
Before Yang Biluo's voice fell, he saw a very strong figure rush out, whistling past in the field and killing Lin Xuan!

"Ha ha ha, I've long wanted to understand brother Lin's methods!"

Xu Longxiang laughs like a thunderclap. His whole body is full of lightning. A long gun made of lightning appears in his hand. His hand is a killing move. He wants to kill Lin Xuan here!

A long gun is like a dragon. It is covered by thunder and lightning. It needs to penetrate Lin Xuan's body!

At this moment, many people didn't even react. Xu Longxiang had already killed Lin Xuan!

"Oh, no!"

"Lin Xuan!"

Shen Qingfeng and Shen Mu's green faces are in suspense, and they all scream out to remind Lin Xuan.

This blow, really too abrupt, see that strange long gun will stab into Lin Xuan's flesh and blood!

Everyone thought that Lin Xuan would move and evade, but unexpectedly, he was still calm, with no joy or sadness, and could not see any expression.

But his eyes were as sharp as a sword. Lin Xuan shook his fists and covered his whole body with a layer of golden light. Even his hair changed color, just like the God of war with golden hair!


It's like breaking the turbulence of time and space, shaking the sky and stirring up layers of ripples!

Originally, the seemingly indestructible thunderbolt gun was broken by Lin Xuan's fist. The head of the gun exploded and turned into pieces of divine iron. It was shot backward!

This amazing scene made the onlookers dull and murmured: "this master... Is really out of the ordinary way. Whoever he is, he will stay away from the edge for a while, but only he broke the common sense, fought with the divine soldiers with the physical boxing technique, and won..."

"It's really out of line. If I'm not wrong, that magic gun was made by divine iron. The so-called impregnable divine iron was smashed by him. Is there any reason?"

"Hell, it's still human?"

Just at the moment when everyone was dull, strange lines appeared in front of Lin Xuan's eyes, and Ancient Runes flickered at his feet, which seemed to open a door of void. Lin Xuan seemed to cross the boundless void and suddenly appeared in front of Xu Longxiang!

It's an invincible magic fist again. It's like breaking heaven and earth, tearing the void apart. It's powerful!

All this happened so fast that the magic fist fell heavily on Xu Longxiang that he didn't have a chance to react.


A roaring sound from the sky gushes out of the chest of Xu Longxiang. The afterwave is rippling. In the fairy mountains and the vast valleys, the towering ancient trees and mountains are shaking!

Heaven and earth from thunder, such as Bell wave, sweeping thousands of miles!

No one expected that the situation that he was worried about for Lin Xuan turned around in an instant. Xu Longxiang's immortal body appeared a big hole, and he was badly hit by Lin Xuan with just one punch!

However, this is just the beginning of the war, not the end!

"Do it to me, and you deserve it!"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly and got really angry. With a wave of his big hand, his power surged out to slap the Dragon elephant in front of him to death!

At the foot of the hard cliff even in such a fierce afterwave crack, rock burst!


Xu Longxiang didn't expect that Lin Xuan could be so strong that he didn't have any power to fight back. When he started, he was seriously injured and his body was about to decay!

You know, he is the little valley owner of Luoxia valley. How can a hero with high hopes end like this?

"I don't want to!"

"Lin Xuan..."

Xu Longxiang roared, like burning his life. He wanted to use the strongest blow of his life!

Lin xuangen didn't give him a chance to fight back. If he didn't fight back now, he would be shocked to death by divine fist!

"Draw a dungeon!"

Xu Longxiang is extremely unwilling. He is drinking a lot. He is surrounded by light, forming hundreds of millions of rays. Holding the secret arts in his hands, Xu Longxiang evolves in the sky, like a cage in the world!

At this moment, even if Lin Xuan is confident enough, he still plays 12 points and gives his opponent real respect!

The cage seemed to be able to lock everything in the world and suppress Lin Xuan in it. In front of him, there was no way out!

It's like being isolated from the outside world, trapped in it!

"It's a taboo secret skill in Luoxia Valley... It's said that in those turbulent times, the sages of Luoxia Valley had used this skill to refine and kill countless alien races!"

"With this skill, I have destroyed an immortal and invincible master!"

In the crowd, someone recognized the technique and exclaimed.

At this time, the hundreds of millions of rays of light are all burning, it seems that Lin Xuan will live and die in the cage of the trapped world!

Trapped in the cage, Lin Xuan seemed to be in the sun. The fireworks burning around him seemed to be able to refine everything. Even Lin Xuan had to have a sense of crisis!

Even Xu Longxiang sneered at the outside world. He urged his whole body to recover his face!

"Lin Xuan... It's you who forced me to come here. Even the Royal descendants of the alien race can be trapped in this cage. I'll see how you can get out of it today."

He laughed, his hair flying, a crazy look!

And trapped in the cage of the world, Lin Xuan also sneered after hearing the speech, and his killing intention was diffuse!

However, he also knows that even if he wants to move now, he has to get out of trouble first!

"If I can't get out of trouble, even if I am physically strong, I will be killed in the cage sooner or later!"

The next moment, Lin Xuan finally no longer retains, he is like the incarnation of Kunpeng, the divine power continuously gushes out, behind the illusions of the sky supporting wings, as if to be able to soar 90000 Li!

The golden plumes are lifelike, and their wings are like a guillotine to cut the world apart!

Lin Xuan developed Kunpeng's secret skill with his divine power, which is also one of his cards.

It's called Wanhua shengshu!

It was obtained from the hand of dutianzun at the beginning, and the immortal Sutra that was given to him contains several kinds of mysterious skills!

At the beginning, Lin Xuan changed his appearance and walked in Luohuang city by virtue of his later secret skills.

It's not simple either. It's not just about changing your face. If you reach the top, you can change the world!

Wanhua holy skill is one of the most powerful secret skills. As long as the divine power is not exhausted, it can be used to evolve infinite divine form and give play to the power of that divine form.

Now Lin Xuan can evolve, and the strongest form is just Kunpeng!

As a matter of fact, this kind of divine form is really strong. We must know that Kunpeng is the oldest race in the Honghuang era, and is the uncrowned emperor. Although it is not a royal family, it is also comparable to the royal family!

Kunpeng, with its wings swaying for 90000 Li, dominates the world and is invincible and arrogant.

There is also an ancient history saying: there is a fish in Beiming, which is called Kun. The size of Kun is unknown for thousands of miles.

It turns into a bird. Its name is Peng. The back of Peng is thousands of miles away. It flies in anger. Its wings are like clouds in the sky!

At present, in the evolution of Lin Xuan, his wings are also like clouds hanging from the sky, like a chopper destroying the world. His wings are invincible and turn into two gods, tearing and disintegrating the cage of the trapped world!

Lin Xuan seized this rare opportunity to get out of trouble. His eyes were like hawks and falcons, killing Xu Longxiang!

Once again, he wielded a magic fist, which seemed to destroy the universe and make all things become ashes!

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