"Star and moon city? Hehe, are you going to the imperial pass

Smell speech, a black dress of Qi cloud Zong disciple suddenly sneer to ask a way.

"Not bad."

Others have not yet said that the stone breaks through the sky, the eye light is deep, and the sound is like a great bell.

"Hum, the emperor of Daqian is not as good as one generation. Even goods like you can walk on the road of God. Ha ha, I hope you don't die too soon!"

"Go and wait. After waiting for everyone, you will open the domain door!"

The disciple in black had some disdain in his eyes. He shook his head and walked towards others!

"What eyes..."

Behind him, Shi Shatian clenched his fist and gave a cold hum.

Originally, Shi wanted to make trouble, thinking that this man was insulting them, but he was quietly stopped by the elder.

"Don't act rashly. As a big disciple, he is in charge of the Yumen. You can imagine how much he is not simple. He is conceited and reasonable."

"In fact, it's nothing at all. Those of us who come out of small places will always face such contempt..."

The elder sighed and said softly.

"Yes, if I'm right, that person seems to be about the same age as me, but he is already the peak cultivation of the spirit Master..."

"Besides, it's in someone else's territory. I'd better bear it!"

Honghao is also silent, although angry, but helpless.

Qiyun mountain is where Qiyun sect is. If they want to make trouble here, it's like looking for death!

What's more, he didn't mean to target them. He treated other people the same way.

Although the heart is not happy, but as Honghao said, can only endure.

"Well, let's go and wait."

The elder of the school waved his hand and said.

As a matter of fact, they did not wait too long. Two more ancient ships arrived late, carrying many young men and women.

Only one eye, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed a surprised color.

"It's them!"

"People from Mingyue college!"

"It happened here!"

Shi Shatian and others instantly forget their unhappiness, but look to the familiar faces in the distance.

At the beginning, almost all the outstanding people who had appeared in the secret world came together, but there were many strange faces.

"Those people... I'm afraid there are more than 30 people. Can we say that there are so many places in Mingyue college?"

Shen Qingfeng was also surprised and curious.

As soon as he said this, Lin Xuan and others also reacted and could not say what they felt.

When they were still working hard for a place, there were plenty of places in the college.

This contrast makes a few people unhappy.

"I can't help it. The Ming Yue Dynasty is more powerful than the Da Qian Dynasty. How can I compete with them?"

Hong Hao sighed and told the whole story.

"You know, in the past, there were only a few places in Tianxing University. This time, there were seven. It's already a lot of places!"

The eighth prince also said in silence.

Only Lin Xuan, thinking of something else, reminded the elder in the school: "elder, Li shuihan's disappearance may have something to do with them."

Wen Yan, the elder of the university just nodded in silence and didn't say much.

There's no way. Now that they are out of the house and weak, it's not a good time to ask questions.

If people don't come to question them in person, they are already burning incense!

At this time, the two ancient ships, the rainbow soared into the sky, all the heroes fell on the earth, and gathered together in front of the square of the town.

In front of these young men and women, there were three middle-aged men and an old woman on crutches.

Although the old woman's hair was as white as snow, and she looked very old, her breath was terrible, which made Lin Xuan have a feeling of facing the old master!

"That old woman, is it the power of the venerable?"

Shen Qingfeng also felt an invisible sense of oppression, whispering.

However, as soon as his voice fell, the elders in the University yelled with a heavy face: "silence!"

Almost at the same moment, a fierce look swept in, mixed with the idea as majestic as a mountain, like a blade, which made Shen Qingfeng's back cool and his body tremble.

On his side, Lin Xuan and others also felt something. They bowed their heads and dared not say more

It was also at this moment that the invisible sense of oppression and the blade like eyes moved away, which made the elders in the University feel relieved!

Shen Qingfeng also seems to walk around the gate of death, gasping heavily, and his body is still shaking like a sieve.

In the crowd, Lin Xuan raised his head and looked at the group again.

Wu Qinghe also saw Lin Xuan. His face was hostile and his eyes were full of murders. However, it seemed that because of the old woman's relationship, he didn't act rashly and followed him silently!

In the distance, Luo Qingshi also looks at Lin Xuan. She smiles and her beautiful eyes are as bright as gems.

It is also at this moment that the domain gate is activated, and you can see the divine lines rippling on the high platform, emerging in the virtual space, mysterious and incomparable.

Then, the void seemed to split a black hole, like a door, on the high platform.

Its vast and desolate atmosphere is constantly diffused out, like connecting the prehistoric!

The originally noisy crowd suddenly quieted down, all slightly lowered their heads, as if they had seen something terrible!

Almost all the people tacitly agreed to make way for the old woman, and the people of Mingyue college followed and climbed the stage together.

The next moment, the old woman took a step, entered the dark door, with that kind of terrible breath, also disappeared in an instant!

Under the high stage, the people who had lowered their heads also felt the change. They raised their heads slowly, and their eyes were full of horror!

After that, the people of Mingyue college were all in a hurry to catch up, only wuqinghe was behind.

Looking back, he sneered at Lin Xuan and said, "Lin Xuan, kill my younger brother. I'll settle this account with you sooner or later. Hum, I'll wait for you before the imperial pass!"

The voice falls, Wu Qinghe turns around and enters the gate without looking back!

With the departure of Mingyue college, the crowd suddenly burst out in bursts of startled voices, all shocked.

"That old woman is so terrible. Just the breath of nature makes me almost crawl to the ground. It's absolutely an immortal power!"

"That kind of coercion, even compared with the patriarch of our clan, is very likely to have reached the peak of the venerable realm!"

"Yes, I have the same feeling. I didn't expect to meet such an expert today. It's terrible!"

At this time, Lin Xuan patted Shen Qingfeng on the shoulder and said calmly, "it's OK. Don't be afraid!"

Just now, Shen Qingfeng was swept by the old woman's eyes. He felt more oppressed than others. He almost made him kneel on the ground on the spot!

That's the pressure of the realm, it's hard to overstep!

"Elder, who is the old woman?"

Hong Hao asked with a heavy face.

However, the elder of the University shook his head and sighed: "I don't know, but as those people said, the old woman's cultivation is not much worse than that of the master of the University, and she has come to the end of the venerable realm..."

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