff in the fairy mountain and looked at a cave in front of them. It was a cave built in the deep mountain.

Outside the entrance of the cave, there are luxuriant vegetation, clear spring and magic medicine. The fragrance is fragrant, and even they can smell it.

At this time, in Lin Xuan's sight, Shen MuQing, the eighth Prince and Taoist priest Qingxuan appeared.

They were all sitting in front of the cave. They seemed to be seriously injured. They were all ragged and pale. They closed their eyes and recovered.

Shen Qingfeng is fighting with an equally young Tianjiao on the open cliff in front of the cave, stirring up the storm like thunder.

There are more than a dozen strange figures standing on one side of the cliff laughing at the battle, it seems that Shen Qingfeng and others as a touchstone, against them.

In other words, it's amazing that a war like this can't do any damage to the immortal mountain. The dark cliff is as smooth as a mirror, which is very strange.

"It's brother Shen and them!"

The stone broke through the sky, and the golden light in his eyes flickered. When he came to the cliff, he stood side by side with Lin Xuan and said in silence.

"If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid that more than a dozen of them are all the top talents in Mingyue college."

"It's really terrible. No wonder over the years, Tianxing university has been under pressure. How can so many outstanding people fight each other?"

"Fortunately, we have a lot of people, and there is no hope of winning."

Chen Yunfan said calmly.

"Let's go. I think they are competing here, and there is no big killing. In that case, let's go to compete with them and see which is better or weaker!"

Lin Xuan's face was deep, and he was the first to bear the brunt of it. He jumped down from the towering cliff in one jump, and ran towards the opposite cliff with a cloud of rocks at his feet!

Behind him, Shi Shatian and others are also in a hurry to keep up.

The dragon's footwork is marvelous. Lin Xuan's body is like a dragon. In a moment, he leaps over the cliff several miles away.

The sound of breaking through the air is like an arrow away from the string. It vibrates with aura. The people of Mingyue college noticed it and cast several fierce eyes on Lin Xuan.


Someone stares at him coldly and drinks loudly. The sound is like thunder rolling and shaking nine clouds. It breaks through the blue clouds!

"Tianxing college, Lin Xuan!"

Lin Xuanping came quietly. He was not afraid of those frightening eyes. He was calm and calm. His steps were light, and there was no divine power. He had a taste of returning to nature.

"Lin Xuan? Ha ha, I have never heard of anything

"Ha ha, since you are here, don't leave. Stay with us and have a good time!"

"Hey, I'm tired of waiting for those people. I don't know. How many moves can you take me?"

Among the disciples of Mingyue college, two powerful figures stepped out. One of them forced Lin Xuan to fight with him.

However, Lin Xuan did not pay attention to him, but looked to the other side of the fierce battlefield.

At the moment, Shen Qingfeng didn't seem to be in the first World War. Instead, he played several rounds in a row. His Qi and blood were exhausted and his divine power was almost consumed.

His face was a little sad, his clothes were ragged, his body was covered with blood, his long hair was scattered, like a madman.

On the other hand, the young man who fought with him became more and more brave and vigorous. He was very big. Every time he made a move, Shen Qingfeng was almost overwhelmed!

Lin Xuan's figure is strange, and the void vibrates. The next moment, he appears in the battlefield, with a sharp magic fist, and his powerful style is invincible. As if he wants to break through the void, he swings straight at the young figure!

"You go down to rest first, let me do it!"

"Since you want to play, today, I'm going to learn from you. What are your abilities?"

Lin Xuansheng, like Huang zhongdalu, is as powerful as a rainbow. It seems that a dragon gushes out of his heavenly cover, and his great blood will never be suppressed again!

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