"Ha ha ha, congratulations on brother Lin's promotion to Lingshi!"

The eighth prince came laughing. Shenhua was introverted and full of blood. He was also extraordinary.

Then, Shi Botian and other people congratulated one after another, all of them were the top talents in the University, who gathered beside Lin Xuan.

Such a scene made some disciples in the distance feel infinite emotion.

"I still remember that when Lin Xuan stepped on the stage, he was not expected by others, and could only be reduced to the role of a corner. But when they returned from the secret place, Lin Xuan's edge could not be covered. He had become the strongest person in our university, and no one dared to attack him!"

"Yes, who would have thought that Lin Xuan, who seemed weak at the beginning, could grow up to this stage, but in the rest of the month, he made such brilliant achievements. It's really terrible!"

"That's good. It's been rumored that the emperor's road has been reopened. All the outstanding people will come together and meet each other sooner or later. At that time, such an invincible outstanding person in our university will be famous all over the world!"

However, while some people praise it, some disciples hold different views.

Some people sneer and look at Lin Xuan. They don't recognize Lin Xuan at all.

"Hehe, invincible? I'm afraid you're not joking. "

"Brother, do you think Lin Xuan can be invincible?"

"Not to mention the eight princes, Hong Hao, Shi Po Tian and others who can compete with them in the University, if they really step on the road of God, and the pride of heaven is gathered, it is unknown whether Lin Xuan can stand out, let alone invincible!"

"It's true that he, Lin Xuan, can barely be respected in the reign of emperor Daqian, but if he takes the road of God, he will be reduced to a green leaf and a foil, devoid of people!"

"After all, the inside information can't compare with those outstanding disciples of the top sect or even the immortal sect. In ancient history, there were such outstanding people. Unfortunately, when they really stepped on the road of God, they found that they were far away from the arrogant ones and could not compare with them."

Such words are not known to Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan's character, even if he heard, he would not care.

In front of Lin Xuan, Hong Hao laughed and said, "it's such a blessing that we should drink xianniang and get drunk!"

"Ha ha, what brother Hong said is very true. Now Brother Lin has broken through the realm, so he naturally wants to celebrate for brother Lin!"

"Yes, yes, I have a jar of baihuaniang in my hand, which is made of many miraculous medicines. It has amazing power and is very helpful."

A lot of people in the university are cheering, very lively.

When the disaster disappeared, Lin Xuan recovered from his injury. He nodded and said, "well, since everyone is so interested, how can I get rid of it?"

"Although there is xianniang now, it's meaningless if there is wine but no meat. In that case, why don't we go and hunt some exotic animals to make wine and meat?"

Lin Xuan laughs. He's in the mood now.

"Well, what brother Lin said is right in my mind. Hengduan Mountain is not far away. We can ride Changhong for only a few days

We'll be there in an hour! "

Yan Chixiao laughs and agrees with Lin Xuan.

Other people nodded and thought it was good.

"In a few hours, I have a secret treasure in my hand, which can take you to travel together. It will be half an hour!"

At this time, the eighth Prince shook his head, his sleeve robe twisted, and a purple gold chariot appeared in his palm, as if surrounded by thunder, mysterious and extraordinary.

At the next moment, the eighth Prince threw the purple gold chariot into the sky. The chariot, which was the size of the palm of his hand, suddenly became bigger, like a small hill!

"Well, your highness, if you have a deep foundation, you can cross the sky with this chariot. It's much faster!"

Honghao was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the eighth prince had such an object. However, later on, he thought that he was a royal descendant. Although it was rare, it was reasonable for the eighth prince to have a chariot.

It's the same as the ancient boat Lin Xuan and others took when they went to the secret place. It's the secret treasure of the road. It can travel tens of thousands of miles a day.

If such objects are high enough and engraved with the corresponding array patterns, they can open the domain door, shuttle through the void, and in a moment tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers fall behind. That's the real treasure!

However, although this purple gold chariot can't cross the void, it can roam the sky with extreme speed.

Lin Xuan and his party of more than ten people were all outstanding people who came out of the secret place alive, such as Mu Qianqian, Shen MuQing, brother and sister Chen Yunfan, Shi Shatian, Yan Chixiao, Honghao, little monk and so on. They all boarded the purple gold chariot and crossed the sky.

All of them are the strongest group in the University. Such a grand trip also shocked many students who received the news in the University.

"My God, where are these people going? They are all gathered here. Are they going to cause a big trouble?"

"Ha ha, don't be alarmed. It's said that they are going to hunt some rare animals in Hengduan Mountains as wine and meat."

Some people heard these words, all face helpless, did not expect so many people with out, unexpectedly is for this.

"This... This is really unexpected!"

And Lin Xuan and others, walking in the sky, the purple gold chariot is full of divine light, constantly flashing, just like a star moving across the sky.

During the conversation, however, in the time of two incense sticks, everyone had already come to the foot of Hengduan Mountains.

The worst part of them is the fighting power of Lingshi. For Lin Xuan, Hengduan Mountain is not as dangerous as it was before.

As long as they don't meet the other beasts of the venerable level, they are enough to push everything and are hard to meet the enemy!

In fact, it is true that Lin Xuan and others are in the mountains, and Lin Xuan hunted a python with a little dragon blood flowing through the cloud bow.

Shitou Tian, holding a halberd, killed an alligator dragon. In addition, the nine colored birds in the sky and the animals on the ground were reduced to rations. Those who flew in the sky, those who ran on the ground and those who swam in the water all lived together.

After they returned to the university with their booty, the disciples of the University screamed!

Because what they catch are monsters that are infinitely close to the venerable level. The power of blood is extraordinary, and the spirit of blood in the flesh has many benefits!

Lin Xuan was also a eater in his previous life. He got some condiments and used the halberd as a fork to stir up the fire for barbecue!

Although he hasn't done this for a long time, his craftsmanship is not unfamiliar. The alligator dragon baked by Lin Xuan is tender inside and scorched outside, overflowing with infinite essence and fragrance!

"This crocodile dragon meat is a great tonic. It doesn't weaken the effect of the elixir!"

"Well, it's delicious. I didn't expect brother Lin to have such a skill. I'll have a good time!"

"Come on, taste my hundred year old hundred flower wine. I stole it from my master when I came here. Ha ha, it's cheaper for you now!"

All the people sit on the ground on the cliff. Except for a few fairies who are graceful and graceful, others are enjoying themselves and drinking the wine!

When Lin Xuan got to xingchu, he plucked all the feathers of the nine color bird and took out the white jade heaven and earth cauldron to stew. It was a luxury!

Such a scene naturally can't hide many disciples and elders in the University. They are all speechless and can't laugh or cry at Lin Xuan and others!

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