A harsh roar seemed to burst out of the void, resounding through the sky. A spirit of Qingming was defeated by Lin Xuanyi. Without even saying a last word, it turned into light and rain all over the sky and dissipated between heaven and earth!


At this moment, what Lin Xuan did seemed to be the fuse of the war, lighting the explosive bag, and making the big man with the white bone stick roar with grief!

He saw the scattered light and rain drifting away with the breeze, his whole expression was completely distorted, hysterical, his eyes were full of blood, his fighting spirit was surging, his blood was boiling!

"How dare you... How dare you do that?"

The big man with the big stick seems to have a close relationship with Qingming. At the moment, he is crazy and roaring like a wild animal.

"... I don't care who you are. Kill my younger brother of the same race. You will die today!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly realized that no wonder when Mo Yun appeared before, he didn't save others. Instead, he saved Qingming first. It turned out that Qingming had such a brother of the same family, who was also extremely strong.

His flesh and blood are as hard as black iron, and his arms are as green as a dragon. It seems that he is wriggling, and his power is surging, as bright as stars.

"When I killed a student of my university, I didn't see any pity from you. Isn't it natural for me to kill him now?"

Lin Xuan sneered. Seeing that a big man in front of him, like a black bear, was coming to kill him with a big stick, he didn't panic. Instead, he sneered and asked.

"Hum, don't talk so fast here. Die for me!" The fierce man was full of evil spirit, and his face was like a knife. He jumped up to Lin Xuan in a moment, swung the white bone stick and hit him in the head!

This scene happened so fast that the spectators nearby didn't react!

They just wake up from Lin Xuan's fright of killing Mo Yun, and they see that Lin Xuan starts boldly and kills the only spirit left in Qingming with another punch, which seems to be a shock!

And then, it's a quick battle with the big men!

"Who on earth is this man? He can kill Mo Yun. Why do I feel unreal?"

"It's not unreal. You see, as strong as Wu Qinghe, he can't suppress this person at the first time. I'm a little convinced that maybe Mo Yun has really died in his hands!"

"I didn't expect that this man was so fierce. Wu Qingming was also a rare genius in the Wu family for thousands of years. He just entered the college to practice, but he fell down here. No wonder Wu Qinghe was so angry that he wanted to kill him!"

"Although they are not of the same mother and father, they are rare and proud people in the family. They are expected to grow up together since childhood. It is said that they have deep feelings."

"Today it seems that we are going to die forever!"

In the crowd, many people spoke out the relationship between Wu Qingming and Wu Qinghe one after another.

In the battlefield, the white bone stick in Wu Qinghe's hand glows, and it is full of sharp bone spines. If you hit a person, I'm afraid that not only the bones will be broken, but also the terrible holes will be pierced in the flesh!

Lin Xuan had no choice but to take out the black gold sword from the storage space. The light was shining, and the light golden luster appeared on it, just like the golden fish scale.

Wuqinghe roared and bullied his body. Xiongwu Weian's body seemed to stand up to heaven and earth, as steady as a mountain. He took a step, and the earth moved!

Infinite divine power converges into brilliant starlight, condenses on the white bone stick, like the Milky way falling down, the sky full of divine light is heavier than Wanjun, drips down from the white bone stick, and comes under pressure!


Lin Xuan waved a long sword, like a demon, to beat heaven and earth, cutting out an eternal light!

"Cut off the river!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan's power was surging, and the knife became the only one, cutting off the falling galaxy with one blow, splitting it in two and breaking it apart!

After that, Lin Xuan took advantage of the victory, split to the crystal bone stick, and roared: "kill the sky!"

Lin Xuan urged the immortal body to shine like the sun. Even his hair was dyed golden, which naturally spread like a golden waterfall.

All over the sky, the sword is as bright as day, with endless brilliance. It seems that it is going to cut down the sun, the moon and the stars, and the Dao Qi is soaring into the sky!

Lin Xuan seemed to want to break the suppression of heaven and earth in this world. His fighting power was unmatched and made people despair!

He walked like a flying horse and chopped on the white bone stick. Everything would be turned into ashes by the light of the sword!


The deafening sound of the impact is sonorous and incessant, which makes the void vibrate, just like the rumble of the God drum, resounding through heaven and earth!

That kind of power is really strong. The sword is as powerful as the sea. Even if it is as strong as wuqinghe, it is also a huge shock at the mouth of the tiger. The bone head of the arm seems to be about to be broken. There is a striking crack on the white bone stick which is as crystal clear as divine iron.

This result shocked the people not far away. Even Wu Qinghe had a bad feeling in his heart!

And this is not over, Lin xuanwan like a killing God, and did not stop, Hao Ran Dao Qi, soul stirring, once again fell.

"Return to one!"

The endless light of the sword condensed like the creation of heaven and earth. Lin Xuan leaped into the heaven and fell down. Thousands of shadows of the sword came back to one. It was so terrible!


This blow made the white bone stick split in an instant, and wuqinghe's chest was shocked. Even if his body was as strong as him, it was such a huge impact that it shook the viscera, and a wisp of bright blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

"I'm not wrong. It's Wu Qinghe. He's not much weaker than Mo Yun. He's even better than Mo Yun in terms of his physical body. Now he's spitting blood..."

"It's terrible. Has such a person really not been promoted to a spiritual master?"

"It's unimaginable. If you really fight at the same level, who can stop this person?"

"Monster, this year's Tianxing university has this person's existence. It will really become a strong competitor for the number of emperor Lu's places!"

Among the disciples of Mingyue college, there are people who scream out constantly, and their faces are incredible.

"Who are you..."

Wu Qinghe felt that his arms were going to be broken. The white bone stick was the backbone of a demon beast at the top of the spirit Master. It was refined into a magic weapon by the master of weapon refining. It was as hard as black iron. I didn't expect that it was so easily broken by Lin Xuan today!

Lin Xuan's black gold sword was still smooth, sharp and intact.

"Tianxing University, Lin Xuan!"

Lin Xuan's face was calm, and Gujing's eyes looked at wuqinghe silently, but there was an invisible sense of oppression. The invincible momentum was heartbreaking.

"Good, good, good Lin Xuan... Good Lin Xuan... Even if you are very powerful, how can you beat me alone? Can you still beat me and others?"

Wuqing river even said three good words, with a sad smile, God's eyes swept the other three people not far away, and roared: "if we don't fight now, do we really have to wait for others to beat us?"

At the edge of the cliff, the three outstanding people standing quietly, at this moment, finally move forward. They are all unimaginable enemies. They are full of Qi and blood. The blood above their heads rises to the sky and turns into the shape of a dragon, making bursts of dragon chanting!

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