"Back then, when the emperor Daqian founded the country, he was a great man. There were more than one saint. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the generation was worse than the generation. Now he can't even get a pass token. If those ancestors know it, I don't know if they will be angry!"

Deep in the Lingtai, the small brown stone hair is shining like a dream, just like a divine stone.

Shen MuQing's face was slightly moved by the sound of a babble in her mind.

In a flash, Shen MuQing's spirit suddenly opened his eyes and radiated a divine idea.

"Do you know how to get a pass token?"

This is a means of practicing after the spiritual master. It can be transmitted by divine thoughts, unless it is a supreme power, which is hard for others to perceive.

"Cluck, it's just a small token. It's nothing. I have countless ways to get it."

Inside the small brown stone, there is another silver bell like laughter, like a magic sound, which makes people feel trance.

"Will you help me? It's not that easy, is it? What conditions do you have? "

Shen MuQing's spirit is as beautiful and moving as she is. Qiong's nose is straight and pretty, her eyes are smart and vivid. Now her red lips are moving. She knows that the witch will never help her so easily. She must have extra conditions.

"For so many years, you are still so defensive against my sister. Cluck, what else do you need for my sister to help you? You and I are symbiotic. There's no need for that."

There was a kind of demonic and evil feeling in the laughter.

However, Shen MuQing now has no choice but to believe her.

In fact, over the years, she has been able to achieve today's achievements, but also all because of the witch.

She had been saved more than once before, and taught her a lot of secrets, as well as some secrets.

Although Shen MuQing didn't like the feeling of being parasitized in the platform by unknown existence, her attitude towards the witch was subtle, grateful and disgusted.

However, these gratitude can't make Shen MuQing completely believe the witch's words. In fact, she is very afraid that if one day the witch gets out of trouble, will she take the place of her.

This makes Shen MuQing very cautious all the time.

"Do you really have a way to get a pass token?"

"Isn't there a chance like this in front of you? I'll accompany you to the fall devil mountain and take a Youming grass. Isn't it easy to catch it?"

Inside the small brown stone, the illusory figure of Xuannv spoke confidently.

However, Shen MuQing was silent after hearing the speech.

After a long time, she said: "you just said that it's a Jedi. If you enter, you will die."

Yes, the reason why Shen MuQing kept reminding Lin Xuan just now is that in her mind, there was this witch talking about it.

"If other people go, there will be death but no life. However, I have something to do with this falling devil mountain..."

"Forty thousand years ago, the sage in Cangwu sect set up a bureau to kill the devil. However, the world only remembers the sage in Cangwu sect, but forgets that besides the sage, there are two other saints behind the battle..."

"Among the other saints, one of them is an elder in my sect. He has a deep relationship with me and once taught me a secret method. He is half of my master..."

In the Lingtai, the sound of a silver bell reverberates constantly. Every word contains many secrets, which makes Shen MuQing's face hard to calm down.

Originally, she could imagine that the origin of the witch was very great. Although she said that she was the saint of a holy land, it was not very true, from what she said just now, it seemed to verify that her so-called pulse was not much different from the status of cangwuzong.

Cangwuzong is one of the most ancient heritages in the far north county. It can be traced back to a million years ago and has a profound foundation.

In the past tens of thousands of years, there are only two inheritances that can be compared with cangwuzong in the far north county. Can we say that the witch is from one of them?

"Are you from tianque temple?"

Shen MuQing's idea came out of the platform and doubted the real origin of the witch.

Today, only tianque temple and Dahuang sect can match cangwuzong in the far north county. Dahuang sect never accepts female disciples, which can be almost ruled out.

However, tianque temple, on the contrary, has few male disciples and most of them are women.

Even the owner of the early palace was a queen of the highest class

However, the only thing that puzzles Shen MuQing is that there is no saint in tianque temple, and the descendants of the past dynasties only call it goddess.

Tianque temple has never considered itself a holy place.

It should be noted that only those who dare to regard themselves as holy places in this world dare to do so.

These are different from what the witch said. They are not right.

However, at this time, Shen MuQing's platform suddenly heard a sneer: "tianque temple? What is that and how can it compare with what I teach? "

"Hum, I know what you are thinking in your heart. Don't guess. When I want you to know in the future, you will know!"

"As for the worry in your heart, it's even more funny. If I really want to occupy the nest, you will no longer exist..."

"I help you. I just treat you as a disciple. Even if I don't ask you to call me master, I don't have to be so wary of me!"

"Have I done you any harm over the years? Not only have you not been harmed, but also I hope to train you to be the saint of my religion... "

"Now you are too weak and know too much, which is not good for you. When you know everything in the future, you will naturally understand my good intentions!"

In the spirit platform, in the illusion, those words echoed like fairy sounds, which made Shen MuQing more confused.

However, after a while, she finally chose to believe the "teacher". As if she had just awakened from a dream, her mind returned to the essence. She said to Lin Xuan: "Lin Xuan, if you really want to go to the falling devil mountain, I'll go with you, maybe I can help you!"

She did not notice the slightest difference in other people's ears, but there was a trace of doubt in Lin Xuan's ears.

You know, just now, Shen MuQing was still persuading him not to go to the falling magic mountain. Now after a moment's silence, he changed his mind, which is not in line with Shen MuQing's character.

However, Lin Xuan didn't make it public. He said with a smile: "it's OK. Don't worry about me. The imperial pass won't be closed for a short time. For me, there is still a lot of time to consider. I have my own plan on how to choose."

"However, now that the emperor's road is open, I won't delay you. Don't be robbed by others."

Lin Xuan smiles and pats Shen Qingfeng on the shoulder.

"You go to diguan first, wait for me on the way ahead, leave me some time, and then go after you!"

In their talks, people have been constantly entering the imperial pass. They are all outstanding people in the major imperial dynasties and inheritance. Their accomplishments and realm are terrible, and they walk lightly and indomitably.

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