Lin Xuan is really too strong. This fist seems to break time and space. Endless light and rain appear in front of him. The flesh and blood that originally stood in front of him turns into streamer and dissipates!

Just at this moment, a golden villain flew out of the light and rain. Lin Xuan's eyes were quick and his hands were swift. He waved his hands out in a flash and photographed it mercilessly. He completely destroyed the spirit of Xu Longxiang!


"No, it's impossible..."

In the sky, there is a misty voice, but it has become the world's top song, no longer exists!

In front of the cliff, one of Lin Xuan's enemies died in an instant. It was hard for them to imagine such an accident!

"Lin Xuan... You are so ruthless, so ruthless..."

The nishang fairy in Luoxia Valley is now full of tears. She and Xu Longxiang are childhood sweethearts. They grew up together in the valley. One is the master of the valley, the other is the daughter of heaven in the valley. They are very close on weekdays.

It's impossible to say that the two of them are still Taoist partners!

At present, Xu Longxiang is dead. This kind of attack makes the eyes of nishang fairy full of killing intention. She glares at Lin Xuan, and does not know when a blue sword appears in her hand.

"Lin Xuan, I want you to pay for your life!"

Her cold mouth, as if the ice does not melt for ten thousand years, makes people shudder.

However, Lin Xuan was not afraid at all. He sneered: "I pay for my life? Didn't you start with me? It's just that I'm not good at learning and I've killed myself! "

"Well, if I kill him, I can kill you both!"

Lin xuangen is not that kind of person. He will not be merciful to those who should be killed.

However, at the moment when Lin Xuan wanted to fight, Shen MuQing, who was not far away, also moved. She also joined the battlefield with a green golden sword and stopped the nishang fairy!

"Leave her to me!"

Shen MuQing didn't say much, but he revealed his confidence. Although his realm was lower than that of the fairies in nishang, he didn't have to be afraid and made a fierce move!

"Well, since you stop me, I'll kill you first!" The fairy in nishang has a big hatred in her heart. At the moment, the killing is all over the place. It seems that anyone who stands in front of her will be killed!

The fight between the two beauties of heaven is also a big attraction, which attracts a lot of eyes. In the void, the sword is awe inspiring, sonorous and constantly shaking the sky!

On the other hand, Lin Xuan's pressure is less when Xu Long's elephant is dead and a great enemy is missing.

It's just, it's still hard.

Because Yang Biluo has not been injured, he is obviously a strong player of the same level. Even if he is poor, he is not much worse.

On the other side, there are also Taoist Qingxuan, who still haven't done anything.

After that, four of them, Tianjiao, were selected into the University and became disciples.

Now they are very hostile to Lin Xuan. They want to kill him and snatch the lotus jade platform!

In addition, among the onlookers not far away, there are still a lot of the most powerful people who have never made a move. If some of them have the idea of making a profit, Lin Xuan may lose both sides even if he can sweep everyone against the sky!

"Taoist priest Qingxuan, what are you waiting for? This boy is very mysterious and has a lot of means. I'm afraid something will happen. We'd better do our best to kill him first!"

When Yang Biluo saw Lin Xuan's decision, she was also surprised. She didn't want to drag on and yelled!

"Ha ha, it's just a waste who hasn't been promoted to Lingshi. Even if he has some skills, he still can't compare with us."

However, Taoist Qingxuan's conceit didn't seem to put Lin Xuan in his eyes!

He comes from the Taoist School of Qing Xuan!

In the Daqian Dynasty, this vein was the real sect of the upper nine classes, which could be ranked in the top three. According to legend, it also had a lot to do with daozong, the supreme sect in the northern region.

When it comes to daozong, it can't be said for three days and three nights.

This vein is immortal, inherited from the ancient years, the northern region of the so-called holy land and Kuang Shi Da Jiao, daozong one vein, can be ranked in the top three!

In addition to the holy land of those who have been out of the emperor, few people can be more profound than Taoism.

From this we can see that Taoist priest Qingxuan is also an invincible person.

This kind of person can't be said to be better alone. At present, Lin Xuan has to face two people, even four lower level masters, and the eighth prince who is very likely to fight

Lin Xuan had to prepare for the worst!

In the face of this person's ridicule and disdain, Lin Xuan was not silent, but sneered: "I am such a waste, even can attract many of you who are more waste than me together. I don't know, who is more waste?"

"You... Hum, what's the use of your eloquence? Originally I handed over the lotus jade platform, I can't let you go, but now it's you who want to die. Today I will kill you!"

Taoist priest Qingxuan snorted coldly, and his intention to kill suddenly came into being!

At this moment, Lin Xuan also understood that it was really a tough battle. It could be said that it was the most dangerous situation that he had encountered since his cultivation

"Lin Xuan... The four of them are handed over to me. Don't worry about the war..."

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng also came out. He was facing the four outstanding people who were in a low gear and wanted to block four with one!

You know, although he is very strong, he has not yet broken into the spirit Master. Although the talent of those four people may not be as good as Shen Qingfeng, their realm and cultivation are higher than him!

And it's a four man siege. In this situation

I'm really helping Lin Xuan with my life!

Lin Xuan was moved by the heat in his heart, but he didn't say much. He just said in a soft voice, "OK, I'll help you when I kill these two people."

"Ha ha, you don't need to worry about the war. Even if I can't help them any more, I'll hold them down to prevent them from influencing you!"

Shen Qingfeng laughs, as if returning to the time when he was in the blood crying sect. He is still in high spirits. Even if he was defeated by Lin Xuan, he still has that kind of invincible spirit!

At this moment, Lin Xuan had some desire to talk but he didn't know what to say.

Or Shen Qingfeng with a smile: "brother, don't say much, take care!"

Then, he turned into a rainbow and killed the four people, just like a hero who looked down upon death!

It should be noted that there is no mediocre person who can enter the University.

At present, there is no mediocre who can enter the secret world.

It's not a fight between a mother and a dog, but a real battle of pride!

Lin Xuan takes a deep breath. He looks to Shi Botian and others not far away. The reason why he doesn't ask for help is that he wants to keep their friendship and prevent possible crises.

No matter Honghao or the eighth Prince and others, they all don't know very well. If they make a sudden move, only Shi Shatian can stop them. Therefore, he can't get involved in the battlefield!

Then Lin Xuan looked at Yang Biluo and Taoist priest Qingxuan in front of him. He didn't say much. The Qi and blood in his body seemed to be flourishing like a furnace, and the power was surging like the sea!


Lin Xuan also turned into a rainbow. He didn't want to let himself fall into a passive situation. He suddenly appeared in front of Yang Biluo, wielding an invincible magic fist and opening the prelude of the war!

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