In this battle, neither Mingyue college nor Tianxing college has gained any advantage.

In comparison, Mingyue college suffered a lot, which damaged several top-level Tianjiao. Many of the other disciples and Mo Yun, who is known as a rare talent in a thousand years, also died in the hands of Lin Xuan.

Although more than ten disciples died in Tianxing University, they were not the top ones.

However, at this time, it was found that some of the top talents were missing.

"The fairy in fengyuegu disappeared and was suspected to have been taken away."

An elder uses a special secret method to transmit sound. Almost all the remaining heroes gather in the immortal mountain and appear in front of the gate of the semi holy cave.

Unfortunately, there is a beauty, but did not appear.

"Li shuihan, it's her..."

When Lin Xuan heard the speech, he had some impression that the woman's beauty was comparable to that of fairy E in the sky, and she was quite charming. Her words and deeds revealed a taste of all kinds of customs.

At the beginning, Lin Xuan had a short conversation with this man on his way here. Unfortunately, it was the last time he met.

"The descendants of Fengyue Valley practice double cultivation, and their skills are quite strange. If they can find the right person, they will not only get twice the result with half the effort, but also have infinite beauty. They can benefit the men who practice double cultivation with them."

Honghao, who has seen a lot, said at the moment.

"Moreover, she has a special constitution. It seems that she has the same constitution as the founder of Fengyue valley. Practicing this secret method can get twice the result with half the effort and help the man to practice. I think that fairy may have been taken away as a cauldron."

These words may sound confusing at first, but if they are clear, they will be very chilling. If someone really uses such means, it would be heartless.

One of the so-called "human stove" is a medicine stove. It is a way for a pharmacist to plant seeds in the human body and refine a big medicine.

There is another explanation, that is, the theory of double cultivation of life, which takes a woman's body as a cauldron and grabs a woman's blood essence and life Qi. The so-called collection of yin and tonifying yang is such a truth.

The cultivation method of Fengyue valley itself is very strange. It is very difficult to touch the profound level of double cultivation. If you meet people who do not use any means, you may really become a cauldron among people.

"If so, it's really sensational!"

A lot of people feel cold in their hearts and can't help but show a look of horror!

"That fairy is not to be slaughtered. It's also extraordinary. Maybe it's not what we imagined. No matter how hard it is, you can crush the copper and order to escape. People like her don't even have the chance to escape!"

"Yes, the fairies in fengyuegu have endless means. I've dealt with them before. It's not easy to deal with them!"

At this time, some people in the crowd spoke calmly, not influenced by some startled words.

"Although the cultivation methods of the descendants of this pulse are special, they are pure and pure. They are not the laissez faire generation. They love one person all their lives. The valley owners of Fengyue Valley in all ages are all gods."

"Only those who can trust their lives can be selected to teach them the secret method and practice with them. Otherwise, they will never be disclosed easily."

Not far away, his eighth highness got up, his power was surging, his recovery was almost the same, and his face was ruddy. He laughed and said, "yes, I also heard that there are fatal drawbacks in this secret method. In double cultivation, women are naturally weak, and they will be completely restrained by men. Even in a moment, they can seize women's cultivation and vitality, and they can live and kill whatever they want."

"This secret method was originally created by a saint and practiced by the supreme joyous Dharma. All the way to the end of the saint, it was only one step away from entering the realm of the supreme emperor. It even established a religion called the joyous sect. When it was still there, it was the first-class sect in the northern region!"

"Later, after the fall of the saint, one of his disciples was so surprised that he took a different path with his sword."

"He used this technique to enter the devil's way, snatched many gifted goddess's origin, adopted Yin to replenish Yang, and brought disaster to the northern region. He did too much anger and resentment. Later, he provoked several holy places, and finally he was uprooted."

"Later, the secret law became forbidden, and was abandoned by the people. Later, the early generations of the master of the wind Moon Valley began to deduce on the basis of the secret law of the Acacia Da FA, and took the essence of the trough, and gradually evolved into the secret of today's wind and Moon Valley.

Speaking of this, Hong Hao nodded to one side and said, "it's true. It's said that the devil is so strong that he uses himself as a stove and takes the advantages of a hundred families to integrate the origin of many goddess into himself. His cultivation is so fast that it's sensational."

"If the holy land had not intervened and never grown up, I would not know how many gods and saints would have suffered!"

Taoist priest Qingxuan was dressed in a Taoist robe with two colors of Qingxuan, sword eyebrows and stars, and his whole body was full of unspeakable Taoist rhyme.

He gathered up his sleeve robe, stepped on his Taoist boots, carried a three foot wooden sword, with his green hair tied behind his head and a hairpin. He also came over and said, "there are some records in our sect. It's said that there are not a few holy women who fall into the hands of the devil. Even some holy women in the supreme cult and holy land have been poisoned by this man."

These words made Lin Xuan feel too sensational.

What is a goddess?

The female descendants in the non first class clan and inheritance dare not be called goddess.

What is a saint?

The descendants who are not cultivated in the great religion and the supreme immortal sect, or even in the eternal holy land, dare not be called saints!

The devil can succeed so many times, and his combat power must be invincible. If such talent is used in the right way, he will go a long way.

Unfortunately, however, the sword goes to the wrong side and becomes the devil to be scolded by thousands of people.

Honghao also nodded, and then continued: "the eighth highness and Taoist brother Qingxuan are very right. This vein is really related to the Hehuan sect, but there's no need to worry too much about fairy Li."

"The so-called double cultivation method in Fengyue Valley is the secret of not passing on. Only the descendants of each generation can know it. Even if someone really wants to use lishuihan fairy as a cauldron furnace to grab her accomplishments, they must at least understand the secret of this vein."

"If she didn't speak in person, she would never have been successful!"

These words listen to in Lin Xuan's ear, but didn't put down the heart, just on his face calm, light say: "hope so."

At present, they can't do anything. Whether they are taken away by the people of Mingyue college has not been decided. If they really want to investigate, they should at least wait until they leave the secret place.

At this moment, Hong Hao turned around and no longer talked about Li shuihan. Instead, he looked at the semi holy cave blocked by the ban.

His eyes are bright, his whole body is covered with divine radiance, showing a bright white luster, his treasure is solemn, and his spirit is extraordinary.

"Everyone, the elder has said that great changes have taken place. Many changes have taken place in the meteorite God battlefield outside. It is suspected that it is related to the alien race. Accidents may happen at any time."

"And we all know that the emperor's road is about to restart. Now time is really urgent. I'm afraid we can't stay in the secret place for too long. But since we have come here, the semi holy cave is in front of us. It's a pity to leave here. We always have to go in and have a look."

"So, I don't know what you can do to break the ban. We can leave as soon as possible."

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