"Lin Xuan... I'd better return this token to you. You need it more than I do!"

In the crowd, Shen Qingfeng's face was a little bitter. He sighed and took out a token from his arms. Even to this day, Shen Qingfeng didn't drip blood and imprint his own mark.

All this is preparing for Lin Xuan.

In his eyes, this was what belonged to Lin Xuan, and he always felt guilty of receiving it.

However, Lin Xuan shook his head, his expression was indifferent, his eyes moved on his pretty face, and said calmly: "no, what I left you is left to you."

Then, Lin Xuan turned his head, looked at the elder of the school and asked, "elder, please tell me how to get the extra token!"

"In fact, there are two ways to obtain this token. One is the one mentioned by the old mansion master. He wants to show his invincible fighting power in front of the imperial pass and welcome the approval of the order and guardians of the imperial pass."

"Another way is to find a token that hasn't been imprinted yet and replace it..."

The elder of the University sighed and said, "but this second way is similar to none. Any outstanding person who steps on the front of God's pass will imprint his mark early, and there is no such chance."

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan knew that he had to choose the most dangerous method after all.

However, he had no fear in his heart. When he was not promoted to Lingshi, those so-called Tianjiao Renjie were not his opponents. Now, Lin Xuan has been promoted to Lingshi. It's hard to speculate about his combat power. It's extremely strong!

"I see!"

Lin Xuan nodded. He took a deep breath and looked at the guardian of the emperor road standing in front of the grand emperor pass. He looked thoughtful.

Just at this moment, the law executor of the imperial road in gold armor spoke again. He said indifferently: "if there is no token, there is also a chance to go to the falling devil mountain and find a plant of netherworld grass for me. My token is his!"

As he said this, he saw the black iron token in his hand. There were some mottled dark brown bloodstains on it. It was old and mysterious. It didn't look like something in this world!

"This is something I got from an enemy 3000 years ago when the emperor's road was opened. I didn't make a mark on it. I can pass on the emperor's road with this order!"

The Jinjia man's words were astonishing. The amount of information was so huge that the emperor was boiling and talking about it!

"The token 3000 years ago? Does it mean that the original owner of the token is dead? "

"It's amazing. It turns out that the law enforcer before the emperor's pass was also a hero who stepped on the road of God 3000 years ago!"

"Yes, if I read it correctly, I'm afraid that this man's cultivation was already a venerable person. Now he is more than 3000 years old. His cultivation is really terrible!"

Some people are surprised at what the Jinjia man said about the past. They think it's too amazing.

But some people pay more attention to the other things in the words!

"Looking for a Youming grass? Why do you use this kind of thing? You know, it's the most Yin and evil thing. You can't make medicine. If you take it, even if it's stronger than the venerable, your whole body's blood will wither, your body will grow old, and even your realm may fall... "

"If it is taken by the monks in the venerable realm, it will be extremely poisonous and will fester all over the body and turn into blood to die!"

"Falling devil mountain, that place is a Jedi. Tens of thousands of years ago, it was a monstrous battlefield. An alien demon fell into it, and the earth was occupied. Anyone who stepped into it, even if he didn't die, and could walk out of it, would become a madman. It's very evil. Few people dare to step on it!"

"Even if the strong enter the venerable realm, they are likely to fall into it, and the spiritual master friars are even more dead than alive!"

"That's right. Only in that evil Jedi can there grow something like netherworld grass. But who dares to go to this thing? It's absolutely for death!"

"Yes, I'd rather challenge peerless Tianjiao than go to such a place. I don't know how to die!"

Before the imperial pass, many people were shaking their heads, with a look of lingering fear in their eyes.

However, for Lin Xuan, this news is equivalent to one more choice, and can see the effect.

Because Lin Xuan didn't know how strong he had to be to be recognized and give him a token to pass on the emperor's road!

"What the order maintainers of the imperial pass want is only a Youming grass. Maybe they don't need to go to that kind of dangerous place."

"Yes, it's just that the netherworld herbs are hard to find. In a sense, they are even rarer than the medicine kings of tens of thousands of years. Many people can't see them all their lives."

"Yes, if the king of medicine is OK, those large-scale auctions, even in the real ancient heritage, can still be found, but no one will collect such things as Youming grass!"

In the crowd, there are constant people talking, expressing their opinions, incomparable noise.

At this moment, there was no expression on Lin Xuan's face. In fact, he had already understood that all the way to practice was to cross the single wooden bridge. Now, if he wants to get the pass token to enter the emperor's road, he must have the momentum of abandoning himself!

It's not so easy to go to the fall devil mountain to find the netherworld grass, whether it's proved by war after war or according to the emperor's order!

"Is falling devil mountain really so terrible?"

Lin Xuan had never heard of this place before. Falling devil ridge was not far from here, only less than ten thousand li away.

With his question, Shen MuQing suddenly said: "it's said that tens of thousands of years ago, there was a demon of unknown race in the Far North County, who killed everywhere and disturbed the world."

"Finally, an old sage in Cangwu sect was born. He set up a situation to lead the devil into the falling devil mountain and kill him. It is said that in that era, every inch of the land in the falling devil mountain was stained with the devil's blood and died when touched!"

"Now, even in the past tens of thousands of years, it is still a Jedi, in which all the vitality is extinct, like the hell of the yellow spring, there is no return!"

"Lin Xuan... You must not go. This road is almost doomed. Even if you are not careful, you will fall into it!"

"And the netherworld grass must grow in the deepest part of the falling devil mountain, accompanied by the devil's blood. It's the most strange and evil. It's hard to pick it!"

"In fact, it's not without a chance to find a pass token. There should be something left in many ancient heritages. In three days, there will be a large auction in Xingyue city. Maybe there will be a pass token..."

Shen MuQing said with a worried face, afraid that Lin Xuan would make a wrong decision, and always reminded him.

"Auction? Even if there is, we should not be able to buy it. There is no such inside information. "

However, Lin Xuan shook his head when he heard that he was not very optimistic.

Shen MuQing is biting her teeth. It's hard for anyone to see through. In the depth of her platform, a small brown stone is shimmering. In it, it's like a gorgeous nine heaven Xuannv sitting in front of her. It's so holy.

A string of silver bell like laughter emerged from her platform and reflected in Shen MuQing's heart.

"It's funny that a small token can make you so difficult."

"This kind of thing, how many I wanted in my teaching, what kind of university you were in the doldrums, now you can't even get a pass token..."

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