"Well, the gate is open. You can go on the road!"

"But you must remember that when you walk in the void, you must not act rashly, otherwise if you are sucked out of the space channel, you will be completely lost, and it is difficult to return to the big world!"

Under the advice of the school elders, they didn't stay too much. With the crowd, they boarded the high platform and stepped into the gate!

Compared with others, Lin Xuan did not walk in the void for the first time.

At the beginning, Lin Xuan practiced the pattern of opening the domain gate, and it has been successful, but the domain gate he can open can only span several hundred meters at most.

But cannot cross the void as the real domain gate!

Obviously, Lin Xuan had a long way to go in the formation. Now he was walking in the dead void, and his face was full of desolation.

All of them are not far away, just like they are in the tunnel of time and space.

This passage is not completely in the dark, but on the top of their heads, there is a strange sight like a star shining.

And even if it is to open the domain door, this distance is also insurmountable gap, it takes a long time to be able to cross.

Twelve hours later, they finally broke away from the empty tunnel and came to a vast desert.

However, in this desert, there is an oasis with boundless size and vast sea of people.

This is also a first-class force in the Far North County, which is called the God of life and is contained in the vast desert.

There is also a gate leading to the next area. In this way, Lin Xuan and his party spent nearly half a month and millions of spirit stones to reach their destination.

Star moon city!

This city is one of the most prosperous cities in the extreme north county. Now the emperor's road is about to open, and it is the nearest city to the emperor's pass. It has already been overcrowded, gathering nearly all the talents and talents in the extreme north county!

The great inheritors and the heirs of the top sects came here together and caused a great disturbance. It is a grand event that has never happened in ten thousand years!

"This is the star moon city. It's as shocking as the rumor has it!"

They travel all the way, watching the vast city from afar, not only give birth to thousands of feelings!

The city is majestic and majestic, with high walls, connecting heaven and earth, like a copper wall and iron wall. The dark stone wall seems to be stained with a layer of ink, and the black light flickers. There is a vast breath, which seems to span the ages, shocking!

This ancient city has a long history. It is said that it existed at the end of ancient times.

It is said that the divine material for the construction of this city is an invincible emperor. It is made by refining the stars and the moon. It is indestructible. It has never been decayed and dilapidated through the ages!

"Let's go, advanced city. I don't know when the imperial pass will open, but it should be in these days!"

The elders of the University escorted them all the way here. They also had a feeling of accomplishment. Their faces were smiling and their eyes were full of praise.

"However, you must remember that after entering the city, you must keep a low profile and never cause trouble!"

"Nowadays, almost all the outstanding people from all walks of life gather together. It's not easy to get into trouble if there is no good fault."

"When the emperor's road is opened, you will step on the road of God and compete with your peers. At that time, the order and law enforcers of the emperor's road will protect the order of the emperor's road and will not allow senior people of high level to intervene. Then, it is your time to shine!"

"If it's too early to expose now, who is not wise?"

The elder of the University told him with painstaking care. After getting the response from Lin Xuan and others, he let go.

They did what the school elders told them. After entering the star moon city, they found a place to live. They almost never left their house. They were practicing in a closed door all the time. They were calm and calm!

No matter how lively the outside world is, it has nothing to do with them.

However, such a day did not last for long. The reopening of the emperor's road mentioned before will finally come true!

On this day, almost the whole city was boiling up, and countless outstanding people woke up from the closed pass. All of them reached their peak and were extremely powerful.

"The emperor's road is about to open, today!"

"Who is the reliable source of the news?"

"Indeed, there is no mistake if the supreme Saint gives the Oracle!"

"How many years have passed, and finally the road to the emperor has been opened. The heroes are competing for supremacy, and the world will rise!"

In the city, a lot of news is like catkins flying, even Lin Xuan and others in Guanzhong are all shocked, and they all go out of Guanzhong!

At this moment, the elders of the University also have a feeling of witnessing history, and they are very excited.

"Let's go. Many outstanding people have gathered at the imperial pass. It's time for us to start!"

The so-called imperial pass is not only a pass, but also a city.

Only this city leads to the emperor Road, so it is called the emperor pass!

There are countless imperial passes like this in the northern region and even in the mainland. There is an imperial pass in almost every prefecture.

One road after another, like a cobweb, will eventually be in the middle land from the edge of the world!

Along the way, the road we have passed is emperor's road!

The dilapidated ancient ship carried Lin Xuan and others to set out again. However, this time, it only took less than an hour, and they came to the front of the imperial pass!

It is also a grand city, like a giant's residence, supporting the sky, like a miracle.

At this moment, countless people have gathered in front of the imperial pass. Looking around, almost everyone's Qi engine is incomparably powerful, and the divine power in his body is surging, just like an oven.

All of a sudden, a flaming golden list came down from the sky and hung in front of the emperor's pass, on which the divine lines were dense, obscure and mysterious.

In the dark, the divine voice is more remote and vast, like a bell wave, deafening, which makes countless people feel a kind of terrible fluctuation.

I can see that the golden list is like an amnesty and an oracle. The power of the golden list shakes the ancient and modern times. The originally closed stone gate slowly opens, and a desolate atmosphere diffuses from it. The majestic sense of oppression comes, as if facing a prehistoric beast.

At this time, what surprised Lin Xuan was that there were living creatures in the imperial pass.

A group of soldiers in silver armor came out of the imperial pass, all holding silver swords and long guns, and standing on both sides of the gate with a cold look.

I don't know when, another magnificent figure in golden armor appeared in front of the imperial pass. He was carrying a big bow with blood red on his back. His killing was like the revival of gods and demons.

He stretched out his hand and saw that the blazing gold medal roll up automatically and fall into the man's hand.

He is the guardian of the emperor's road, powerful to the extreme!

The man in golden armor leaped up and stood on the top of the imperial pass. He looked down at the crowd with a voice like thunder: "follow the instructions of the sage, the imperial pass will open, and those who hold the token can enter the imperial road to fight for supremacy!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan gathered several eyes.

Because he was the only one in the group who didn't have a token, which meant that Lin Xuan couldn't enter the emperor's road

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