In the distance, the battlefield moves horizontally, and the little master of the jade sword gate ascends to the sky, turning into a rainbow and plundering along the direction of the gate!

However, at the next moment, a violent shaking in the void of the little master's path of the jade sword gate tore open a hole!


In the boundless void, a golden big foot appears, carrying infinite divine power, as if to step on the top of the head of the little master of the jade sword gate!


That pair of big feet is like a giant with a golden body. It's like a huge pillar supporting the sky. Under that pair of big feet, the little master of jade sword gate looks like a mole ant. It's hard to resist. His flesh will split, his clothes will burst, and his skin will be full of cracks!

"How dare you kill me? Are you not afraid of the Revenge of our jade sword gate? "

The young master of the jade sword gate was shocked. He used all his strength and struggled to get down from his big feet. He roared angrily. The sharp pain of his cracked body made his face distorted and furious!

This is not only the suppression of the physical body, but also the omni-directional rolling. Lin Xuan is as powerful as a sea, full of Qi and blood, as simple as cat and mouse!

Thunder is heard between heaven and earth, as if thousands of troops are galloping!

Lin Xuan's face was cold and completely out of the void. He was immortal like the God of war, shining with gold. Under the operation of immortal gold, he had the momentum of destroying the withered and decaying!

He did not speak, overlooking heaven and earth, such as the king of heaven, is a foot, that kind of breath is terrible, even the earth is shaking, the far away city is constantly broken, just like the end of the world!

Lin Xuan's hair danced wildly, and two immortal lights appeared in his eyes, as if this was his response, strong to the extreme!


At his feet, the head of the young master of the jade sword gate nearly burst. He used his secret skill and turned his injured body into a rainbow again. He flew out of the city. He didn't dare to fight with Lin Xuan to escape here!

No one thought that the war between the two people should be such a result, completely beyond everyone's expectation.

In the distance, many monks who had been watching in front of the inn also turned into rainbow chasing. For a moment, it caused a huge storm and shocked many big figures in Xingyue city!

This in the eyes of others, there are too many incredible.

At the foot of Lin Xuan, shenyutai reappeared again. The flowing stars were as bright as the river of stars. The silent waves spread in the void. The next moment, he disappeared in front of everyone again!

The original domineering little master of the jade sword gate is no longer powerful. He is like a lost dog. He is constantly moving to get rid of Lin Xuan's pursuit!

"Shenyutai has appeared again... Is this man a descendant of a large group or even a holy land? There is such a fairy treasure

"How is that possible? How can that kind of character appear in star moon city?"

Many people are in exclamation, make every effort to chase, for fear of missing any details of the war!

"You're wrong. It's not the divine jade platform that can span hundreds of thousands of miles in a moment in the Holy Land and immortal immortal sect, but it also has that kind of breath. It's just a short distance crossing."

At this time, a well-informed elder came and looked at Lin Xuan, who was far away, and said in silence.

Shenyutai, as the name suggests, is a portable domain gate, which is more advanced than the domain gate. Only those real top-level inheritance, even the supreme holy land and immortal immortal sect can be built.

You don't need to prepare anything. You can open a door of emptiness in an instant. If you take one step, you will be tens of thousands of miles away.

Whether it's chasing the enemy or running for life, it's a treasure.

If there were shenyutai, it didn't take Lin Xuan so long to come to Xingyue city from the reign of emperor Daqian. If they crossed all the way, they would arrive in half a day!

If we say that the difference between Yumen and shenyutai is that Yumen is just a node connecting the two places, creating a void tunnel. Although it is much faster than driving a rainbow, it still takes a long time.

But shenyutai doesn't need to be so complicated. It's just like the invincible means of the world's figures. You can go across the sky and the earth in one step!

However, Shenyu platform also has a service life. Although it is not disposable, if it exhausts the power of Shenyu, it will also become an ordinary product.

The Shenyu platform at the foot of Lin Xuan was carved by himself, which contains the original runes on the towering atlas. It has that kind of power, but it can only cross a short distance after all, and it is difficult to cross thousands of miles!

But even so, Lin Xuan could still use it to pursue the enemy, and once again stopped the little master of the jade sword gate!

Zixia flickers and the light of the sword roars. This time, the little master of the jade sword gate seems to have experience. At the moment when Lin Xuangang just stepped out of the void, he waves his sword and gives it to Lin Xuan!

"Die for me!"

However, Lin Xuan's golden body was immortal. He threw a huge jade tripod to block the sharp edge of the sword. In it, the Qi of yin and Yang was flowing. The fragrance of medicine was strong and the jade was flawless, just like a God.


Lin Xuan suppressed it with a white jade heaven and earth tripod. It was like a great mountain falling down. It was as if there were hundreds of millions of people who wanted to crush heaven and earth. It was towering and vast!

The Ziyu sword seems to be trying to open up a way of life. It strikes the jade tripod and makes a sonorous sound. It sounds like thunder!

When the light dissipated, the jade tripod was still smooth, and the Ziyu sword was also shining. Only the little master of the jade sword gate, who held the sword, could not bear that kind of vibration. He got rid of it, and the Ziyu sword fell to his feet!

"Lin Xuan, if you kill me, yujianmen will never let you go. You will never die..."

The young master of the jade sword sect gave a big drink. He was very hard at the moment. His internal organs seemed to be broken. It was hard for him to go against the heaven!

However, the voice of the little master of the jade sword gate did not fall, and the jade tripod fell across the sky again!


The figure of the young master of the jade sword gate was shocked. His cracked body was like glass. In the mud, a divine light flew out. It was his spirit!

At this moment, the young master of the jade sword sect was finally flustered. He yelled and wanted Lin Xuan to let him go!

"No... you can't kill me... I'll give you all my good things. Don't kill me..."

"It's over!"

Lin Xuan murmured coldly. From the moment he started, he didn't intend to let go of the people in front of him.

"Heaven's paw in the wilderness!"

A big hand shot out, as if covered the sun and moon, heavy shot down, the way as the size of the thumb of the spirit completely disintegrated, into a little bit of starlight, scattered on the earth!

It was like breaking through the sky. Someone exclaimed, "oh my God, he is really merciless and too strong. The jade sword gate is a big force. Isn't he afraid of the anger of the jade sword gate leader?"

"The sect leader is a king. He killed his only son, which is doomed to the end of immortality."

"Even if the old people don't end up in person, don't forget that there is an invincible hero in yujianmen who has also set foot on the road of emperor. If they meet on the way, it must be a bloody battle!"

"Yes, it's said that the hero is a wizard of kendo. Jade sword skill is invincible in his hands. He once killed more than one wizard of the same level. Now, only when he was crowned, he has already cultivated the soul of the sword and cultivated the heart of the sword. This is definitely a great enemy!"

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