"Hum, don't give me such a big hat. I can't afford it!"

At this moment, the owner of the jade sword gate, who had been furious, finally calmed down, but he was still angry.

It's true that he can't violate the ancient maxim of Dilu.

Because it was made by the emperors all the time. Even though those emperors who once came to the world have already passed away, they have been passed on to the world and are bound by the immortal holy land and the great religion of the world to practice these ancient precepts.

Not to mention that he yujianmen is just a second rate force in the far north county. Even the Holy Land immortal sect is abiding by the ancient precepts. This is to protect the potential seeds, so as to prevent them from falling prematurely and difficult to grow up.

"However, I will never be so willing to give up this account. Hum!"

The master of the jade sword gate snorted, his eyes were full of anger, and there was a surge of thunder and lightning in it. It was like the revival of an ancient beast, revealing a terrible Qi, which shocked the world!

At the foot of the young monk once again shrouded in the atmosphere of terror, can not help crawling on the ground, shivering.

However, the next moment, I saw the door master wave his hand, swept away his son's corpse, crushed the void, turned into a rainbow, and left!

It was also after the master of the jade sword gate left that many people recovered from their ignorance, and their backs were all wet with cold sweat.

In the sky, the old man with white hair sighed again, which also turned into a rainbow. He drove the crane away from here, and the peace between heaven and earth was restored.

It was not until a long time after the two Zun Daneng left that they were relieved and gave out bursts of startled voices!

"God, this is the king's posture. If it's really strong, it makes me feel like an ant facing the dragon. It's extremely small."

"The momentum alone has made us crawl on the ground, and the emptiness will be annihilated with a burst of drinking. It's really terrible. If such figures take action, it will really destroy the sky and the earth, and the city will sink and disappear!"

However, at this time, some senior figures appeared and said with a smile, "these two great abilities are not here. Otherwise, I'm afraid we would have burst into a blood fog under the condition just now, and all of them would be extinct."

"Yes, it's not the real means of the king. If I guess correctly, the two people who appear in front of us are just two gods left behind. They can't be compared with their real bodies!"

"Yes, it must have been the sect leader who left a thread of God to protect his son, but he didn't know where he went in the middle of the way. Who knows that in this time, his son had fallen and had a feeling, so he came so fast!"

With the passage of time, the storm finally came to an end.

However, Lin Xuan is also well-known in Xingyue City, and some people even dig out his origin!

"The man came from the emperor Daqian. I once met him on the way to the God of life in qiyunzong, but at that time, he had many companions around him."

"The great Qian dynasty? It's a familiar name, but I don't know where I've heard it. "

"I've never heard of any small country!"

"Sure enough, this man has no earthly origin, but if he does, it will be even more terrifying. Who would have thought that a monk who came out of a small country with bullets should be so strong that he raised his hand to suppress the young master of the jade sword sect. It's just a fable. No one would believe it if he said it!"

However, in such a talk, some people shake their heads and tell us the origin of the great Qian Dynasty.

"It's from emperor Daqian. Hehe, no wonder it's so strong. It comes down in one continuous line..."

"The Daqian Dynasty, is it the Daqian Dynasty adjacent to the ancient forbidden area?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Today, although the Daqian Dynasty is declining, it has been brilliant in that land. It has been established for more than ten thousand years. If it is not for one forbidden area turmoil after another that has exhausted all the inside information, today's Daqian Dynasty can not be underestimated."

Many young friars did not expect that such a small country, which they had never heard of, would have so many praises.

It's hard to understand.

However, when they learned the whole story of the turmoil in some forbidden areas, they finally understood why some people remembered the imperial dynasty that should have been buried in ancient history.

"Generation after generation, countless heroes and Tianjiao died in the turmoil in the forbidden area. At the last moment of the war, they shed their last drop of blood. They once blocked too many robberies for our extreme northern county and the northern region..."

"The forest forbidden area in ancient times is definitely one of the most terrible forbidden areas in the northern region. There were several times of terrible turmoil, which made the Holy Land and the immortal sect break down and extremely tragic."

"It is said that during the reign of emperor Daqian, there was a emperor sitting with four saints, and invincible kings emerged one after another, but... That was 100000 years ago, and all of them fell into turmoil."

However, there are also many people who are extremely numb and are not very concerned about the so-called turmoil.

As if it had nothing to do with them, the right to listen as a story.

Even many people don't understand that the reason why the speed of emperor's road reopening is related to the forbidden area.

Today, not only have the forbidden areas of alien birth, there are many forbidden areas ready to move, an unprecedented turmoil can almost be predicted, will be staged in the near future!


In the evening, the sunset is like a fire pouring down on the earth, which makes the heaven and earth blush.

Lin Xuan changed his face by using his secret method. He went into the city again and learned what had happened after he left.

For this reason, Lin Xuan even made a sweat for himself. If he hesitated for a moment, he would run into a king who came. I'm afraid that if he slapped him down, he would be able to beat him into flesh!

I have to say, I'm very glad.

Then, for the first time, Lin Xuan heard that there was the restriction of the ancient maxim of emperor Lu.

This is just like the gospel for a monk without background like him. He doesn't have to worry about anything, but let go!

However, before Lin Xuan was happy for a long time after he returned to Xingyue City, he heard a piece of bad news.

The jade sword gate is widely spread in the extreme north county. Since the old people can't get rid of it, let the people of the same generation do it. If anyone can kill Lin Xuan, he can enter the treasure area of the jade sword gate and choose a God or a secret skill!

This kind of news almost makes the whole Extreme North County boiling, Lin Xuan does not say that the world is all enemies, will also become the target of many people!

Although the jade sword sect is only a second-class inheritance, it is hard to compare with Cangwu sect, but it still belongs to a big force. There are absolutely no ordinary products in its treasure house. Such temptation is too amazing!

Not only that, it is said that the jade sword gate is Jiang Jianyun, who is believed to have stepped on the road of God. If they meet on the road of emperor, it is definitely a great enemy of Lin Xuan!

However, many people do not know that Lin Xuan's deep secret of changing the world.

Lin Xuan has made up his mind that before he enters the imperial pass, he must not expose his identity. Who knows if there will be some old people who do not follow the ancient precepts and attack him!

Then he will have no place to cry!

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