It's hard to find the trace of Li shuihan, but the semi holy cave in front of everyone's eyes is close at hand. Just break the ban, you can enter it.

It's not surprising what kind of immortal treasures a semi Saint left behind in his once closed cave, which makes many people ready to move, with golden light in their eyes.

The cliff is black all over. In front of the cave, there are many black and brown blood stains, showing a wild breath, like the magnificent blood from a long time.

Lin Xuan squatted down curiously, gently stroked the dark brown cliff, sniffed it on the tip of his nose, and said quietly: "after many years, the blood here has not dissipated. It is obvious that there was a bloody battle here, and the destruction of xuanming sect was only the alien rebellion."

"It must have something to do with it, but even though it was beaten to the depths of the immortal mountain by people of other nationalities, the ban in front of this semi holy cave has not been broken, which is enough to show the horror of the ban."

"I'm afraid it's not so easy for us to break the ban!"

Lin Xuan reached out and touched the invisible barrier. Ten thousand wisps of red haze poured out in front of the cave. It was like a heavenly gate. It was like separating two worlds. It was hard to move forward.

"These bloodstains are indeed the legacy of that war. At the beginning, the invincible Tianjiao of the alien race attacked Xianshan and killed many disciples of xuanming sect. It was extremely tragic."

"If it wasn't for the fact that some unrivalled and orthodox experts came to help, so that the original alien people didn't stay much, and they didn't waste their time to break the ban, otherwise what we see today will be broken walls."

"Later, the supreme figure with great power covered the sky with one hand and slapped it, almost defeated the small world and destroyed Daofa. The former site of the outer gate became the battlefield of meteorite God after the bloody battle. Few people dare to step on it again, which makes this secret place a Jedi."

"If it had not been for the strong to stabilize the world, I'm afraid the secret place would have been broken and turned into pieces of desolation in the boundless void. We would never have seen these."

In his words, Hong Hao was very lucky. He stood in front of the crowd and was surrounded by people, just like a holy emperor. He was surrounded by divine splendor and was extraordinary.

"Before you came here, my eighth highness and I had tried to break the ban by force, but unfortunately, even in the past ten thousand years, the ban still stood still, like a great mountain, which is hard to destroy."

Thanks to Lin Xuan's Lei Lingdan, Shen Qingfeng's injury is almost recovered. He stands up and says to Lin Xuan.

"Yes, although the forbidden system in front of the cave has been destroyed, which is less than one percent of what it was more than ten thousand years ago, if we use brute force, let alone us, even if a venerable is here, it may not be able to break it."

"If you want to enter the cave, you need to think of other ways."

His eighth highness, dressed in a yellow boa robe, with black hair flying and high spirits, said with a smile.

"Can't you?"

Lin Xuan heard that he didn't believe in evil. He pondered, squeezed his hand into a fist, and suddenly hit the invisible barrier like a yellow dragon, which led to a complete uprising of ten thousand rays of red haze, which left a gorgeous light in the air.

When all the aftershocks are gone, the prohibition in front of the cave is still intact, and it has not been greatly shaken.

"That's true!"

Lin Xuan sighed and rubbed his hands, which represented his utmost effort.

Once upon a time, a boxing, what tianjiaorenjie will scream, be hit hard, but now it can not shake a ban.

Seeing this, Honghao said in silence: "do you think I have to go for nothing when I wait for this trip?"

"The semi holy cave is right in front of you, but you can't get to the door. If you leave here, you'll be a little reluctant."

At this time, even if he was as strong as a stone, he was disappointed. Lin Xuan's hand was already terrible. In his eyes, that kind of powerful fist could even break through mountains and rivers. If it fell on people, it would be useless if it didn't die!

But even such a strong blow can't break through the prohibition. You can imagine how strong the prohibition is!

"Why don't we fight together and try our best, maybe there are some chances."

With a smile, Chen Yunfan stepped forward and looked like he was going to make a move.

Taoist Qingxuan nodded his head and said, "yes, since we have all gathered here, we should have a try. If we really don't have a chance, we should try our best. We will always have a chance to find it again in the future."

The little monk's bald head flickered, as if it was made of gold, emitting golden light. He said silently, "Amitabha, I also want to have a try."

"Well, since that's the case, there's nothing to say. Time is pressing. I hope you don't have any reservations. You must do your best!"

"If we can break it, it's OK. If we can't, we can go to the secret place to find other opportunities. We don't have to waste time here!"

Lin Xuan's hands were down, his white clothes were better than snow, and his black hair was like a waterfall. He stood in front of everyone and made a final decision.

At present, almost no one dares to refute Lin Xuan. He has already proved who is the real outstanding person with absolute strength. His means are terrible and his fighting power is unparalleled.

In this secret territory, his words are even more effective than the eighth Prince and others.

It seems that it has become the top talent in Tianxing University!

When he spoke, other people naturally agreed. Shen Qingfeng didn't have to say that he was on Lin Xuan's side. Shi Botian and others were familiar, and they all agreed with each other.

"Well, with Lin Xuan's words, we can't retreat. Naturally, we have to have a try!"

"Yes, let's do it together. As for whether we can break it or not, we should try our best!"

"Don't say anything more. I don't believe that in the past ten thousand years, even Taoism and Dharma have been extinct. This prohibition has such a great effect that it can stop us!"

According to common sense, in this small world, all prohibitions will be invalid.

However, because the origin of this fairy mountain is too long, it is very likely that it is a corner of the fairy mountain left over from the flood and famine era. It is mysterious and special. Even if the Taoism and Dharma are dead, there are still the Taoism and Dharma in this fairy mountain, which is hard to erase.

That's why the prohibition in front of the cave is so difficult to break.

What's more, they all want to see what treasures there are in the cave. Now Lin Xuan wants to join hands.

"Well, in that case, what are you waiting for?"

Lin Xuan was laughing. Suddenly, a great power came out of his palm. It evolved into a pair of big hands, which covered the sky. It was like smashing mountains and rivers, falling down from the sky and shooting on the invisible barrier in front of the cave!


This strike led to a riot in the void. The rocks in the valley pierced the clouds. Even the majestic mountains seemed to crack, making a loud noise, like thunder!

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