However, at this moment, not far away from the cliff, there is a sound of breaking the sky. A peerless beauty steps on the clouds and comes. She is like a rainbow. She seems to have broken the limit of heaven and earth and can walk in the sky for a short time!

She walks slowly, charming, curling Nana, just like a fairy coming out of the painting, and her voice is light and flexible to the three humanity who are going to move: "you'd better stop, it's hard to come true. If you don't want to die, you can't stop?"

The woman is dressed in green clothes. Her beauty is as beautiful as a pearl left over from the world. Her nose is straight and her eyes are as delicate as stars.

Her hair is as white as snow, and her body is full of colorful light, just like the nine heaven Xuannv.

"It's you!"

During the war, Lin Xuan looked back, his eyes were bright, he looked at the comer and recognized her.

It was the fairy in green who had just come out of the ancient hall and met in the mountains.

There is no doubt that this woman is powerful. She can fight with Lin Xuan for a long time. In addition to the loss of some divine power, Lin Xuan can't really hurt her and is taken away by her.

The strength of the war can't be underestimated. She alone makes Lin Xuan feel very difficult, not to mention that there are three heroes in front of him!

However, Lin Xuan was very curious about why this woman didn't take revenge at the moment she appeared. On the contrary, she made people stop. This is really intriguing.

However, I have to say that as soon as the woman appeared, she attracted everyone's eyes. Even the three invincible heroes stopped and looked at the woman in green with light eyes.

"Lin Xuan, as I said, I remember you."

The woman in green looks at Lin Xuan with a smile. She is so beautiful and moving.

"Because you're the first one to say you want me to be a maid."

The woman in Green's words are amazing, which makes others cry out.

"What? Am I right? Is this man crazy, and he wants to catch the fairy of green poetry as a maid

"Cough, I think it's quite in line with this person's style, and I don't have to worry about it."

"Even if you have no scruples, you dare not be so rude. It should be noted that Qingshi fairy has been chosen as the alternate goddess by the great and small sect. The future is limitless. How can you be so humiliated?"

At this moment, the woman in green didn't say anything, but the people in Mingyue college were furious.

Although it will not be long before the women in green will leave Mingyue college and go to Taiwei to teach and practice, they are still the beauties of heaven in their college, so they are naturally valued.

And Lin Xuan also learned from these people that the name of the woman in green clothes was taboo. It was called luoqingshi, also known as Qingshi fairy. The origin was really extraordinary.

"Will you do it to me yourself?"

Lin Xuan's eyes were calm. He glanced at Wu Qinghe not far away. Instead of chasing him, he looked back. His eyes reflected Luo Qingshi's peerless face.

"Lin Xuan, in this small world where the way of heaven and earth is dead and silent, I know that you are invincible in flesh and your fighting power is unparalleled. How can you find yourself unhappy again?"

No one would have thought that Luo Qingshi directly acknowledged Lin Xuan's strength. Her eyes were as bright as a clear spring, and she was smiling like an immortal flower.

"However, you should know that the way of practice is not the constant strength of the body. As long as you go out of here, I will naturally be able to suppress you by virtue of the secret arts of Taoism. No matter how strong your body is, there will be no room to exert it."

"Even in this secret territory, although I can't help you alone, plus one person, I will surely be able to kill you."

Luo Qingshi is as proud as a Phoenix. She holds her head high. Her delicate oval face is as white as jade, and her snow-white swan neck is smooth and moving.

The confidence in her words does not make people feel abrupt, as if it should be so, she really has such strength.

Of course, Lin Xuan also understood that the addition of another person in Luo Qingshi's words must be the addition of a great man. There is no doubt that he is really dangerous.

At this time, Luo Qingshi suddenly changed the subject of the story, with a coquettish smile in her eyes and a shrewd way: "however, I'm interested in you. I don't want to fight you. I'll leave you alive today."

"I wonder how far you can go."

Luo Qing revealed some special meanings in his poems, which Lin Xuan and others could not guess for the first time.

The next moment, she turned to the humanity of Mingyue college like a saint holding the stars and the moon: "the elder and I have a message. The Tianxing university has learned that the old people in the university should be on their way."

"The wind is blowing. The hunting trial is over. It's time for us to go."

Luo Qing's poetic style is light. She has a high status in Mingyue college, and her accomplishments and potential are also the level of goddess. She is highly expected.

"Now? It's not a bit cheap for them. What's more, we have already gone to the depths of the fairy mountain. The semi saint's once closed cave is in front of us. Don't you really go in and have a look? "

"Yes, I really want to be in such a hurry. I think I have time to do more things. But since elder martial sister, you can say that our life of Rao surnamed Lin is nothing, but other people can't let it go easily?"

"It's said that there is something about him in the semi saint's cave. It's clear that he has already come here. If he leaves now, he's really unwilling!"

Luo Qingshi's words surprised the people in Mingyue college. They all felt that it was a pity. Some people were so angry that they wanted to kill Lin Xuan and others.

"Tianxing University and Mingyue college are old enemies. They will meet sooner or later, and this cave is nothing. The emperor's road is reopened. There are countless opportunities ahead, so there is no need to regret anything."

"Let's go. It's hard to deal with these people in front of us. We can't get into the sealed cave in a short time. We'll waste too much time to avoid leaving late and going through a bloody battle. That's not worth the loss."

"Yes, if you are really driven by the old friends of Tianxing University, you will have to leave a few more lives. After all, it's in the Daqian Dynasty, the base camp of other people. It's a great loss."

However, some people are against it and others are in favor of it. Among those who spoke, there was also a great man.

So far, without any hesitation, the people of Mingyue college had to nod.

Not far away, Wu Qinghe's face is not willing. His face is very blue, and there is a crystal bead of blood hanging around his mouth. His hair is scattered and glaring at Lin Xuan.

But he also understood that it was difficult to kill Lin Xuan only by his own strength. Let's wait for the future!

"Lin Xuan... If you kill my brother, you won't lose your life in vain. I'm not your opponent in the physical battle, but if you return to the world, you are doomed to die!"

"Next time I meet you, I will take your head!"

Wu Qinghe's eyes shot out two immortal gods. A huge black stone was swept by his eyes. It exploded in an instant, and the stone fragments were flying all over the sky, covering the sky!

Then, he completely turned around and left with his back to Lin Xuan. Even if he was not Lin Xuan's opponent, his momentum was still strong. He was very confident that Lin Xuan did not dare to fight him again, and he was holding his breath in his heart!

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