The huge tripod is in the air, and the foot is green and mysterious.

Lin Xuan's elegant demeanor is unparalleled. His white clothes tremble like a banished immortal. At his feet, Taoist Qingxuan's body splits directly, and endless blood comes out!

The nose of Qingxuan Taoist is bleeding, and his eyes are covered with blood. In the depth of his platform, a Taoist robe villain suddenly opens his eyes and rushes out from the platform in anger!

This is the spirit of Taoist priest Qingxuan. His body has been destroyed. Only the spirit escaped from his body!

"Lin Xuan... How dare you destroy my body... I won't let you go!"

At this moment, Taoist priest Qingxuan didn't want to fight at all. He wanted to escape and refused to fight against Lin Xuan.

"Want to go?"

However, how could Lin Xuan give him a chance, sneer, and step on his feet again. His power is boundless, just like the God of war, which makes the little man in the Taoist robe break up in a twinkling, and his spirits are all destroyed!

At this moment, the light of his soul dissipated, and Lin Xuan, with his hands on his back, fell from the void on the cliff, and let the breeze blow in the valley. His clothes were so strong that it was shuddering!

"The descendants of daozong in the Qing Dynasty are just like this. Killing you is really like killing chickens and dogs!"

Lin Xuan sneered, and his voice was like Huang zhongdalu, but no one dared to underestimate it. Many people felt that Shuanggu was trembling and wanted to kneel down. They were shocked by Lin Xuan's fighting power!

This sudden scene stunned everyone. No one thought that Taoist Qingxuan, who was as famous as the eighth Prince and others, was destroyed in this way. He even failed to show his strong method, and was completely crushed in the physical way!

"I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to look up in front of Lin Xuan after today."

"Again and again, to break the miracle, the rise of Lin Xuan has been difficult to stop!"

"That's Taoist priest Qingxuan who swept the five states. Why did he lose so miserably? If we were changed, we would be killed in the blink of an eye!"

"I see. It's not because Lin Xuan is so strong, it's because of this world!"

"Taoism has died out. It's hard for Taoist Qingxuan, who was born in Taoism, to perform his Dharma and secret skills. Moreover, he has never practiced his physical body. In this world, he naturally suffered losses and was crushed by Lin Xuan's physical body. He won't be unjustly defeated!"

"It's true that if the Tao and the Dharma came out together in the outside world, even if Lin Xuan could win, it would never be as easy as today!"

"The physical body is invincible... This, we went the wrong way, the physical body is the fundamental, only by the way, after all, can't go for a long time..."

In the crowd, there were constant sighs.

Some people even hope that Xiang bahuangzi, Honghao, Shi Shatian and Yan Chixiao are all outstanding people in the physical journey. At the same time, the cultivation of Taoism is extremely strong

"The Tao and the body are indispensable. They are better than Yang Biluo. They can still compete with the body. However, Taoist Qingxuan is defeated in the blink of an eye. That's why!"

These words made people feel moved and sighed, because at the beginning of practice, many people respected the realm, but they didn't know that the body was the root!

At present, when we see the real top talent, we realize that the gap between them is hard to contend with!

"Lin Xuan... I underestimate you. If I have some skills, I'll fight another day..."

However, at this moment, Yang Biluo's eyes were dim. He never thought that Taoist Qingxuan, who thought he would be a great help, was so useless that he could not catch Lin Xuan's attack!

At this moment, the scene of winning the game has changed. In the distance, Shen Qingfeng has been fighting with the four for a long time and has already killed one of them.

On the other side, Shen MuQing's sword skill is superior. The green lotus sword formula has suppressed the nishang fairy. Anyone with a clear eye can see that Lin Xuan has turned the situation around. If he drags on, even he will die here.

However, he wanted to go, but Lin Xuan did not give him the slightest chance.

Lin Xuan, like a rainbow running through the sun, stands in front of Yang Biluo with his feet on the dragon's footwork. With a sneer, he tells his guess!

"Yang Biluo, you dare to say that you are the blood of the protoss... I think you are the blood of the alien race..."

This speech, immediately caused an uproar!

Even the eighth Prince and Shi Botian were surprised. They didn't expect that all these changes happened so quickly.

"Hum, Lin Xuan, don't be so careless here. Even if you kill Taoist Qingxuan, don't think I'm really afraid of you!"

Yang Biluo's face became more and more dark. He glanced at Lin Xuan coldly and clenched his fists. His long blue hair floated in the wind and looked quite strange!

"As far as I know, the Protoss and the Terran are similar in shape, but they don't have that kind of blood, and you... With blue hair, are more like another race."

"Moreover, if I expected it to be right, none of your various secret arts in the previous wars should be regarded as the blood inheritance of the Protoss."

"Many people don't know that the reason why this vein is so strong is that the closer the inheritance fragments are to the ancestral blood, the purer they are, and the more they can stimulate that kind of inheritance!"

"The power of blood like you can't be aroused!"

"More than that, when you were fighting in the clan, the shadow of gods and demons you used didn't seem to be a secret skill, but really seemed to be a kind of inheritance..."

At the beginning, Lin Xuan guessed that this kind of secret skill might be born out of some alien method, not like the creation of the human race. All along, Lin Xuan had a lot of doubts in his heart. For example, many people said that Yang Biluo was a Protoss blood, but Lin Xuan had seen the real Protoss blood, which was fundamentally different from Yang Biluo. There were no fragments in his blood, and his hair was blue. On the contrary, there were some demons and mysteries, which were more like the blood of some alien race... At the beginning, these were all Lin Xuan's conjectures, which could not be determined. But now, that kind of original guess is all floating in my heart, feel that Yang Biluo in front of me really contains a big secret! In particular, his last sentence before that said that he and Lin Xuan were destined enemies! I didn't know what it meant when I first heard it, but now Lin Xuan seems to have grasped some thoughts in his heart, and his guess is coming true!

"At the beginning, you told me that you were destined to be the enemy. I still don't understand what it means."

"But now, I think I have understood that the deep meaning of your words is your blood... You are not a Protoss, but inherited from some unknown race..."

Lin Xuan's words made Yang Biluo some unexpected, but now that he had been seen through by Lin Xuan, he didn't want to cover up any more. He sneered: "ha ha, Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan, you really deserve to be my enemy. I didn't expect that you could see it like this!"

"However, what can you see? I'm not the blood of the protoss, but from the Biluo royal family. In the most glorious period of Taigu, except for the ten royal families, my family name was the ninth in the world, and I was the supreme of the royal families..."

Yang Biluo's words begin to export, then startle eight princes and so on all show startled appearance.

"You're alien? But, how can this be possible? How can you incarnate into a human form before you become a venerable person? " Hong Hao was also shocked and asked suspiciously.

"Hey hey, you stupid people, those you said are ordinary races. Only by promoting the venerable can you transform the human body."

"But I don't know that many of my royal families and royal families were born of the most powerful ancestors, and their descendants were human bodies as soon as they were born. Besides, I, the blue royal family, was human bodies..."

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