Because Lin Xuan and others have no ability to stop. If they do it by force, they will only increase the casualties.

There is a huge gap in the number of people, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. If we do it, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Lin Xuan stood in front of the cliff, quietly watching the people of Mingyue college leave so quietly, without any action.

Shi Botian and others have no desire to fight, they are not stupid, they do not force.

"Really special

"Shame, let them go."

"We don't even have the qualification and strength to stay. How can we compete with it?"

When they arrived at Mingyue college, they all turned around and walked down the mountain. On the side of Shi Shatian's body, all the people in the University suddenly spoke!

It's true that they have some grievances. When people come and leave in such a swagger, they can't do anything at all. They are simply pinned on the pillar of shame.

"This is not only a shame, but also a motive force. This trip to the secret place should have made you realize the gap between us and Mingyue college. Our generation should practice bravely and not lose momentum. In the future, sooner or later, there will be a day to wash away the shame!"

Hong Hao was bathed in the divine light. He seemed quite mysterious. At the moment, he suddenly felt very sad. Everyone was moved by what he said.

Lin Xuan's heart was silent, but he looked at the far away figure under the cliff.

However, at this moment, it seems that the heart has a soul like, that left a beautiful shadow suddenly turned around, Luo Qingshi white hair, Xiafei cheeks, do not appear pale.

Her smile was bright, like stars, like larks, and her voice spread in the valley: "Lin Xuan, I'll see you again on the way to the emperor. Don't die too soon!"

"Next time, you won't be so lucky. I'll win back with integrity by practicing Taoism and Dharma!"

It seems that this is the reason why she didn't kill Lin Xuan with several invincible heroes!

Luo Qingshi is not very convinced. She looks a little arrogant. It seems that she has never tasted the feeling of being chased by others. She has no pity for jade at all. She also says that she wants to take her as a maid.

This kind of poetry makes Luo Qing feel novel.

It's the first time that she has been treated like this!

On the black cliff, the wind whistling in his ear mixed with women's voice. It seemed that Lin Xuan felt something and said, "when Emperor Lu says goodbye, if you lose again, I'm afraid you will be suppressed by me and become a maid!"

"Hum, Lin Xuan, are you really not afraid that I will turn around and kill you now?"

Lin Xuan's voice was like a great bell, which spread far and wide. Luo Qingshi was a little annoyed and snorted!

Lin Xuan laughed and didn't say much.

And Luo Qingshi, after saying the slightly threatening words, calmly turned back, disappeared in the dense glow, and left!

At this time, Shi Botian and others came to Lin Xuan and said with a smile, "brother Lin, if you are not too strong, you can't force them to leave."

"Yes, brother Lin is too fierce. He should have surprised those people in Mingyue college. Otherwise, they would never leave so easily!"

Chen Yunfan smiles and stands side by side with his sister.

"I don't deserve so much credit. It's because of you, especially brother Shi and brother Hong. They are full of Qi and blood. Just standing in front of them gives people a strong pressure. It's wise for them to stop in time!"

"If it's really delayed by us, when the elders of the University come, none of them will be able to leave!"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile.

After that, they all complimented and courted each other. Obviously, they all recognized Lin Xuan's fighting power. Although his realm was not so high, it was a great shock to people. Every time he made a move, it seemed like he was going to make a breakthrough!

Then, Lin Xuan turns around and looks at Shen Qingfeng, who is sitting in front of the forbidden cave. He smiles and takes out two Lei Lingdan from the storage space.

Pass one of them to Shen Qingfeng!

"Recover first, there are some ways in this cave, I'm afraid it's not easy to enter!"

Now Mingyue College's strong enemy leaves, but Lin Xuan doesn't dare to guarantee that his own people won't attack secretly.

No one knows what's in this semi holy cave. No one who has been testing has been able to find a way to open the ban. Although it is said that after the death of the Dharma, the ban has become weaker and weaker.

However, no matter how it is said, it is also the legacy of a semi saint. Even if more than ten thousand years have passed, everything will be rotten. The prohibition in front of this cave is still not easy for them to break.

All Lin Xuan could believe was Shen Qingfeng and Shen MuQing. The others, however, were just like that. They had never experienced real life and death.

And there are not only many big medicines in it, but also the vitality of thunder and lightning. There are many advantages in it. Lin Xuan doesn't have a few left.

The effect of this elixir on the recovery of injury is fantastic, because the lightning is pregnant with vitality, just like the lightning wood. When the lightning is gone, the withered and scorched wood will bloom again, and grow more luxuriant than before!

This is all from the most original pure life, very effective use.

Only ordinary lightning wood has such vitality, not to mention how incredible it is that Lin Xuan uses Dan Ding to refine medicine in the fierce thunder sea.

"Thank you!" Shen Qingfeng grins and smiles. He has blood on his mouth. His face is pale. His original luxurious robes and clothes have been damaged and worn in the previous war.

This war made Shen Qingfeng feel a little uncomfortable. He not only consumed too much of his divine power, but also forced his Qi and blood to fight in the flesh, which made his Qi and blood dry.

Now after taking a Lei Ling pill, Shen Qingfeng has to feel strange and show a smile. The pills he swallows in his abdomen are like small volcanoes. The pure Qi of life along the meridians fills the four limbs and blood vessels.

This makes Shen Qingfeng's body more and more extraordinary, and a ray of blue and purple color appears on his body surface.

Not far away, Shen MuQing is also sitting with her eyes closed. Like Shen Qingfeng, she has never been promoted to a spiritual master, but it seems that she has got an unimaginable chance in a secret place. Lin Xuan's cultivation at the moment feels stronger than that of a spiritual master.

"Take it."

Lin Xuan gives Shen MuQing another Lei Lingdan. The latter doesn't say much, nods with a smile, and then closes her eyes again. This time, she is also seriously injured. Even if she has an effective medicine, she can't recover in half a month.

But because Lei Lingdan is too magical, only a few hours later, Shen MuQing opened his eyes. Deep in his eyes, there seems to be a phoenix flying, flashing a bright blood red light.

It was also at this time that the elders of the college forcibly suppressed the realm and Taoism, entered the secret realm and came to meet them.

After learning that the people of Mingyue college had left, the elder was relieved!

So far, the trial has to continue. The suppression of the elder's realm in this world is too terrible, which has irreversible harm to his cultivation. He has to crush the copper order first and leave the secret place again!

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