Although the king of medicine was taken away by Shen MuQing, these people all knew that Lin Xuan was in a group, which was almost the same as taking away himself.

And Shen MuQing they don't put in the eye, the only fear is Lin Xuan, as long as you get him, Shen MuQing is nothing.

No one thought that all the people who shared the same hatred just now would fight and kill again at this moment, and they were all serious and ready to fight!

Seeing such a funny scene also made Lin Xuan sneer.

"Ha ha ha, it's really interesting, interesting!"

Not to mention that the prohibition was broken by him alone, he should also be responsible for the distribution of the things in it.

Just now, Lin Xuan had brought people here to help, and he didn't hesitate to fight with the experts of Mingyue College for them!

As a result, in a twinkling of an eye, the foreign enemy just left, and his own people turned around and wanted to attack him!

How ridiculous!

This is the person he just tried his best to protect?

"Why, do you want to do something to me?"

Lin Xuan turned back with great interest, smiling all over his face, but in his eyes, he was cold, as if the ice had not melted for ten thousand years.

"Ha ha, what brother Lin said, naturally, we are thinking of brother Lin's kindness of helping us just now, but this one yard is one yard. Now, brother Lin, you are taking all the four medicine kings. It's too overbearing!"

"Not only do we have opinions, but we must be very dissatisfied with brother Lin's action even if we don't speak to some of our classmates."

Yang Biluo some Yin Yang strange Qi of say, fear in Lin Xuan's strength, still in stir up, want to pull more people into the water.

However, this move has been refuted and ridiculed.

"Hum, don't be so weird there. Don't call yourself a hero in vain!"

"This rare book of immortals in the secret territory is the place where those who have the ability can live. If brother Lin didn't do it, let alone the king of medicine, he couldn't even enter the cave."

"I think it's reasonable for brother Lin to take this medicine King away."

The stone breaks the sky to be cold to hum a, at the moment unexpectedly abnormal direct stand in front of Lin Xuan's position, angrily scold Yang Biluo.

It's obvious that the feeling after the war is much deeper.

Hong Hao also nodded with a smile and said, "yes, more people bully less people? You people shouldn't have saved you. Now the means to turn your back on others are perfect! "

The little monk also had a friendship with Lin Xuan. At the moment, he also said, "Amitabha, it should be so."

Shen Qingfeng didn't say much. He also stood beside Lin Xuan with a cold hum, as if he didn't agree with him, so he had to do it!

In this way, Lin Xuan's people are not few, and they are all top talents with strong fighting power.

Although there are more people than them, they are only the eight princes, Yang Biluo and luoxiagu.

As for Taoist Qingxuan, Yan Chixiao, Mu Qianqian and others are not in a hurry to speak, which means that the two do not help each other.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan also laughed. He took the four drug kings from Shen MuQing and said calmly, "the drug king is in my hands. If you have any ideas, you can come and take them. I will accompany you to the end."

Although his words were not so loud, they trembled in the hearts of the people like nine days of thunder.

At this moment, even if he was as strong as the eighth prince, he didn't expect that so many people chose to help Lin Xuan, but didn't plan to divide the medicine king, which made him make some mistakes.

"Ha ha, brother Lin is joking. Well, I'm waiting for you. I'm fascinated by the king of medicine."

"If you think about it carefully, it's really reasonable for brother Lin to take the king of medicine away."

"Well, now the semi holy cave is right in front of us. We are still wondering what the medicine king outside the cave will do. I have a premonition that the treasures in the cave will be as many as the silver mountain, and no worse than the medicine king!"

The eighth Prince wanted to beat Lin Xuan, but he became the one who was beaten.

At this time, we can only pretend to switch off the topic at will, and no longer summarize Lin Xuan's words.

In fact, Lin Xuan, Shi Po Tian and Hong Hao were too strong together. No matter how reluctant the eighth prince was, he still had to bow his head.

"Hum, I thought his eighth highness really wanted to do it, ha ha!"

Shen Qingfeng sneered, as if to vent his anger for Lin Xuan, and made a deliberate mockery.

If these words are changed into bad temper, I'm afraid they will start a fight of life and death.

But unfortunately, he met the eighth prince. He was so happy and angry that he couldn't see his thoughts.

At the moment, he was calm and didn't care about anything. Instead, he said to the people, "go, the prohibition has been broken. I can't wait to enter the cave to see what good things will be there!"

On the lawn in front of the cave, in addition to the four drug kings, there were more than a dozen high-quality elixirs, overflowing with fragrance. Instead of starting, Lin Xuan gave them to others, and they were picked and taken away by several people.

This cave is made of nature. It looks as if it has been washed by running water. It is smooth and glittering.

A tunnel about tens of meters long is as bright as day. Colorful stalactites are paved on the wall of the cave, shining like stars shining on the sky and the earth.

These stalactites seem to contain pure aura, and each of them exudes wisps of essence, which is quite extraordinary.

"This is... The alien stone!"

However, just entering the passage, he saw Taoist Qingxuan staring at the strange stone on his head and was surprised.

"Oh, my God, it's really a different kind of spirit stone. There are so many. I've made a fortune. It's really half holy Cave..."

On weekdays, alien spirit stone is very rare. Unlike pure white spirit stone, alien spirit stone can only be found in the vein at a very few times. Its grade is higher than that of pure white spirit stone, and its aura is more pure and effective.

Ten thousand alien spirit stones are worth millions of ordinary spirit stones, which is very terrible.

And most of them are about the size of a fingernail. The biggest one is like a millstone, and the smaller one is bigger than a washbasin!

Together, it weighs hundreds of thousands of Jin at least!

Together, the value of these exotic spirit stones is comparable to tens of millions of ordinary spirit stones

It's just that everyone is so jealous that they want to move this cave away!

"No one wants to eat alone, do they? Those who see have their share, and each depends on his means! "

Yang Biluo takes a deep breath and directly scrapes a basin sized stone from the wall. Without saying a word, she takes it into the ring of Xumi.

Then, people like crazy general, all scrambling to grab up.

Lin Xuan also took advantage of the opportunity to take away 50000 or 60000 Jin of alien spirit stone, all hidden in the storage space!

Shen Qingfeng and others also reaped a lot, the most powerful is the stone. He collected more than 100000 alien spirit stones, and monopolized an area, not letting anyone near!

A group of people, like bandits, all poured into the real cave after some looting, and saw a scene that shocked them even more!

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