"What, these eyes are the medicine kings?"

Lin Xuan's words were so sensational that Shi Shatian and others were all surprised, with a look of disbelief.

"My God, it's really a means left by the semi saints. It's really a big deal. It's hard to find a single purple wind chime in the outside world. I didn't expect that several plants were planted here as the forbidden array eyes. It's just outrageous."

"Doesn't it mean that if we want to break the ban, we need to destroy the king of medicine first?"

This result is hard for people to accept. It's like seeing Baoshan and finding the way up the mountain. In the twinkling of an eye, it turns out that everything is a mirage.

Lin Xuan is also helpless.

The reason why he wants to break the ban is for the sake of these drug kings, but now he tells him that if he wants to break the ban, he must destroy these drug kings first

It's torture.

"I finally understand why the previous Yaowang plants are full of vitality, their leaves are crystal clear, and the fragrance of their stamens is overflowing, but now they are a little dim. It's all because just now we wanted to destroy this prohibition by force, which consumed part of Yaowang's medicinal power."

"If you want to continue to break the ban by force, it's no accident that several drug kings in front of the cave will all wither and use up their last power."

Honghao came forward, staring at the swaying king of medicine, his eyes were burning, and the brilliant essence gushed out of the elixir, which was mysterious.

"What a pity."

"If these medicine kings are destroyed in this way, they are really destroying things. It seems that we can't rush into them. If we don't wait for the future, we will be able to find a way to enter them."

Others are also echoing. They feel that they can't destroy such a treasure. It's a life-saving medicine. Life and death are human flesh and bones. It's also a treasure that can extend the longevity of Yuan Dynasty!

However, at this time, Lin Xuan slowly swayed two circles in front of the invisible barrier, and suddenly thought that the towering atlas he had learned was mysterious enough, and he just realized that the original Rune of "gate" might have some effect.

Now Lin Xuan's array pattern cultivation is very good. At the beginning, he could open the domain gate for a short time. Now it's not impossible for him to open a gap in the prohibition with the original Rune of "open the door"!

"Maybe it will work!"

Lin Xuan had a flash of light in his head and a dazzling light in his eyes. Instead of speaking, he sank down to face the invisible barrier and gave full play to all his attainments.

With the magic power as the pen, it was burned in the void and evolved into the supernatural original rune.

At this moment, on the side of Lin Xuan's body, Shen MuQing's eyes were also bright. On her beautiful appearance, she showed a slight smile. It seemed that she remembered some of Lin Xuan's methods.


In an instant, before the invisible barrier, it seemed that the waves floated, rippled, mixed with wisps of sound waves, like the ringing of a bell, shaking the valley.

An obscure and strange mysterious Rune was engraved in Lin Xuan's hand, and a great power appeared in his fingers, constantly carving in the void

I saw that the original impregnable invisible barrier, actually at this moment, gradually evolved into a one-man door.

Inside that door, red auspicious air gushes out. This is the most original essence of heaven and earth. It comes from the flood and famine era. It is higher than pure aura. When inhaled into the nose, it makes people feel fresh and refreshed, and aura overflows.

"What's going on?"

In addition to Shen MuQing, almost all of them were surprised. Looking at Lin Xuan, they didn't understand why the scene happened.

Originally, the eighth royal highness and others had planned to give up, but they didn't expect that the willows were dark and the flowers were bright. Lin Xuan opened a door with his own means, and could enter it freely!

Moreover, not only did other people find it difficult to understand, but even Lin Xuan himself did not expect that the original Rune on the towering atlas was so miraculous that it could really open the ban

Lin xuanqiang held the light door and gave Shen MuQing a look. The latter nodded and entered the light door tacitly. Then, without any hesitation, he collected all the medicine kings from the cave!

It is also at this moment that the invisible light curtain seems to disintegrate into hundreds of millions of rays of light, floating to the sky, and disappear completely!

"It's so simple?"

The little monk touched his golden bald head. He was still a little confused. Everything in front of him happened so fast that he could hardly react.

"The prohibition is broken!"

At this time, Yan Chixiao woke up from shock and exclaimed.

The stone breaks the sky is also a step forward, just like shrinking the ground into an inch, goes to the side of Lin Xuan's body, calmly smiles, and says: "well, brother Lin, you have such a means, why don't you use it earlier, I thought it was really out of the cave!"

"Brother Lin is a good tool. It's too deep!"

Honghao came along with him, smiling brightly. He stood in front of the cave with his hands on his back.

However, at this moment, someone was bewitched by the king of medicine and began to shout: "well, Lin Xuan, you have already had a way to enter it. You were cheating us. Now you are taking away the four king of medicine quickly. What do you want to do?"

"That's right. If you want to have a share in the meeting, don't you want to eat alone?"

"Do you really think that if you push back a few outstanding people from Mingyue college, you will be able to respect them. Don't you ask me if we agree?"

Not only some people who couldn't get on the stage scolded him, but also some old friends stood up at the moment, all of them were very eager to force Lin Xuan to hand over the king of medicine!

"Ha ha, brother Lin, you and I are old acquaintances. It's against the rules for you to do so, isn't it?"

Having fought with Lin Xuan, Yang Biluo, who was defeated by Lin Xuan, came out of the crowd with a smile and took the lead to ask.

At the same time, Xu Longxiang, the leader of the little valley in the Luoxia Valley, also said with a smile: "brother Lin, it's really not authentic for you to do this. The king of medicine is a fairy treasure, but life and death are human flesh and bones, which can continue the longevity of yuan."

"If you open this prohibition system, you should get a drug king. We don't have any objection to that. We just hope brother Lin will hand over the other three so that we can share them together..."

By his side, the beautiful and graceful fairy also said, "yes, brother Lin, we all know each other well. We usually admire brother Lin, but it's a hot potato. I'm afraid you don't have such a big appetite to eat it. You'd better hand it over and save our hands..."

It's more than that. The eighth prince, standing quietly on one side, also smiles a little. He looks like a gentleman like jade, elegant and graceful, but he is also forcing Lin Xuan!

"Brother Lin, we are all from the same family. We really don't want to hurt each other. But this medicine king is of great use to us. It's too overbearing for you to monopolize all of us?"

"We know that brother Lin is very powerful. I'm afraid he doesn't pay attention to ordinary people. But now, so many people are dissatisfied with what brother Lin has done. Is brother Lin still determined to go his own way?"

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