Almost at the same time, Shi Po Tian, Hong Hao, his eighth highness, Taoist Qingxuan, little monk and so on all joined hands and made a great impact. The original dense aura seemed to be destroyed and scattered, making the sky clear!

They are all the top talents. Everyone can be on their own. At this moment, it's like the end of the world. The earth is shaking and the fairy mountains are shaking and roaring!

We must know that this is the immortal mountain in the flood and famine era. Even if it is just a corner cut off, it is still extraordinary. Even the rocks are as hard as black iron, which is hard to destroy.

But at the moment, between the dark mountains, it's like a whirl of heaven, and the whole small world seems to be overturning. It's extremely terrifying!

Some people spit out a mouthful of God Mang, cut through the void, crack the sky and move the earth.

The eighth Prince shakes his finger and turns it into a peerless sword to cut the Castle Peak in the twinkling of an eye.

There are also two fists of stone breaking the sky, such as the God of war, thundering around his body, flashing infinite electric light.

All kinds of methods are used. The stars shine on the past and the present, and the secret art is transformed into a phoenix spreading its wings, and the sky is stained with red blood

That kind of rare means, this short instant together, as if the mighty, all bombardment in the seemingly fragile, but actually indestructible invisible prohibition!

The red glow all over the sky is as red as blood in the sky. Hundreds of millions of rays of light are floating and sinking, which cut off the past, present and future, making it difficult for infinite divine power to move forward before the barrier.

Such a scene let Lin Xuan and others thoroughly see, what is the semi Saint left behind means!


Even if more than ten thousand years have passed and the laws of heaven and earth are dead, the original prohibition still has the most powerful power, which is hard to break.

"How could it be?"

"Can't shake it, is there any reason?"

"No wonder no one has ever broken into it for more than ten thousand years. It's not that our predecessors are not strong, but that we are too weak."

"It seems that today, it is doomed to be difficult to break this prohibition!"

The disciples of many universities all lamented and thought it a pity, but they all recognized the reality and thought that there was no hope to enter the cave.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, not to mention what's good in the cave. We're already surprised by the plants planted in front of the cave!"

Chen Yunfan sighed. He looked into the forbidden area, and several shining elixirs planted in front of the cave were all swaying. Even if there were forbidden barriers, he could still smell the fragrance of the medicine coming from the emptiness.

Can pass through the void, fragrance floating ten li!

"What, is that the king of medicine?"

At this moment, someone exclaimed, even if standing here for a long time, they thought that the level of the elixir would not be low, but they didn't expect that they were several drug kings!

What is the king of medicine?

It's a rare elixir, the king of medicine!

How amazing is it that an ordinary king of medicine can prolong his life by 500 years?

Although the king of medicine to eat more will produce drug resistance, the effect will not be as strong as the initial, but also rare incomparable.

In the clan, they are all life-saving elixirs. There are so many of them, and they have a deep foundation.

"Yes, those are indeed the king of medicine, and even among the king of medicine, they are extraordinary varieties. It takes 1000 years from seed to germination and 2000 years from germination to maturity. It takes 3000 years to grow into a patent medicine. "

"This medicine has very high efficacy. It is the main medicine of some kind of life prolonging pill. If there is that kind of prescription, refining it into a pill will double the effect."

"In ancient history, it was recorded that a master of medicine refining used this medicine as the main ingredient to make a magic pill and prolong his life for two thousand years!"

"Ten million spirit stones are hard to find. As far as I know, there is only one purple wind chime in the royal family in the Daqian Dynasty. Now there are four at once!"

"It's just a pity that I can only see it, but I can't touch it."

Taoist Qingxuan also sighed, looking at the four drug kings in front of the cave, very hot eyed!

"I've heard of it before. It's the first time I've seen it today. It turns out that it's the purple wind bell. It's said that the maturity period of this medicine is extremely long. If it's not picked and allowed to grow naturally, it can live for thousands of years!"

"More than a thousand years later, the king of medicine will wither, turn into seeds and continue to grow."

"I'm afraid I've seen this medicine for a long time. The petals are not so crystal clear. I don't know how many years later, they will wither completely."

At this time, Mu Qianqian, the old lady of the imperial family who had not spoken for a long time, actually spoke. She had a beautiful face. She was dressed in red, as if she were a Phoenix, showing noble temperament. The green silk was falling like the Milky way, flying wantonly, beautiful and moving.

"You've talked me into saying that I can't leave today. These drug kings alone will break the ban."

Lin Xuan swallowed. It was the best thing he had ever seen in his life. Nothing was more important than longevity.

To live long is the real skill.

"Where there is a prohibition, it must not be carved out of thin air. It must have its source, so as to provide a continuous force for the prohibition."

"Since it's hard for us to break the prohibition, we might as well look for it. If we can destroy the source of the prohibition's power, then the prohibition will not break itself, and there will be nothing to stop it at that time."

Lin Xuan in the final analysis is also against Wen a little opinion, know this inside the door.

Although there are also some invincible array pattern masters who can connect heaven and earth with the array patterns carved by hand, and borrow the rules, or the general trend of heaven and earth, which is commonly known as the pattern of geomantic omen, Lin Xuan has never heard that the semi saint of xuanming sect was born as an array pattern master.

It's not easy to use the terrain as a source of power for prohibition. It's hard to be a leader of the array pattern.

As for the law of heaven and earth, it can be ruled out, because the law of heaven and earth is dead. If the law of heaven and earth is really the source of strength, the prohibition would have been broken long ago.

There must be something else as the source of strength, which is also known as the array eye!

As long as the eyes of the array are broken, the prohibition will naturally collapse

"Brother Lin, do you mean that if you find the eye of the forbidden system, you can break it?"

Honghao's reaction was also quick. Although he had never practiced the way of array pattern, he had no little contact with it. Naturally he understood Lin Xuan's meaning.

"Yes, that's what I mean."

"If an array is forbidden, there must be an array eye within ten feet. You can look for it and see what's wrong."

Lin Xuan nodded and said.

However, at this moment, Shen MuQing felt that he suddenly looked up at the drug kings in front of the cave and felt absurd.

"This eye may not be outside the prohibition, but within the prohibition, and in front of our eyes."

Shen MuQing also had great attainments along the way. Originally, she had such thoughts and ideas, but she didn't rush to open her mouth. After hearing Lin Xuan's words, she felt as if she was enlightened, and her heart was very clear.

Lin Xuan smell speech, also curious looked over, along with Shen MuQing's line of sight, Lin Xuan suddenly a Zheng, also seem to think of something, the face shows a pair of bitter gourd color, open a way: "you mean... This array of eyes, should not be those several medicine king?"

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