The price increase of hundreds of thousands of xenoliths makes many people feel crazy and hard to understand.

However, half the time of incense, some powerful disciples have already cried out the sky high price of three million alien spirit stones, which has scared away many people!

This price is unexpected for Tianhua baoque.

As a spectator, Lin Xuan was also surprised. He did not expect that the original Rune had such attraction.

"Ha ha, if you let these people know that the hide is only a fake, do you think they will vomit blood?"

Lin Xuan laughs and looks happy.

Who expected Shen MuQing to smell the speech, but he showed a sly smile, shook his head and said: "I said why I couldn't understand that kind of Rune before, you didn't do it before, did you pit me like this?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the narrow box was a little embarrassed.

Remembering some experiences in Luohuang City, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, as Shen MuQing said, when he was poor, relying on the temptation of runes, he not only made a hole in Shen MuQing's spirit stone, but also lured several volumes of basic divine patterns.

"Keke, rune is true, but I admit that I cheated you in some other aspects, but those are things in the past. We were not familiar with each other at the beginning..."

Lin Xuan laughs awkwardly to get rid of his guilt.

"Oh... You're going to pit me if you don't know me well?"

Shen MuQing got up, graceful, thin waist like willow swaying, she deliberately lengthened the tone, some Jiao angry way.

Although she also changed her face, she was still graceful and moving without changing her figure.

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered and he swallowed his saliva, but he said, "I can't admit my mistake?"

At this moment, Shen MuQing came to Lin Xuan and hummed, "admit your mistake? Then you have to admit your mistake, right? Come on, how do you make it up to me? "

"I'll buy this medicine King seed from the spirit stone, and I'll give it to you."

Lin Xuan waved his hand. He didn't have to pinch it. He was very generous.

"Well, you still have a conscience."

Shen MuQing's eyes are like water, and the light is flowing. He gives Lin Xuan a white look and reluctantly accepts his apology.

Between the two chatting and laughing, the auction house finally came to an end.

Lin Xuan didn't show up to expose the defects of the animal skin rubbings, which was meaningless to him. On the contrary, he might be in danger. There must be a big game behind him.

As a calm onlooker, I witnessed this final treasure with my own eyes. It was taken away by master Moyuan, who had all his family's property. It was extremely terrible!

Even in the history of auction, the price is enough to be among the top.

With the end of the auction, Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan also paid off the Lingshi according to the previous agreement, and took the king of medicine seed as a gift for Shen MuQing to apologize.

Yaowang seeds are sealed in a green jade box. Even through the jade box, you can smell a faint fragrance of medicine, refreshing.

They walked out of baoque and walked side by side on the immortal soil in the city.

On both sides of Qingshi Road, ancient pines of unknown age are planted, green and straight, with flourishing branches and leaves and fresh vegetation.

On his side, Shen MuQing was light footed, carrying a red skirt and smiling like a delicate peony, which gave Lin Xuan a different feeling.

Even if the appearance changes, that kind of natural temperament is hard to erase.

"Lin Xuan, the pass token didn't appear at the auction, and it's hard to find other ways. I think we should make plans early."

Shen MuQing's red lips are moving back and forth, and his voice is transmitted by divine thoughts.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods, he neat way: "at present only left into fall evil ridge this road can go."

"I'll make some preparations these days."

They left Tianhua pagoda and went back to their residence. In the next seven days, Lin Xuan found many stories about falling devil mountain from many ancient books.

I also have a basic understanding of this place.

A demon was buried here in a miserable state. The demon mountain was stained with blood, so that the night in this place was very strange and evil. Many unknown things happened.

Every night, if you are near the falling devil mountain, you can hear the inexplicable cry, the wind blows, and even ghosts. It's terrible.

Moreover, the most central area is shrouded in green miasma all the year round, which can close the monk's sense of air and isolate the mind.

However, although falling devil ridge is a Jedi, ten dead have no life, but it is not really necessary to die.

There were also people who went into the depths of falling devil mountain to pick Youming grass, and then escaped from falling devil mountain alive. They had drawn some maps of safe routes.

Although most of these people left incurable injuries in the end, and soon after they escaped, they died in pain because of the miasma, but for Lin Xuan, there was no chance at all!

Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing control the rainbow and cross the sky all the way to a place where people rarely visit. The earth is red.

The falling magic mountain is not far away from the rolling hills. As Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing approach, they find that the mountains are black, like they have experienced a war of destroying the sky and the earth. They are full of scars and in a state of disrepair.

Everywhere is the collapse of the rift valley, deep bottomless, as if to the nine nether world, incomparable terror.

Even though they avoided the night, they chose to enter the falling devil mountain in the hot sun to suppress the evil spirits.

But the rich blood in the mountains still exudes a stench, like the smell of rotten corpses. The sky here is brown, covered with clouds, and it is dead all the year round.

Occasionally there are a few golden light scattered, dispelling some dead, but it does not have much effect.

As they enter the outer part of the fall devil mountain, an indescribable feeling emerges in their hearts, as if they were peeped at by some secret existence.

Death aggravated, there were ruins everywhere, and even a terrible blood pool appeared in front of them.

There were bubbles in the blackened blood pool. It was suspected that there were some terrible unknown creatures hidden in it, which made Lin Xuan extremely cautious.

Such a place reminds Lin Xuan of the battlefield of meteorite God in the reign of emperor Daqian, which is also so evil.

Some of them died miserably, and their bones didn't emerge, which led to a lot of strange things. Some of them even wandered around like walking corpses.

Now, many powerful friars have fallen from the falling devil mountain!


A shrill strange sound came from behind Lin Xuan. His body was like electricity, and a big white jade tripod emerged, which he shot out.

Behind him, I don't know when, came a strange black crow, cooing, that kind of eyes incomparable seepage!

However, when the white jade tripod fell, the black crow suddenly turned into ashes as if it were burned by the fire, and the blazing light shone through the ages!

However, one wave is not even, another wave is rising again. This kind of vibration seems to have shocked some unknown creatures. The earth is shaking, and the mountains are shaking. In the deep rift valley, there is a terrible roar, as if some creatures are reviving!

In the blood pool, there are bubbles as strange as lava, and a large amount of blood gas is transpiration, which is extremely fishy.


Lin Xuan's eyes were calm. With a low roar, he assimilated with Shen MuQing into a rainbow. He left the spot and flew into the depths of the falling devil mountain!

Soon after they left, the earth behind them cracked, and a black outline of some unknown monster emerged, like a hill, shaking the earth and roaring!

However, the monster seemed to be afraid of some things in the depths of falling devil mountain, and didn't catch up!

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