"I'll stay with you!"

Shen MuQing heard the speech, almost without any hesitation, he said.

"Are you stupid?"

Lin Xuan shook his head funny, said to her: "all said, don't worry about me, along the way, when I did not know, cherish life very much."

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

However, Shen MuQing also shook her head. She was dressed in white, her dress was dancing, her black hair was flying, her eyes were clear as water, and she stood in front of Lin Xuan like a fairy. She said seriously, "I can help you."

There was a certain firmness in her eyes, as if no one could change her mind.

On the other side, without waiting for Lin Xuan to speak, Shen Qingfeng took a deep breath and joined in the fun: "I'll stay, too. If something really can't be done, this quota is still yours. I'm willing to quit!"

"Shen Qingfeng, why didn't I find your ink before? Where did you lose your previous arrogance? Have you forgotten what you said? "

Lin Xuan said impatiently.

"Lin Xuan... I..." Shen Qingfeng's face was tangled. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Are you a little confused by staying with me for too long, and some doubt your potential?"

Seeing this, Lin Xuan sighed and said helplessly.

"Well... That's how it feels..."

Shen Qingfeng nodded silently, with a low voice.

At the moment, Yan Chixiao seemed to feel something, and also said with a smile: "not to say that brother Shen is confused, I am also very confused. Monsters like you, brother Lin, really beat us to pieces, and I doubt myself from time to time..."

"Yes, yes, Lin Xuan, I'd like to stay away from you. I can't even lift my head under your shadow all day long. You should keep a distance from us. It's so shocking!"

Smell speech, the stone breaks the sky also join in the lively ridicule way, to Lin Xuan damaged a pass.

"I think it's our honor to be born with you, brother Lin..."

The eighth Prince shook his head and said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, your highness, you are really wrong. If I really blow as much as you do, I will push the emperor's way."

"How can you be stopped outside the imperial pass and not even enter a gate?"

"OK, you all go. Leave me alone and be quiet. Since I have chosen this road, I will not change it easily. Just as the old master said, it is also a kind of tempering for me!"

Lin Xuan shakes his head. His face is calm. He can't see happiness and anger. Even his bright eyes are empty.

"Lin Xuan..."

Shen Qingfeng wanted to say something else, but he was interrupted directly by Lin Xuan: "go ahead, wait for me on the way ahead, I will catch up with you sooner or later. If you have any words, I'll talk about it then!"

He is really cold at the moment, a look of refusing people thousands of miles away. His body is like ice for thousands of years, and his eyes are cold.

At this moment, many people were silent, but after a long time, Shi burst into the sky with a light smile, hugged Lin Xuan and said, "brother Lin, since that's the case, let's go first and see you on the way to the emperor!"

"Take care, brother Lin!" Honghao and the eighth prince also smile, no more words.

"Lin Xuan, be careful."

Mu's eyes are like a mirror, reflecting Lin xuanqingjun's face.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan this just satisfied of show a silk of smile, smile a way: "good, also wish you all the way smooth, Yang I big Qian emperor's prestige!"

"Lin Xuan..." Shen Qingfeng looked at him with a heavy face, and his heart was a little complicated.

Or Shen MuQing said at the moment: "go ahead, don't let such a precious quota be wasted. It's not what you've been looking forward to. Step on the road of God and leave no regrets. I'll just stay."

Then, she seemed afraid that Lin Xuan would drive her away. She said to Lin Xuan, "I know something about falling magic mountain. Let me stay with you. I have a better chance of success..."

In the sea of people, Lin Xuan stares at Shen MuQing's eyes, four eyes are opposite. After a long time, Lin Xuan nods silently, and finally agrees.

After saying goodbye to each other, the rest of the people left under their eyes, entered the imperial pass and disappeared from the world.

Inside and outside the imperial pass are two different worlds, most of which are connected by one small world after another, all of which are written by the supreme figures.

However, some of the nodes are in the big world, not too many.

No one can tell exactly when the emperor's road originated. Some say it was in the early ancient times, others say it was in the late Archean times, and some even said it was earlier. It originated in the Honghuang period

Some people say that today's imperial road of the human race is only built on the basis of the "imperial road" promoted by all the people in the ancient times. It is the layout of the world's greatest characters, and it can cultivate countless talents for the human race.

All sorts of things seem to have nothing to do with Lin Xuan.

He didn't look happy or angry. He left the imperial pass with Shen MuQing and the elders in the University and returned to Xingyue city.

"Lin Xuan, when I came from the University, I was asked by the head of the university not to let me help you."

"The Lord of the mansion asked me to tell you that if you are forced into a desperate situation, even if there is no road ahead, you should go out of your own way!"

"It's your choice. The University won't interfere."

The elder of the University spoke in silence. However, he seemed to be afraid of Lin Xuan's misunderstanding and explained: "Lin Xuan, it's not that the university doesn't value you and doesn't want to help you. On the contrary, it is precisely because the Lord of the government is more interested in you that he will let you go out of the way of life and die on your own! "

"Only by endlessly honing, can you go further..."

"Otherwise, even if you find another token, the final outcome will not change."

"In ancient history, there were many invincible people who would give up and choose a more difficult road even if they had their own token before stepping on the road of God..."

"Only by constant polishing can we achieve something."

"When you choose this road by mistake, I hope that you can be like those invincible figures in ancient history who have been famous for thousands of years, whose life's deeds can cross the ancient history, even if the era changes, the vicissitudes of life, still immortal, live in the hearts of the world!"

This remark, like a slap in the face, made originally some silent Lin Xuan seem to have found the answer he wanted to seek.

The real invincible Road, is never a smooth road, but a road of thorns, but can overcome the thorns, indomitable!

"Elder, I know."

Lin Xuan, who was a little confused and seemed stubborn, but in fact didn't know his future, finally strengthened his heart. As he had been, he had a kind of extraordinary spirit all over his body. He walked all the way through the city, where he went was frightening!

Let many friars exclaim!

"Who is this man? Why have you never heard of it before? Isn't he a hero who wants to step on the road of God? Why don't you go to the imperial pass, but come to the star moon city? "

"Is it difficult that this man just entered the city and didn't know that the imperial pass had been opened?"

"It's impossible. Now that the emperor's pass is open, it's spread all over the world. No one will know it!"

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