The ancient ship, carrying Lin Xuan and his party, roamed over the sky, across mountains and rivers, all the way south, and left the emperor Daqian.

There is a long way to go. Their first stop is a small town at the foot of Qiyun mountain, called Qingshi town.

The reason why I want to come here is that this town is the main traffic road leading to the central area of the extreme north county. There is an inscribed domain gate built by qiyunzong, which can shuttle through the void and save more time.

Qiyunzong has already broken away from the restriction of the imperial dynasty. It calls itself climate, which is a powerful inheritance in the extreme north county. Even if it does not rank in the top clan, it is also a first-class clan.

There are countless disciples in the sect, which have been handed down for a long time, and many outstanding people have come out.

Only the first-class clan can construct and engrave the domain gate that spans millions of miles or even tens of thousands of miles, otherwise there will be no such inside information.

Most of the friars who travel to and from the land of extreme north county will go through this place and set foot on the territory gate to save time along the way.

Lin Xuan and his party share the same idea.

Seven days later, in the distant sky, a dilapidated ancient ship with black light came here quietly.

On the ancient ship, Lin Xuan and others looked at it, and saw the auspicious atmosphere on Qiyun mountain in the distance.

At the waist of Yunshan mountain, there are hundreds of millions of silver dragon like fairy waterfalls flying down, with dense aura and clear water.

It is full of green, flowers and birds, full of vitality. Among the towering ancient trees, there are cranes and birds circling, making a light song.

Even if far away, you can smell the fragrance of the elixir in the air, which is extremely intoxicating.

At the foot of such a fairy mountain, there is a small town about the size of a square. There is a rainbow rising from the ground and passing through the clouds.

There are also magic weapons like ancient boats flying from all directions and berthing on the town.

"That's Qingshi town. Let's go down!"

The elder in the University, with his eyes slightly narrowed, manipulated the ancient boat and went down slowly.

Later, they all got off the ship, and the ancient boat, which was as big as a palace, suddenly turned into the size of a palm and fell into the hands of the elder of the University.

The pavilions in the small town are like fish scales, row upon row, clean and tidy, but noisy.

Along the Qingshi Road, there are many friars selling here, with a pile of strange things.

Lin Xuan and others mostly came here for the first time. They were quite curious and looked at everything in the town.

At the moment, in front of them, there is a middle-aged monk with beard sitting on the bluestone Road, playing with a glittering golden bead in his hand, constantly peddling.

"It's dingfengzhu. It's sold by dingfengzhu. It's made by the master. If you encounter the turbulence of space in the domain gate, you can settle the space and not lose yourself in the void. You are a treasure that is hard to find in the world

"Walk around and have a look. If you pass by this village, there will be no such shop!"

"If you have this thing in your hand, it's equivalent to one more life. Hey, if you are interested, you should start quickly!"

The middle-aged monk's eyes were shining. With his eyesight, it was natural to see that Lin Xuan and his party had come here for the first time, and they had never seen the world.

"Boss, how do you sell dingfengzhu?"

Lin Xuan is a little curious. He steps forward and asks with a smile.

"Hey, little brother, as soon as I see you, I feel very close to you. I look like a little brother in my family. Let's say it's fate when we meet. I won't say more. You won't lose money if you buy one million spirit stones or ten thousand alien spirit stones!"

The middle-aged friar grinned, with a look that you've made a lot of money!

"Well, Lin Xuan, let's go."

However, at this time, the elder who led the way in front did not know when to turn around and remind Lin Xuan.

"Oh, good."

Lin Xuan smiles, nods, and says to the middle-aged monk, "brother, I'll talk next time. I'll go first."

"Ah... Little brother, don't leave now. If you think the price is not suitable, let's discuss it again."

"Do you think it's OK, brother? I'll take some losses. 900000 spirit stone. The old and the young are not deceived. What do you think?"

However, Lin Xuan and his party didn't go away, which made the middle-aged monk feel embarrassed.

Finally, he could only stamp his feet and give himself a mouth. He said with a look of chagrin: "you, you really need to fight. You're too greedy. When you meet a fat sheep, you want to kill others. I didn't know that much!"

As for Lin Xuan and others, they went out to the deep of the town.

"Elder, what dingfengzhu is very useful?"

On the way, Lin Xuan asked curiously.

"It's really useful, but generally speaking, it's not used at all. These large-scale gates have been built and engraved, and they have been passed and maintained for many years, so there won't be any accidents."

"What's more, it's not rare. It's worth 200000 spirit stones at most. I gave it more."

The elder stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Only 200000? Hehe, it's really dark. That fat man wants a million dollars. It's not bullying us! "

Smell speech, Mu shallow slightly some tongue, shake head, there is anger in the eyes!

"Forget it. He didn't cheat us. Let's go. It's important to hurry."

Lin Xuan waved his hand and laughed, not thinking of it.

They walked all the way to the center of the town, which is a big square built of bluestone. At the moment, there are a lot of people in it, and many passers-by gather here.

In the middle of the square, there is a high platform like an altar, full of 9981 stone steps. Many people are surrounded by the platform.

If you feel it carefully, you can see that the void is unstable on the high platform. It seems that there is a surge of air, but it is limited on it and can't overflow.

"Is that Yumen?"

In the distance, Shen Qingfeng's eyes were shining and asked silently.

"Yes, that's where the domain gate is. As long as you activate the array pattern, you can open a channel to a foreign land!"

Hearing this, Yan Chixiao said with a smile: "it's the first time in my life that I've seen the appearance of Yumen. I just heard about it before, but I didn't expect to see it today."

"Ha ha ha, brother Yan is a real lover."

Honghao laughs and finds it interesting.

At this time, they followed the elder and came to the high platform. Suddenly, someone from qiyunzong came here to collect tolls

The toll of one hundred thousand spirit stones per person, including the elders in the University, is nine hundred thousand spirit stones!

In fact, it's reasonable. It's a lot of money to build and maintain the domain gate. I'm sure I'll earn it from the monks!

Even, this domain gate is the way to make money of qiyunzong!

You know, the domain gate in front of you can't send them directly to the destination. It can only send them to the next domain gate. There are many domain gate nodes on the way.

It costs at least 900000 spirit stone for each trip. It's terrible to calculate all the way. It's a huge profit!

The toll collectors are the disciples of Qiyun sect. They have a long breath and are not much older than them.

At the moment, his face was slightly cold and he said, "where are you from and where are you going?"

"Ha ha, brother, we are from the emperor Daqian, and we are going to Xingyue city by the way."

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