"I've heard about this man for a long time. It's said that many old people have said that his talent in kendo is hard to find an opponent in the world. Even if he takes the road of God, he is definitely the most terrible one!"

"Jiang Jianyun has long been a legend in the far north county. He is no less than the descendant of Xianzong and holy land. He is the most famous descendant in the jade sword sect!"

"Hehe, Jiang Jianyun and the young master have been at odds since childhood. If it wasn't for the restriction of the elders in the sect, the young master would have fallen long ago!"

"Now the young master of the jade sword sect is the moon city, the death star. If that person knows, maybe he will thank him very much!"

A large number of pavilions and buildings in the city were destroyed by the aftermath of the war, which attracted a large number of monks to talk about.

At this time, Lin Xuan ignored the cry. He turned his head, hung in the sky, and stood on the jade tripod. He held down his hands, dressed and hunted. His eyes were frightening, just like an Immortal King!

In front of him, several yujianmen disciples who originally followed the young master of yujianmen finally caught up with him, but they came late, only to see a disintegrated corpse and cry!

"Kill the young master of our sect. Who are you? Yujianmen will never give up!"

Someone bit his teeth and silently pulled out his sword to kill Lin Xuan.

However, in Lin Xuan's eyes, these people were like ants. He stamped the tripod under his feet and made a deafening roar. He saw the jade tripod sweeping by. All those who touched it turned into blood fog, and the spirit broke directly. He couldn't even escape!

Such a powerful means surprised the people present. Many people were trembling and afraid of Lin Xuan's power.

"It's him..."

However, at the moment, someone in the crowd seemed to recognize Lin Xuan, with a look of surprise.

"He? Do you know who he is

There are people who are good at strange things.

"Who else can it be? It's the immortal hero who was full of Qi and blood yesterday..."

As soon as this remark is made, it seems that all the mysteries have been solved, and many people have a sudden appearance.

"I never thought that he was this man. No wonder he was so strong. Today, he was introverted and didn't show that kind of invincible momentum."

"If I had known that, the young master of the jade sword sect would not have chosen to provoke such a powerful enemy!"

"It's too late to say anything now, but I'm curious. What's the origin of this man?"

At the bottom of the city, many high-level monks talked about it and kept talking.

However, as the focus of the field, Lin Xuan didn't stay too much. He passed the message to Shen MuQing with his divine thoughts, and then turned into a rainbow and left in the sky!

"Star moon city can't stay any longer. Leave here first!"

Although his strength of killing all sides shocked many people, it didn't mean that he was really strong enough not to be afraid of such transcendent forces as yujianmen!

Now Lin Xuan has killed the little master of the jade sword gate. I'm afraid that before long, the strong one of the jade sword gate will arrive at Xingyue city. If he continues to stay here, it's like waiting for death.

Just as Lin Xuan had guessed, soon after he left, a rainbow from heaven and earth flew in. Behind him, there were thousands of rays of light, like a wonderful scene in the open air.

When Guanghua was gone, a monk in a Taoist robe in green came in a hurry. He was thin, but his realm was incomparably deep. His eyes opened and closed like the sun and the moon, and his power was as vast as the sea!

"Who killed Hao'er?"

A roar from heaven and earth shakes thousands of miles, and the whole star moon city seems to be shaking, as if to overturn!

I saw that the monk in the Taoist robe was so powerful that his intention of killing came out through his body. His voice was like thunder, deafening!

The vast void collapses and many pavilions and attics in the city turn into powder. It's so terrible that it's like the end of the day!

Many of the spectators who had not left here were miserable at the moment. No one thought that the strong men of the jade sword gate came so quickly!

That kind of killing makes them sink into the mire, hard to get rid of, and their bodies seem to be cut apart, and they can't help shaking!

"It really broke the sky. The head of the jade sword sect actually came here. He was so strong!"

"It's true that you're right. If these characters come down in person, you'll fall down even if you're proud of yourself!"

"It's not true that the old people are not allowed to interfere in the struggle of emperor Lu in the ancient maxim of emperor Lu. Does the jade sword gate dare to violate the ancient Maxim?"

At the foot, although most of the friars are hard to move at the moment, there are also many senior figures with high accomplishments who have not been affected too much. They are far away from the center of the storm and exclaim!

But at this moment, a distant old sigh appeared, which turned into a powerful voice. It came from the sky, opened all the murderous opportunities, blocked a large number of murderous intentions, and did not hurt the innocent friars in the city.

"Taoist brother, please calm down. Don't hurt the innocent..."

Accompanied by a divine sound, another man riding a white crane with jade body came to the sky. This man is a white haired old man, whose cultivation is also unfathomable, and appeared in front of the public.


"My son was killed here. How can you make me calm down?"

The monk of Taoist robe gave a cold hum. His power was sharp and his anger soared to the sky!

"Taoist brother, when do I have to wait for the fight between young people?"

"Don't you forget the old adage, Taoist brother?"

"The battle between the emperor and the road, the victory and defeat of the bandits, is a fixed number!"

The white haired old man's voice is as vast as the sea. It seems that he has washed away all the murderous ideas between heaven and earth. Many innocent friars, who could not help shivering, are finally relieved from the terrible atmosphere!

"Hum, if my son falls on the way to the emperor, I will naturally follow the ancient precepts, but now my son has not stepped on the road to God, and is in the meteorite moon city, which has nothing to do with the ancient precepts!"

"Now, you old thief are against me everywhere. It's clear that you are the one who covers up that guy!"

The Taoist priest was furious and even aimed at the old man with white hair.

"I can understand the pain of Taoist brother's son's death, but I still want to persuade Taoist brother to speak carefully. I have never been partial to anyone, but now I am just a watchman of the order of the emperor's road performing the ancient commandments of the emperor's road."

"Is it difficult for Taoist brother Cheng to disobey the ancient precepts and disturb the order of the emperor's road?"

Although the white haired old man looks ordinary, no one dares to underestimate him. He is definitely a strong man of the same rank as the master of the jade sword sect. He is a king!

"The ancient maxim of emperor Lu, what is that? Why have I never heard of it?"

At the foot of the crowd, many innocent young friars get rid of the terrible pressure, and finally be able to open their mouth and express their doubts.

At this time, an old man who knew the matter said: "there are many ancient sayings about the emperor's road, but what has something to do with what happened in front of us is that the old man is not allowed to disturb the order of the emperor's road. It's just like if a descendant falls on the emperor's road, he can't intervene in revenge!"

"Yes, from the moment we set foot on the road of God, it's a struggle among the same generation. We respect our strength."

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