At the moment, Shen Qingfeng is at the end of the storm. He can't last long. Fortunately, Lin Xuan arrived in time. When he saw the visitor, Shen Qingfeng was also excited.

However, Shen Qingfeng did not agree, but roared: "don't worry about us, you go first, these people are not easy to deal with!"

At the moment, even Shen MuQing opened her eyes. She sat in the back and saw Lin Xuan coming. Her face also showed an anxious color.

"Lin Xuan, don't be a hero. We are seriously injured. I'm afraid we can't leave. But don't die for us!"

Taoist Qingxuan and the eighth Prince did not say a word, but they both opened their eyes.

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan felt warm in his heart. He felt some emotion and his mind was agitated. This was his friend who had lived and died together.

Even in such a situation, I still think about him.

However, Lin Xuan didn't show too much on his face, but with a confident smile. His eyes were calm and he swept over a dozen people in front of him. He said with a smile, "it's OK, you are good at life and cultivation, and I'll take the rest!"

At this moment, the sound of breaking the sky came from the cliff, and Shi Botian and others arrived one after another. Although their number was not as large as that of the opposite side, it was not small.

I really don't need to be afraid of anything.

Besides, even if Lin Xuan was the only one, he would not leave. These people would not scare him away!

"Ha ha, we're all here. It's so good that we don't have to go to you."

"Hey hey, since everyone is here to die, I can't say it if we can't help you!"

"Originally, in brother Li's face, I spared your life, but I didn't want to send it to you again. It's true that there is a way in heaven. If you don't go, there's no way in hell. You'll throw yourself in!"

They laugh, looking at stone and others, recognize Yan Chixiao several people!

"Mole ants are mole ants after all. How can they go against the sky?"

The young man in front of Lin Xuan was also full of rebellious after he beat him back. He was also extremely powerful, and that blow did not cause too much damage to him.

At the moment, he sneered and said to all the people, "Hey, it's boring to kill them. You don't have to do it. I'll play with this weak insect who doesn't know where to come out first!"

"Lin Xuan, those who have never heard of it are afraid that brother Mu will beat them to death with a slap!"

"Yes, not even the realm of Lingshi. Ha ha, it's bound to be defeated!"

"This man is just rubbish. It's not worth looking at."

"It's that man. He's full of Qi and blood. He's like a wild animal in ancient times. He's a bit extraordinary."

Among the disciples of Mingyue college, some of them don't put Lin Xuan in their eyes, but look at the stone not far away, a little eager to try.

"It's true that this man is one of the best people in their Tianxing University. On his bronze arms, those green veins are like real dragons. What he wants to do is to fight close. It's just what I want. It's really exciting. I want to fight with him!"

Another man with a shawl burst out laughing. He was rude, with a round face and a stubble beard. He looked savage.

Bare chest, bare arms, skin as hard as iron wall, a coarse linen, obviously is also the way to repair the body invincible.

In his hand, he was carrying a big white bone stick as thick as a tree trunk. His whole body was as crystal clear as white jade, overflowing with milky light, as if the bright moon was shining, with a trace of coldness and killing intention. Obviously, he had drunk a lot of blood!

At this time, the man in green in front of Lin Xuan said with a smile: "even the Lingshi hasn't been promoted. It's really a bit cheaper to kill you. If you don't send it to me to seek death, I may be able to let you go. But now, since you challenge me, it's doomed!"

"If you want to fight, you talk too much nonsense!" Lin Xuan Mou light is calm, but impatient way in the mouth.

"Well, I can't help myself!" The man in green hummed coldly, and said, "dare to intervene in my war, ha ha, the tone is so big, you will die today!"

"You are not the first person to say this to me, and you will not be the last one, but you may not know that all the people who say this to me are dead, and you are the next one!"

Smell speech, the young man suddenly angry, he dressed in green clothes, hair such as waterfall, eyes light Zhan Zhan, abrupt toward Lin Xuan kill!

If you want to kill Lin Xuan, you will not pass on the secret!

A silver white divine light from the hands of the young man in Tsing Yi was like a sharp blade. It wanted to divide the heaven and the earth, draw a terrible streamline in the air, and shot at Lin Xuan hard.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was not afraid. His eyes were cold, and he didn't even dodge. He just mobilized his strength, and his blood was boiling. A blood colored dragon pillar rose up in the sky above his head. His spiritual power was like the tide, as if it was surging and surging!

Lin Xuan shook his hand into a fist. He waved it fiercely, like a meteor falling down. The momentum of this fist was extremely powerful!


The mysterious light suddenly burst into pieces. It was drawn by the divine force, and the white ripples of the void disappeared in the sky and the earth.

This sudden scene stunned the public, did not expect that the two people said to fight, and the means are so fierce!

"What's the origin of this man? He broke brother Mu's body so easily. I have a premonition that this war seems to be a little bad!"

"It's really an eye opener. It turns out that the body has been repaired to the utmost. Even such a fierce spirit can be carried down without any damage."

"It's just a different road. Some people think that the physical body is the foundation, while others think that the Tao and Dharma are extremely strong. In fact, no matter which way you go, if you go to the extreme, you will be extremely strong and invincible in the world."

"However, we have to say that we underestimated this person and brought us great surprise. This war is not as boring as we thought at the beginning. It should be interesting!"

The huge roar is like a thunderbolt, which makes the void unstable, the cliffs shaking, and the people of Mingyue college shudder and speak one after another!

In front of the top of the mountain, there are huge stones rolling down. Lin Xuan and the people in Qingyi fight fiercely on the cliff. They all use the most powerful means, which is often the great skill of killing!

Every time Lin Xuan's magic fist is wielded, the strong wind that seems to tear up the space gushes out from the sky and earth under the fist. It is like the end of the day.

"This is the end of the true top talent of Tianxing University. Maybe it will be a peak battle. It must be wonderful!"

"Ha ha, this person is really not as bad as you think. He is like an oven. He is at his peak. I don't think Muyun can stop him."

"We all underestimated this man. We should have thought that all those people followed him. Maybe this man is really respected in Tianxing University!"

Some people were shocked by Lin Xuan's thunder tactics, and their faces were also a little surprised. While watching the battle, they kept talking.

However, at this moment, there are several other voices that are not very harmonious in the crowd.

"That's all you're afraid of?"

"Have not divided the victory and defeat, then say victory and defeat, ha ha, even if Muyun lose again how, he is also nothing in the college."

"Yes, although he has some means, he is not very strong. You overestimate him!"

Some people sneer, even at the moment, some people still think that Lin Xuan is just like this, not to worry about!

This expression made the disciples on his side unhappy, but he didn't say much. Instead, he waited for the result to hit him in the face!

At this time, Lin Xuan's attack in the battlefield became more and more fierce, and his divine power was endless!

Muyun's first ten moves can barely fight with him, but now he has shown a declining trend. He is defeated by Lin Xuan. He is hit by a magic fist in his chest. His bones are broken and pierced into the flesh and blood, which is a blur!

His Qi and blood were in disorder, and his mouth was overflowing with blood. But in a flash, Lin Xuan's thunder tactics began to work and completely established the victory.

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