Outside the cave, the original prohibition was removed because of the king of medicine, so the natural collapse, the smooth cliff above the human figure, all in the mutual watching.

Among the eight people, Yang Biluo sneers and seems to have seen the ending of Lin Xuan. She looks down at him from a high position.

"Lin Xuan, don't blame me for not thinking about the old love. You asked for it all!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan complexion is calm, speech cold mouth: "hope you can still smile later!"

With his hands on his back, his blood soared to the sky. It seemed that there was an immortal voice echoing in the immortal mountain. It was ethereal and distant. It seemed that he had crossed the river of time, reflecting today!

With the breeze blowing on his face, Lin Xuan's hair is like a waterfall. His face is clean and handsome, his clothes are hunting, and his steps are peaceful, just like a God walking in the world.

Every step he took, the void was shaking, rippling like water.

The desolate air permeated the field through the boundless void. At this moment, all the spectators subconsciously held their breath, and their eyes were a little shocked, staring at the light figure in the field.

"Lin Xuan... It's so powerful. Why does it give me a feeling of the rebirth of ancient beasts?"

"It's a thrill to be so powerful!"

In the crowd, some people subconsciously open their mouth, full of shock.

However, Yang Biluo and others don't care, still sneer: "mole ants also want to go against the sky, do you think you can push us all alone?"


Lin Xuan snorted coldly. His state was at its peak, and the blood in his body was reviving, like thunder.

"Heaven's paw in the wilderness!"

At the next moment, Lin Xuan clapped his hand, and the great power gushed out of his hand. It turned into a big palm that blocked the sky and the sun. It seemed that he could pick the sun, the moon and the stars, and lift his hand to destroy the mountains!


This palm was fierce and suddenly came down. It was like a yellow spring falling down. The wisps of light came out of Lin Xuan's fingers and turned into silver swords, blocking all Yang Biluo's retreat!

This is the real meaning of the great wilderness prisoner's heaven palm!

If you reach the top of cultivation, you can trap the most powerful, and it's hard to escape!

I want to take this slap!

"In the past, I didn't kill you and left you to live for a while, but don't think that you can be disrespectful and bully me from now on!"

It was as if the mountains were shot down, which made the world change color. Yang Bi was also shocked by the blow, but he was extraordinary after all. He was a strong enemy who could fight with Lin xuanzhan at the beginning!

"Lin Xuan, why do you say so much? You and I are destined to be enemies. Sooner or later, there will be such a battle of life and death!"


At this moment, a dragon song resounds through the sky, and Yang Biluo's hand is the most powerful means!

"Dragon Seal!"

Yang Biluo gave a loud drink, his body was crystal clear, and the blood of gods and Demons revived. His long blue hair was blown up by the wind, making him like a blue haired God of war!

Behind it, wisps of golden light gushed out, and even gathered into a golden dragon on the sky!

The huge eyes open and close as if two big sun rolling, lifelike, like a real dragon!

This is Yang Biluo's secret skill, which was used in the fight with Lin Xuan!

The golden dragon was strong to the top, carrying the great power that could run through the heaven and the earth, as if to break through the shackles of the heaven and the earth, and also to break through the huge palm of Lin Xuan's hand!

Between heaven and earth, the Dragon chants, the Golden Dragon roars!


In the fierce battlefield, the majestic dragon surrounded the sacred golden light, broke through all the obstacles, and wanted to run through the whole world, with great momentum!

The big hand that originally covered the sky and the sun disintegrated in a flash!

No one thought that Yang Biluo had blocked Lin Xuan's move!

"What... Lin Xuan and other powerful means were easily resolved by Yang Biluo!"

"I really underestimated him before. He was also hiding his accomplishments. Among the strongest talents in the University, there must be a place for him!"

"That kind of blood power, strong to the extreme, like a volcanic eruption, too shocking!"

"Who is he? Is this kind of blood... Some kind of special constitution? "

As soon as they started to fight, they attracted everyone's eyes. Even the eighth Prince and others were surprised. A kind of seriousness sprouted in the eyes of the audience!

In the crowd, Shi chuantian opened his mouth. After all, he was an old friend and knew the origin of Yang Biluo.

"This man came from Xuanzhou Prefecture. He was a descendant of the seven kill sect. He was invincible. When he was selected to enter the University for cultivation, he had a big fight with Lin Xuan, but he was defeated by Lin Xuan."

"However, at the beginning, they didn't fight for life and death. Maybe they both had their cards to play. At the beginning, there was a rumor that Yang Biluo was the blood of the protoss!"

Shi's words are like thunder, as strong as the eighth prince, Honghao, Mu Qianqian and others. They all show astonishment!

"Protoss blood?"

"You're talking about the protoss who once ruled all the gods in the archaic times?"

"How can it be? Doesn't it mean that the protoss blood has already died?"

The origin of the protoss is too big, even more shocking than the royal family in the flood and famine era.

You should know that in the heyday of the protoss, however, thousands of people bowed their heads and became ministers!

Protoss blood, is also the pronoun of invincible!

As strong as many alien blood, even if it is the royal lineage, in the face of pure blood Protoss, it is not the opponent, completely crushed!

In the long history of ancient times, not to mention the Supreme God Emperor who has been throughout the past, present and future, the divine family has always been proud and outstanding. Once there was a powerful son of the divine family who swept the world among his young peers. All the Royal and royal families were defeated by him.

It was the end of the glory of the Protoss and the beginning of the chaos of heaven and earth. The talented man recorded in ancient history was rare in ancient and modern times. He left the title of the Supreme God King!

At the beginning, he stood at the peak of the king, not only sweeping the opponents of the same generation in the world, even the saint, can also cross the realm of pressure, unimaginable!

Some even asserted that he might become the second God

It's just a pity that the heaven doesn't fulfill people's wishes. In the age when the hero has not yet grown up, an unimaginable catastrophe has taken place in heaven and earth. Even though he is extremely gifted, he can't go against the heaven and disappear in the long river of history!

"Yang Biluo turned out to be the blood of the Protoss. My God, if so, can someone really suppress him?"

Mu Qianqian exclaimed, his eyes glittering like a gem, staring at the battle in the field, and he didn't want to miss a moment.

However, at this time, Shi Po Tian shook his head and said: "it's just that Yang Biluo didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it!"

At this moment, Yang Biluo in the war suddenly burst out laughing.

"Lin Xuan, do you really think that you were better than me at the beginning? You are more powerful. I still have a card to play!"

"And this time, I'm not the only one against you. I see how you go against the weather!"

Yang Biluo looked back at the people behind him and said coldly, "this is the end of the matter. You have no way back. If you don't do it now, when will you wait?"

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