The twinkling electric light seems to cover the sky, and the purple air is vast, which completely submerges this mountain range.

The peaks crumbled, the earth sank, one crack after another, the tortoise split, all turned into scorched earth, and all the vitality was destroyed.


Another Thunderclap resounded through the sky, arousing tens of thousands of thunderclaps. The violent thunder sea was like an ancient beast, and it was extremely terrifying to devour Lin Xuan!

Just like the Milky Way pouring down, there is nothing to contend with the overwhelming air of destruction in the thunder.

Even if he is as strong as Lin Xuan, his body is unparalleled. In such a sea of thunder, he is also miserable. He is scorched by thunder!

However, Lin Xuan had long had experience, which was painful and happy for him.

Natural calamity is a kind of baptism and experience. If we can carry it, it can not only make the body stronger, but also polish the perseverance!

Just like today.

Lin Xuan wants to condense his spirit in the thunder sea!

Although he was scorched, he seemed to have blocked the punishment of thunder. He sat in the midst of the most blazing thunderstorm and let the thunder pouring down like purple snakes hit him like a mountain!

In his mind, the method of not destroying xuanjing was like the sound of heaven, echoing in the void.

"Gather the spirit, move the ten thousand ways..."

This is the condition to break through the spirit Master. First of all, he must break through the spirit platform and forge an immortal spirit!

The spirit is equally important, not more important than the body.

In order to better unite the spirit, Lin Xuan even got a plastic God pill from the master of the University!

This medicine is extremely rare and of high quality. Only the children of the main family are willing to use it.

Because its main drug is Xushen grass. Although the grade of this medicine is only the best medicine, it is extremely difficult to find. It only grows to the place of Yang.

And this plastic God grass is also a thing of the highest Yang. Heaven can overcome evil!

In order to lay a solid foundation, Lin Xuan takes every step steadily. Lei Haizhong takes out the body shaping pill from the storage space and swallows it into his stomach without any hesitation.

In an instant, the pill turned into countless warm currents, spreading from his abdomen to his eyebrows.

The so-called three inches between eyebrows is called Lingtai.

Lingtai is the place of pregnant God.

What Lin Xuan wanted to do was to open up a piece of heaven and earth in the desolate platform, and then condense the substance and settle the spirit with great spiritual power.

Lin Xuan holds his heart and calms down. His eyes are closed tightly. It seems that a vertical eye is about to be torn open in the middle of his brow. Mysterious lines are shining and golden light is overflowing!

This is the characteristic of immortal xuanjing. It not only has immortal golden body secret skill, but also has immortal spirit.

The upper limit of a monk is determined by the skill. If it is a common skill, there is no such change.

As if heaven and earth had just opened, there was chaos in the platform, overflowing with infinite essence.

All of a sudden, a dragon shaped purple thunder and lightning fell down and disappeared into the center of Lin Xuan's eyebrows, as if to break some kind of prohibition. Lin Xuan suddenly felt a sharp pain, like picking out meat.

However, this is not enough, Lingtai is still a turbid.

Lin Xuan had some insight in his heart. His platform was in the chaos of heaven and earth. It was shrouded in fog. Even if it was overflowing with essence, it was not the place of pregnant God.

It's like the birth of heaven and earth. To create a new world and make all things radiant, we need to open up a life source suitable for pregnant God!

According to the previous instructions, he should have broken through the fog with his own divine power, but he thought that the ray of vitality contained in the thunder might be beneficial to him.

Taking advantage of the thunder robbery again and again, Lin Xuan baptized his body and got unimaginable benefits. This is the key to his invincible body!

And the thunder just now seemed to open a dawn, which made Lin Xuan feel that there was a crack in the Lingtai.

"Yes, break and then stand. This is the root of this situation, not to dispel the fog..."

In this way, Lin Xuan seems to grasp the key point, he completely let go of his own protection, let the invincible gold body fade, let the thunder fall, all vent on him!

Under the continuous baptism of the body, from scorched, to dilapidated, and then full of new granulation, new vitality is born!

Such a process is an unspeakable transformation.

In addition, the center of Lin Xuan's eyebrows was also split, and there was bright red blood flowing down.

Endless thunder poured into it, as if to support crack, Lin Xuan endured unimaginable pain, strong support, mind clear.

In the depth of his platform, cracks appear in the sky. This is a small world in the human body, full of chaos, desolate and ancient.

However, at this time, the thunder, not only did not weaken because of the passage of time, but it seemed to touch on some taboo, which led to a more powerful punishment of extermination!

Nine hundred and ninety-one dragon shaped purple thunder came down from the sky. Without protection, Lin Xuan almost gambled on his own life and let the endless thunder wash everything in the Lingtai!

Such a process is really a kind of suffering. I'm afraid no one dares to do it except Lin Xuan.

Fortunately, the painstaking efforts of the people can not be denied!

This kind of choice has some effect after all. In Lin Xuan's destroyed platform, all the chaotic Qi dissipates. Under the last thunder, there is a cracking sound!

It's like the real creation of heaven and earth, the separation of heaven and earth, and the disappearance of chaos.

The infinite essence repair nourishes the heaven and earth. In the thunder from Lin Xuan, although there is the breath of destruction flowing, there are also wisps of vitality, which quietly stay in the Lingtai!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's mind was empty and clear, and he had an indescribable feeling. The scriptures of immortal xuanjing's spiritual realm appeared in the platform, and they were constantly chanting, and the divine voice filled the whole world.

As all things are born, all the essence and vitality are constantly under the guidance of scriptures, gradually condensed into a villain, from illusion to reality!

The power of the body shaping pill began to come into play. In the constant warm flow, there was the vitality of Zhiyang. Thunder was originally the most holy thing of Zhiyang. It was born to suppress evil, so that Lin Xuan's spirit had a kind of dignified and terrifying momentum.

At this moment, in the Lingtai of Lin Xuan, there was a little man with golden light sitting in it. His whole body was mixed with purple electricity, holy and extraordinary!

The thunder is still washing and washing all over the sky. The little man sitting in the middle of his brow is like a little sun. It's hard to look directly at him. When he was born, he was strong to the extreme

It seems to be immortal, across the infinite years, sitting in the empty air chanting, oral constitution, law with!

In the dark, Lin Xuan could also feel his connection with the villain. All his thoughts seemed to return to the noumenon, and the treasure was solemn!

Villain is like the source of everything, bearing the life, prosperous to the extreme, more and more brilliant, condensed into the entity!

The next moment, two dazzling eyes from his platform shot, only to see the villain as if really alive, bathed in the divine light, extraordinary!

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