In the endless purple thunder sea, the air of destruction is overwhelming, as if it is going to destroy the world.

However, Lin Xuan, sitting in the thunder sea, was like a God. His whole body was glittering with golden light, and his body was as crystal clear as glass.

His physical body is also recovering from the dilapidation, constantly changing, and even drowning the thunder sea with great blood, such as the thunderous waves and dry thunder, rumbling through the sky.

The end of death contains unimaginable vitality. Under the baptism of thunder robbery, Lin Xuan gradually survived.

The spirit of his platform is as tough as iron, and sits in it like immortal stone. The whole body is full of rays, as if it is about to emerge into an immortal. There are scenes of wonders!

The little man is like a God, with a clear tongue. The corners of his mouth move slightly, allowing the thunder to fall. The purple dragon shaped lightning seems to be drawn by him, bombarding him constantly, so as to get stronger tempering.

With the passage of time, the thunder disaster between heaven and earth is weakening, gradually fading from the boundless thunder sea.

Lin Xuan knew that he had already stopped in the realm of Lingshi, and it was difficult for Leijie to exist for a long time.

In the dark, Lin Xuan seemed to have some unspeakable feelings with this piece of heaven and earth. He also realized a lot from the thunder disaster, which made his understanding of Taoism more and more profound.

It's like singing with heaven and earth, feeling the profundity and obscurity of the way of heaven and earth, but there's a road to heaven constantly spreading at the foot.

It seems that as long as you step on it and keep moving forward, you can win the world!

The beauty of this realm can't be described in words. It's called the watershed of monks. Only when you really step into the realm of spiritual master can you be called a real monk.

Heaven and earth, omnipotent!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was more powerful than ever, as if he had trampled on the heaven and earth. The change was not the pure body, nor the strange feeling brought by the spirit. It was like getting out of the cage and really seeing the vastness of the heaven and earth.

Once upon a time, Lin Xuan was still a mortal, even though he was extremely strong and had no fighting power.

Because he can not break the shackles of heaven and earth, it is difficult to really free.

But now, that kind of suppression of mortals, Lin Xuan has broken!

At this moment, Lin Xuanyao looked at the sky, where the endless thunder sea was pouring down. He stepped out step by step, like a God who inspected heaven and earth, stepping on the void and rising up to the sky. The Tao and Dharma of heaven and earth were used for it!

This is the real monk. He is out of the ordinary. He can drive the rainbow. When he raises his hand, he can urge the way.

"God, it's unimaginable that Lin Xuan could walk out of this step without any damage under such a penalty!"

"There has never been one since ancient times. I have a hunch that there will be an invincible talent to rise from now on!"

"He is too powerful. In ancient history, there are only a few outstanding people like him. To be able to attract natural disasters in this realm is enough to prove his unique talent. If he is allowed to grow up, I'm afraid he will really have to beat his peers and be invincible in the world!"

At the foot of the mountain range, many disciples of Tianxing university are all here to witness this unprecedented scene.

Even the elders and the head of the school were hidden in the distance, constantly exclaiming.

"I don't know how many years I haven't seen such arrogance."

"It's comparable to the outstanding disciples in the top immortal sect. If they take the road of God in the future, they don't know whether they can go out their own way."

"We are old enough to live up to our prime. All we can do is to bless. In the future, we have to rely on these children."

The old master sighed. He was dressed in a clean and well proportioned green robe. His back was bent, his hair was white, and even his eyes were turbid.

On his side, several elders were speechless, only the approval of the eyebrows, flowing slowly.

At this time, Lin Xuan swallowed the world with great spirit. He wanted to trace the origin of the thunder robbery and find out the origin of this spectacle.


However, his way of doing so seems to have touched a certain taboo. The thunder punishment, which was gradually fading away, once again became fiery, as if the roar of the gods and Demons echoed on the sky!

"What is Lin Xuan doing? That voice, is it God's anger? "

"It's too late for others to escape. He even wants to pursue the secret in Lei Hai. He can't find death!"

"Will heaven and earth bite back?"

There were constant exclamations in the crowd, and their faces were shocked and incomprehensible.

At this time, the purple God thunder shocked the sky and the earth, constantly falling, so that Lin Xuan, who was constantly moving forward in the thunder sea, encountered an unimaginable crisis and was blocked.

Nine thunders fell, and Lin xuanru's crystal clear body was hard to maintain. He was blasted out one blood hole after another, which was more powerful than the previous thunder punishment!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's appearance was a little sad. His clothes were smashed, and there was a lot of blood fog, and his body was robbed.

However, the nine God thunder seems to be a warning. After falling, the thunder sea, which originally covered the sky, is constantly converging, disappearing in the void, like the tide, and finally disappearing into the invisible.

The mountains were covered with scorched earth, and all the vitality was destroyed. Lin Xuan dragged his body down from the sky and sat on the earth, his mouth overflowing with blood.

Before that, the nine God thunder seemed to surpass his realm at this time and hit him hard. Lin Xuan didn't expect that he would encounter such a change!

"Yes, there is a big secret in the thunder robbery, but it's not what I can explore now!"

"But in the future, I will find out all this!"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth in silence. Then he took out the best pill he had found in the secret place from the storage space, and put it into his mouth. With this medicine, he recovered his body.

At this time, in the distant crowd, there were several figures coming. Shen MuQing's eyes were a little anxious, and said in a hurry: "Lin Xuan, are you ok?"

"Brother Lin, are you ok?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan's silent nod, calm way: "just some skin trauma, not in the way!"

It's true that Lin Xuan is really too strong. He is unique in his physical body. If he were someone else, he would be dead but not alive. Even if he didn't die, his cultivation would be useless.

But Lin Xuan's injury was not as serious as people thought. It was just skin injury. For him, it was nothing at all!

Getting Lin Xuan's response, Shen MuQing and others are also relieved. They stand in the distance silently, watching Lin Xuan close his eyes to breathe and recover.

It has to be said that even though the power of those pills has gone through the ages, they still have the effect of life and death.

This recovery did not last long, but for several hours, Lin Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp, and his body showed a terrible Qi.

At this moment, almost everyone knew that Lin Xuan had survived the disaster and was safe. He had been promoted to a real spiritual master and crossed the watershed of practice.

And even more powerful, many people in his eyes, even dare not look at it, heart scared, as in the face of a demon.

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