After all, Shen Qingfeng couldn't resist Lin Xuan, so he had to accept Lin Xuan's kindness.

"Don't worry about it, there's never been anything hard to live with me. You have to have some confidence in me!"

Lin Xuan laughs and pats Shen Qingfeng on the shoulder.

The latter gave a bitter smile and nodded silently, not knowing what to say.

Lin Xuan's practice caused a lot of criticism, but the storm didn't last long, so it came to an end.

Because the talents selected from the university are going to leave for emperor road

On this day, almost all the disciples and elders in the University arrived. An old black boat was quietly suspended in the sky!

This ancient ship is the one that sent them to the secret place. It can travel tens of thousands of miles a day and cross the sky!

This time, they will be sent to the very North County, the starting point of emperor road.

The old master of the mansion appeared again to bid farewell to the people.

"I don't know how long I'll see you again. I don't have anything special to say to you. I just hope that everything will be careful and you will all return safely."

Then he looked at Lin Xuan again. Although he didn't spend much time with him, Lin Xuan was very grateful. The old master was very kind to him.

"Lin Xuan, since you have made such a choice, I also have a word for you. If you can't do something, you can take a step back. No matter what, the door of the university will always be open for you!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan heart gush infinite warmth, just like the original left the door, there is a kind of home warmth.

At this moment, Lin Xuan nodded heavily. He bit his teeth and said, "yes, I know!"

"Well, I don't have much to say. What the university can give you, what it should give you. Before I leave, some exotic spirit stones may be used on the emperor's road."

The master of the old mansion flicked his sleeve gently and impartially. Among the eight people, each of them had an extra mouthful of heaven and earth.

"In every bag of heaven and earth, there are 100000 different kinds of spirit stones... Don't give up the fact that there are so many of them. They are all left behind in the past."

In this way, Lin Xuan and others have a lot of feelings. The university is really not affluent. They are going to travel a long distance and have a brilliant future. However, there are still many people in the University who will stay and want to practice.

It's impossible to empty out all the information and give it to them.

But even so, it was a surprise to Lin Xuan, who had never thought of it.

It's true that those who go out can't move without money, and so can Lingshi.

No one shirked, all silently accepted.

Seeing this, the master of the old mansion narrowed his eyes. Happily, he held his hands and shook his head. Then he turned and left in the distance.

Just leave one sentence: "OK, I will not disturb you. Let's talk about the past before we leave. Don't leave any regrets..."

Many people know what this sentence stands for, and the topic is a bit heavy.

Although, stepping on the road of God represents having an infinite future.

But it also means that this road will be accompanied by life and death!

Maybe, after they leave today, some people will never be able to return to their hometown in the future

"Lin Xuan, Qingfeng and MuQing, take care of yourself all the way. Remember to come back alive. I will always be here waiting for you..."

The elder brother Qin Feng, with a sad look on his face, came out to say goodbye to Lin Xuan.

He used to be the pride of the blood weeping sect, but when he came to the University, he lost all the people.

It's hard to be among the most outstanding people, so it's doomed to be unable to walk on the road of God.

They had a conversation on their way here. At that time, Qin Feng was high spirited and persistent. He couldn't let go of his beloved woman. He once said that he would return in 50 years

I don't know, it's just wishful thinking. Now it's ridiculous.

The outstanding people on buyandi Road, just in the University, there are many outstanding people who can beat him

"Brother Feng, don't be sad. Don't worry. We'll be OK!"

"Yes, believe us."

"Brother Feng, you too. Take care of yourself. Don't forget your original promise. Even if you are practicing in a university, don't leave too much behind..."

"In the future, you have to protect the people you want to protect!"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth one after another with a smile on his face. A lot of stories happened along the way, especially Qin Feng and Wen Yan.

"I'm very good. You don't have to worry about me. In fact, the result is better. I can often go back to zongmen to have a look..."

Qin Feng wiped his tears and laughed freely. He hugged Lin Xuan and others and waved them goodbye.

"Wait for you, drink together!"


Lin Xuan nodded and agreed. Then, he seemed to think of something. After all, he was still worried about some of his former friends.

"Brother Feng, when I'm away, if my family is in trouble, I hope brother Feng can help more..."

Even if Qin Feng is weak, he is a spiritual master now, and his future achievements will not be too bad. In the great Qian Dynasty, he is absolutely a hero!

This time I left, not only from Star City, nor from qixuezong, but also from University

Emperor Road, almost no end, Lin Xuan do not know when he can come back!

At the beginning, he said that he would break into the venerable and return in five years, but now he knows more and more, and he already knows what the venerable is

If there is any real turmoil, it will only be cannon fodder and it is difficult to control the situation

For such a turmoil, perhaps the king and the saint can play a role

This day is destined to be very long.

It should be noted that in ancient times, even the truly strong heavenly pride was honored in ten years, became king in a hundred years, and became sage in five hundred years!

This is already recorded in ancient history, the most amazing and fastest cultivation talent.

This means that if there is no accident, Lin Xuan wants to return after he is promoted to the throne, at least a hundred years later

A hundred years, how long is it?

A hundred years is a lifetime.

Even for some friars, their life span is only 200 years

The next time I return to my hometown, not to mention the vicissitudes, things will be right and people will be wrong.

At the moment, there is not much time left for Lin Xuan to express his feelings. Some elders say that they are going to leave.

"It's almost time to leave!"

Along the way, it will take at least three months to cross tens of thousands of miles of land.

But fortunately, there are domain gates in the world, which can save their time, but even so, I'm afraid it will be a month after they get there!


At this moment, all of Lin Xuan got on the boat, and some of them waved goodbye, feeling a lot.

The dilapidated and decadent ancient ship is shining with black light, and there are golden veins on it, which is incomparably ancient and mysterious.

In a flash, I saw the ancient boat vibrate slightly, break through the void in an instant, and people drove the ancient boat away from the small world.

On the vast field, in the eyes of many students in the University, the dilapidated ancient ship slowly flew to the sky, crossed the sky through the colorful and gorgeous dawn!

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