"Where did this man come from? I dare to provoke others at such a time. I don't know what to do

"It's over, this man is dead. Once the jade sword skill comes out, it's unparalleled in the world. Although this young sect leader is not the most arrogant of the jade sword sect generation, he's not weak either. And now his realm is four levels higher than this man's, so he's almost sure to die!"

"It's a pity that such people should be provoked. Alas."

Not far away, many people are lamenting, feel sorry for Lin Xuan, almost determined his ending, difficult to go against the sky!

Even the young master of the jade sword sect laughed and continued: "hum, you're going to die. I'm very curious. Which small country do you come from? I don't know the heaven is high and the earth is thick!"

In front of the inn, Lin Xuan sighed. He didn't pay attention to the little master's words. Instead, he said, "I thought that if you sincerely repent and apologize to me, I will spare your life."

"But now it seems that those are not important. No matter who you are, today even if Laozi comes, he can't save you!"


Lin Xuan's words were too shocking, causing an uproar and shocking.

"I'll go. This man has a big voice. Why does he say that? Is there any great origin? "

"No way, these two people are definitely from a small country, isolated from the world, otherwise they would never know Tianhua baoque!"

"Haha, I don't think this man knows he's going to die. He deliberately scares the young master, hoping to scare him, so as to escape and save his life!"

"Well, what you said is reasonable. If you think about it carefully, it's really possible!"

Even at the moment, no one still thinks that Lin Xuan can go against the sky. They all think that he is bluffing.

The little master of the jade sword sect heard that he was even more angry. He sneered, "do you want to scare me? Ha ha, when I kill you, I'll see how you can still speak wildly! "


The young master of the jade sword sect gave a big drink. He looked wild. He was holding a purple jade sword and turned into a rainbow. In an instant, he killed Lin Xuan and wanted to cut off Lin Xuan's head!

It has to be said that the jade sword skill is really unique and changeable. There is a sword light whistling towards Lin Xuan!

However, Lin Xuan seemed to be silly. He didn't escape. He still stood in the same place, his eyes were bright, staring at the purple jade sword. At the next moment, he suddenly stretched out two fingers and put the purple jade sword between his two fingers. No matter how hard it was to enter!


The edge of the sword was crystal clear and sharp. It was only less than a foot away from Lin Xuan's neck. At the moment, this scene was too shocking. I watched the people who were not far away!

"What's that?"

"How is that possible? Am I dazed? "

"My God... We all underestimated him. It's sensational. He's absolutely a great man!"

"Who can catch such a blow so easily? Originally, I thought he was going to land on his head. Who could have thought that the situation would change in an instant..."

"Ha ha, there's a good play now. The young master of the jade sword gate kicked an iron plate. I'm afraid it's going to fall!"

"Hey, hey, it's good to die, save people to stay in the world and do harm to others!"

Not only the onlookers were shocked, but also the master himself was scared to death!

The purple jade sword in his hand is hard for him to save. It's like time and space are fixed at this moment!

From small to large, he has experienced a lot of wars. He is not a flower in the greenhouse. He has dealt with many proud people!

However, no one has ever been able to catch his sword so easily. What does it mean? No one knows better than him!

"Who on earth are you?"

At the moment, the little master was completely flustered. He wanted to draw out his sword, but he couldn't move it. He exclaimed.

"I'm just the bumpkin in your mouth. Who else can I be?"

Lin Xuan grinned, like playing with a prey, and wanted to see him struggling in death.

"This fellow... I think there may be some misunderstanding between us... Let go and I'll explain it to you!"

The young master's heart sank. He knew that Lin Xuan was watching his joke on purpose. I'm afraid there's no way to do good today. He had a plan in his heart and was willing to be soft.

"Well, then explain it to me!"

Lin Xuan has a bright smile. He never intends to let this person go. However, he just feels boring and might as well play with him.

"Hey, hey, easy to say."

The master of the little gate smiles and nods.

However, as Lin Xuan opened his fingers, he saw that the purple jade sword had not been put down. It was like a ready to kill move, and he chopped at Lin Xuan again!

In this electric light, Lin Xuan's eyes moved, and his face suddenly became cold.

The strike was too close for him to stop like he did just now. He stepped on the dragon's Footwork and left the spot in a short time to escape for dozens of steps.

However, even though his reaction was quick and the blade of his sword didn't touch his skin, there was a sword Qi chopping, which broke his body, and a thin blood line appeared from his neck!

In a hurry, Lin Xuan didn't run the immortal body. He just relied on his own body and ate the dark loss!

However, this little wound was nothing to him. Lin Xuan's eyes were deep. He looked at the purple jade sword, which was made of Amethyst jade. It was extraordinary. Otherwise, it would be hard to break his skin!

This scene also attracted bursts of exclamation, many people secretly said: "lying trough, this is too insidious, the hero almost hit him!"

"It's really shameful, but this blow can't kill the hero, he will die!"

It is true that, as the onlookers said, Lin Xuan could not destroy the xuanjing, and his blood roared in his body like thunder, which surprised many people.

The blood line in his neck recovered as before, which had no effect on him at all.

In the distance, the little master of the jade sword sect had already gone away after a miss. He had already seen that even if he attacked secretly, he was not Lin Xuan's opponent. If he continued to stay, he would definitely die!

"Hum, you can hide quickly. I won't play with you. See you later!"

He steered the rainbow and swept hundreds of meters in a flash!

"Want to go? It's not that easy“

However, how could Lin Xuan let him escape? His face was extremely cold, and his killing intention was stronger than ever!

At this time, at the foot of Lin Xuan, a divine jade platform appeared, which was covered with divine lines, which moved the heaven and the earth, causing the void to vibrate and ripples.

An illusory door appeared in front of Lin Xuan's eyes. He took one step and disappeared in the same place in an instant!

"I'll go. What's the origin of this man? There's a divine jade platform under his feet. It's too terrible!"

"Shenyutai? Crossing the void, crossing thousands of Li in an instant... Is this the kind of divine jade platform? "

Many people feel more and more terrible when they see this scene. It's hard to imagine that Lin Xuan has such means.

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