On the auction table, inside the gilded brocade box, there is a yellow ancient book, which is made of animal skin and covered with mysterious symbols. It seems that it has a long history and has been eroded by years.

Although this skin is ancient, it is obviously not the original skin mentioned by the elder who presided over the auction. It is only rubbinged with another skin in the same proportion.

I don't know when the rubbings were made. It looks very old.

When Lin Xuan heard what the elder who presided over the auction said, his expression became delicate.

His eyes were clear, and he carefully looked at the unfolded animal skin in the brocade box. Those ancient symbols gave him a familiar feeling. He was surprised and said: "is it..."

One side, Shen MuQing also looked at Lin Xuan, obviously found the problem, eyes smart, asked: "these mysterious ancient runes, like the kind you copied?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan silently nods.

However, with his close observation, although the ancient Rune of the animal skin is similar to the original rune, most of the characters seem to lack some aura, which is just like the ghost rune.

Obviously, there is something wrong with the animal skin rubbings. Maybe the owner of the animal skin deliberately wants to achieve some unknown purposes.

"It's not like some of them. They really belong to the same kind of Rune. It's just that there's a big problem with this scroll of animal skin rubbings that we see before us. Most of the runes are wrong."

"Ha ha, 50 million spirit stone, who buy who suffer losses, will be the biggest injustice today!"

Lin Xuan sneered. He thought that the people behind it had a different purpose to put the animal skin rubbings, which were full of mistakes, up for auction.

This kind of rune is extremely obscure, which is the most primitive and closest to the origin.

It can move the road of heaven and earth. It has unpredictable power.

According to Lin Xuan's conjecture, the array patterns studied by the array pattern masters are probably evolved from this kind of primitive rune.

If Lin Xuan had not such a plug-in system, it would be impossible to understand.

However, when Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing exchanged ideas secretly, the auction hall was boiling.

"What kind of writing is this? I've never seen it before!"

"It's not a word. It should be a special symbol. It's really related to divine lines."

"Yes, it's really related to divine patterns. I've been studying array patterns for most of my life. I've searched almost all the ancient books for this, and I'm most sensitive to it. These strange mysterious symbols are like some legendary ancient divine patterns..."

"The origin of this ancient divine pattern may be even longer than the ancient history of the human race, and it has been spread in this land!"

"Heaven can see pity. I never thought that I could see this ancient divine pattern in my life. I thought that... It was all legends..."

At this moment, on the third floor of baoque, there is an elder who knows the origin of these ancient symbols. He is very excited and keeps talking.

"I'm sure I'll get it, so I'd rather spend all my savings on it!"

In baoque on the third floor, an old man with white hair got up. His voice was sonorous and very strong. He seemed to be advising others to give up as soon as possible!

Unfortunately, the old man is not the only one who is interested in the animal skin at the auction!

Among the many monks who come here to participate in the auction today, there are many array pattern masters. As long as the array pattern attainments are not too bad, they can definitely detect the extraordinary mysterious runes on the animal skin.

The hide is very important. It's an unimaginable temptation for the tattoo master.

It's just like the original rune that Shen Mu Qingyan Relin Xuan had mastered. It's so attractive!

Therefore, even if the bottom price of the animal skin is 50 million, it still attracts a lot of people's competition.

The array pattern master, the medicine refiner, the weapon refiner and so on are far richer than the ordinary friars, especially the people who are respected as masters in their respective fields, and they are also the guests of the major forces, and most of the time, they have to rely on them.

Almost all of these people are rich and powerful!

As long as we can capture the animal skin, the spirit stone doesn't matter at all.

It's one thing whether one can understand. The main reason is that such an opportunity is hard to find. If one can take this opportunity to enter the field of Heavenly Master, one will be famous forever!

"55 million stone!"

"Sixty million spirit stones!"

"Seventy million!"

Inside the baoque of nuota, it seems to be crazy. Many people are raising the price crazily, which makes people feel surging!

The increase of ten million spirit stones is unheard of!

In a short period of time, the animal skin rubbings, originally priced at 50 million spirit stones, have been raised to the sky high price of 90 million spirit stones!

However, this is only the beginning.

In the auction hall, people are no longer satisfied with the price of ordinary spirit stone, but with heterogeneous spirit stone!

"A million alien spirit stones!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this animal skin is predestined to me. Today, no one wants to take it away except me!"

Baoque on the third floor, in a magnificent box, there is a divine voice, incomparable domineering!

Many people know that this is a master of array pattern. Array pattern's attainments are very terrible!

However, some people are more tough. They are the same array pattern masters. They all have to win the divine power!

"1.2 million alien stone!"

I don't know how long such a price has never appeared in Tianhua pagoda. It's amazing!

"Hey, brother Moyuan, we're old friends. Why don't you give me the hide

It's also inside the baoque on the third floor. An array expert who asked for a price before laughs.

"1.5 million stone!"

"Hum, don't get close to me, no one will let me!"

Master Moyuan, who had told us the origin of the animal skin before, hummed coldly.

There are only a few array pattern masters who can be respected as masters in the whole far north county. Their accomplishments are at least in the respected realm, and they enter the Tao with array patterns!

They are all the guests of the major forces. If Chen Wen's attainments go further, he is the master of Chen Wen, also known as the master of heaven, no less than the king!

Even if it is the real top clan and inheritance, we have to give some thin face!

And if you can become the legendary holy master, not to mention how terrible the means of harmonizing with heaven and earth are, even the immortal holy land and the eternal great religion will be treated with great courtesy!

This kind of character is hard to find and rare forever!

It should be noted that in the long history of ancient times, there are no more than one master who can become a saint!

"1.6 million!"

"1.8 million!"

At the moment, the whole auction hall is boiling and exclaiming!

"Crazy, crazy, all crazy!"

"Is it really that valuable? All these array pattern masters are desperate to bid, which makes me want to bid! "

"Who said it was not? Originally, it was useless to us. We couldn't understand it, let alone understand it. But seeing so many people fighting for it, it's definitely a rare treasure. If we miss it, I'm afraid we'll leave a regret!"

No one thought that it was just a fight between the array pattern masters, but it led to the end of a big force!

It's not enough to see a single pattern master!

"Two million xenoliths!"

At this moment, in the third floor of baoque, there is a young childe who calmly asks for a price. He comes from an ancient family, with a deep foundation and many powerful forces!

"2.1 million alien stone!"

However, as if someone against him, still in the mouth!

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