"Ha ha, since I've been identified by you, I don't need to hide any more..."

"Our distant ancestors are about to recover and return from the forbidden area. All the ancient people who used to live in the forbidden area will come back... We will control the world again. We... These ants... Will become our blood food and slaves again..."

"Ha ha ha, this day won't be too long!"

Yang Biluo burst out laughing. At the next moment, a Xuanyu platform suddenly appeared under his feet, which was similar to the lotus jade platform!

At this time, as the xuanyutai was moved by Yang Biluo, the golden pattern appeared, like a wandering little dragon, the void rippled, as if opening a door of void, vaguely, a road emerged!

"He wants to go, stop him!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan saw Yang Biluo's plan, frowned slightly, turned into a rainbow, carrying the heaven and earth cauldron, and smashed it in front of the illusory channel!


The white jade heaven and earth cauldron suddenly became bigger, like a small hill, smashed into the illusory door

For a moment, as if the void turbulence, a desolate breath from the illusory channel of intense gushing, air flow will even rush out of heaven and earth tripod!

And also at this moment, Lin Xuancai finally came to the void channel!

However, he was still a little late. Yang Biluo had already flashed into the empty passage. Suddenly, there was a faint Laughter: "Lin Xuan, I will see you again sooner or later, but the next time I see you, it will be the time when my ancestors return..."

Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the door that originally rippled on the sky slowly disappeared, just like the tide, and Yang Biluo's figure disappeared!

"Let him run!"

At this time, the stone also strides forward, there is war in the eyes, but there is no opponent!

"No wonder he wanted to kill me. It turned out that he was an alien..."

However, Lin Xuan seemed to understand everything, some suddenly realized, and began to sigh.

"King Biluo, where do you think you've heard the name?"

At this time, the eighth Prince and others all rushed over, someone recalled Yang Biluo's words, curious mouth.

"More than ten thousand years ago, some of the most powerful people in this family were born and killed everywhere in the world. Many old people died in their hands. They were called the king of blue fall!"

The eighth Prince shook his head and told the secret.

"At the beginning, the old master of your blood weeping sect died in this man's hands..."

This sentence gave Lin Xuan a sense of absurdity. The original invincible figures in ancient history had some intersection with him.

"More than that, when xuanming sect was destroyed, there was also the push of the blue God King..."

"More than ten thousand years ago, he was standing in the realm of an invincible king, and he was honored as the king of gods... I don't know if he took that step after more than ten thousand years..."

"This man is definitely the enemy of our people. In those turbulent times, no one at the same level was his opponent!"

Honghao is also silent, blurting out.

"What happened? Why did many forbidden areas change? Yang Bi said that all the people in Taigu would return. If one day, I'm afraid heaven and earth would be overturned!"

Lin Xuan shook his head. There was a little doubt in his eyes. He didn't understand what happened.

"In the years of silence, there were countless races who wanted to return, but they couldn't succeed."

"This world, after all, once gave birth to thousands of people. Is it really going to set off an unprecedented war?"

"I'm really afraid that one day, the sun, the moon and the stars will all be cut off, the earth will bleed and float, the sea eyes will be dried up, and there will be no more life... It will become a piece of waste soil..."

In a trance, Lin Xuan saw the magnificent sight of the sky. In the forbidden area of ancient times, there were going to be endless alien races and people!

However, the sound of a sword pulled him back from his mind. Lin Xuan remembered that Shen MuQing and others were still fighting not far away!

He came in an instant, his magic fist was incomparable, just like the falling stars. He broke the sword rain from the sky with one punch. This was the way of the fairy in nishang, but it couldn't stop Lin Xuan's attack at all!

"There's nothing to say. Since you choose to fight me, you must have the consciousness of death today!"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly. He didn't care how much he cheated. Since these people wanted to kill him, Lin Xuan would not be merciful.

"Lin Xuan... If you kill me, Luoxia valley will not let you go..."

The nishang fairy had already consumed more than half of his divine power in the previous war. Although he was still in his prime now, just like a fairy in the sky, it was difficult to compare with the powerful Lin Xuan.

Even she herself has given up.

As strong as Xu Longxiang, Taoist Qingxuan, and even Yang Biluo, she can't change her own ending after all.

"Well, if I kill you, I will go to Luoxia Valley in the future."

Lin Xuan chuckles. The wind is light and the clouds are light. He doesn't care about the way.

Then, he sacrificed the white jade heaven and earth tripod, just like Mount Tai. In a flash, the beautiful body of nishang fairy was shattered, and only a divine light escaped from the flesh and blood.

However, with a wave of Lin Xuan's hand and a record of the great wasteland prisoner's hand falling down, you will still turn into a red skeleton.


The spirit of nishang fairy gave out a shrill cry, but it was hard to stop Lin Xuan's means!

It broke when it touched, and it was hard to resist. In a flash, it broke into endless light and rain. It fell down in the sky with the breeze in the valley.

And Lin Xuan, is also to give nishang fairy the last decent, point out, a ray of real fire shot out, the beach of flesh and blood blurred body burned into ashes!

"Not hurt, are you?"

Lin Xuan looked at Shen MuQing with some concern. Under the circumstances just now, if Shen MuQing hadn't helped him share some pressure, I'm afraid it would be really dangerous!

"It's OK. It's just some minor injuries. It's not in the way. You'd better help Qingfeng first."

Shen MuQing showed a trace of tenderness on her beautiful face, then shook her head and pursed her mouth with a smile.


Seeing that she was not hurt, Lin Xuan was also relieved. He looked at the battlefield of Shen Qingfeng not far away. He stepped on the dragon's Footwork and arrived in an instant!

At present, the remaining three people have come to the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is withered. With the help of Lin Xuan, they are unable to compete and fall on one side.

Almost every time Lin Xuan made a move, he would take half of a person's life. He could smash his body with two fists at most and push it all the way!

In Lin Xuan's hands, the arrogance of every major sect was like a cat and a dog. When he raised his hand, he could suppress it, which shocked everyone!

When everything came to an end, the eight princes and others in the distance had different thoughts. Only Shi burst into laughter and congratulated Lin Xuanqing.

"Lin Xuanguo is really a great man. I'll say that those cats and dogs won't be your opponents. Ha ha ha!"

Yan Chixiao could only smile and sigh to himself. He missed a good chance to show Lin Xuanshi. I'm afraid that he will never be a friend again in the future!

At this moment, no one dared to mention Lin Xuan's words to hand over the lotus jade platform. All of them were awed by his power, and they trembled and bowed their heads for fear of finding them.

Even Honghao was glad that he didn't do anything to Lin Xuan just now. Otherwise, his ending would not be so strong!

In front of him, he was like a demon. It was really hard for him to catch up with him!

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