The sunset is gorgeous, the fire is burning all over the sky, and the whole city seems to be red with blood, bathed in the glow.

Lin Xuan went into the city quietly. He had an introverted breath and an ordinary face. He walked in the crowd like an ordinary passer-by and was not noticed.

And bold and careful, back to the original Inn, re opened a superior room.

Under Lin Xuan's instruction, Shen MuQing realized the magic of changing the world, and also changed his face. They returned one by one, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

For three days in a row, Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing stayed in the inn behind closed doors. They were quiet and natural.

During this period, the portraits of Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing spread all over Xingyue City, and there was a reward offered by the jade sword gate. They came here to find out where Lin Xuan and others were hiding.

Among them, some of them are rare talents in a thousand years. They are also very interested in Lin Xuan, and even pass him by.

Unfortunately, they didn't recognize each other.

No one thought that Lin Xuan did not escape in such a situation, but returned to his original place.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Lin Xuan knows the truth that it is dark under the light, which makes many people think that he has gone to the end of the world.

Some people say that they should wait for him before the emperor's pass. If they don't believe him, they won't show up!

When the outside world was talking about it, Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing walked out of the inn quietly.

Today is the day when the super auction of Tianhua baoque will be held once every six months. There will be many gods and treasures, and some great people will come from afar.

There are several top-level heritages behind the Tianhua pagoda. It is said that there is a shadow of cangwuzong, which is very mysterious.

This is an immortal land, which is located in the central area of Xingyue city. It is towering and vast with flowing light. It has clear springs and flowing water, fragrant medicinal herbs, and cranes circling in unison.

There are also waterfalls falling down, such as the Tianhe River, a school of fairy weather.

In such a vast land of immortals, many pavilions and buildings surround it. There are ancient palaces that stretch to the sky, gilded and resplendent.

Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing come together and step into this immortal land hanging in the sky. They have never attracted people's attention. They want to see the grand event of this super auction.

Of course, Lin Xuan also kept his mind. If he could see the pass token of emperor road at the super auction held by Tianhua baoque, it would undoubtedly save Lin Xuan a lot of trouble.

This token, for a monk like Lin Xuan who came from a small place, belongs to a God that can be met but not sought.

However, for those disciples who have great influence and inheritance, their school has already prepared everything for them early and will not participate in the bidding, which is good for Lin Xuan.

They paid the entrance fee of the stone, and then they were able to enter the palace.

However, Lin Xuan didn't want to sit in the hall to attract people's attention. He spent another 100000 spirit stones and asked Tianhua baoque to arrange a small box for them.

This three story pagoda is like a bright moon. It is magnificent and magnificent. The center is the auction table. All around the hall are seats, which can hold ten thousand people.

On the second and third floors, there are boxes for distinguished guests, overlooking everything in the auction hall.

Compared with those VIP boxes on the third floor, Lin Xuan's room was just too miserable to put down two seats and a small wooden table.

On the mahogany table, there is a plate of red and glossy fruit washed by Qingquan, about a dozen, just like a cherry.

"Sure enough, no business is without fraud. On this day, one hundred and twenty thousand spirit stones in huabaoque were replaced in such a broken place. It's really shabby to put these spirit stones out. I don't know how many spirit stones I can buy. I'm really at a loss!"

Lin Xuan has a face to make complaints about, Tucao Dao.

Instead, Shen MuQing shakes her head and laughs. Now she is wearing a strange cheek to hide her former beauty and become more ordinary.

After a while, many people were present, and the auction was held at the same time.

The first one placed on the stage was a strange species wrapped in red light, which was placed in the jade box, shining like the size of a longan.

"It's a unique species of the king of medicine. It's obtained from a secret place. If it grows up, even among the king of medicine, it's a unique one with extraordinary efficacy."

"The base price is 3 million spirit stones, and the increase is no less than 100000 spirit stones each time!"

On the auction table, an elderly man opened his mouth with a smile and scanned the audience.


As soon as the reserve price came out, the whole baoque was boiling and all of them started to scream.

"Three million stone? Did I hear you right? "

"It should be noted that a mature common king of medicine is more than five million. At present, this rare species is more precious than ordinary king of medicine, and if it is cultivated properly, it can be harvested at least several times in the future. How can such a precious thing be so cheap?"

Inside the box, Lin Xuan also had a curious face. His eyes were pure and clear, and he carefully looked at the king of Medicine's strange species displayed on the auction table.

It turned out that under the red light of the whole body, there were several spider like cracks in the seed, which was obviously damaged!

Lin Xuan can see it, and other people can see it. At the moment, it's all boiling. Some people even secretly scold Tianhua baoque for being too treacherous. If they don't get questioned, they don't know who's going to spend a lot of money to rob him!

"Wocao, when did tianhuabaoque become such a dog? It's not a pitfall. Three million yuan for a bad seed is a blood loss!"

"No wonder the reserve price is so low, there is such a secret!"

"I was so excited that I thought I could pick up the leak. I really thought too much!"

As we all know, if the seed is damaged, not to mention whether it can grow a king of medicine, I'm afraid that over a long period of time, the essence and vitality will be exhausted, and the seed will wither and die completely.

"Yes, it does damage. There are some cracks on the surface, but the interior is still full of vitality. If it is buried in the holy soil, carefully cultivated and watered by the holy spring, it will surely grow up!"

The old man on the auction table still admitted it, but he still avoided the heavy and took the light in his words and said with a smile.

"Buried in the earth? If you can tell, there are only a few kinds of divine soil in the world. They are the natural soil that breeds the divine medicine. They are very precious and have no market value. "

"Return the holy land? The value of this divine earth is more valuable than that of you, the seed of the king of medicine. Even if he is a strange seed of the king of medicine, now that it is damaged, the effect of medicine will not be as good as it was at the beginning. It's too luxurious to irrigate it with a divine spring. It's not worth the loss. "

"A few days ago, a can of five elements divine earth sold for 13 million yuan. You old man really cheated people. If you want to buy a seed, you have to put in 13 million yuan divine earth, plus the water of the world's elusive holy spring, who will buy who is a fool!"

"That's to say, with the money, I'll buy several medicine kings directly. I don't have to wait for a long time, but I can take them directly. No one wants you at all. Carry them down quickly and show the real gods!"

At the moment, all the people in the auction hall are criticizing the unscrupulous merchants and no one is willing to buy them.

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