All the way across, deep into the hinterland of falling magic mountain, in front of Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan's eyes, the mountains are towering and majestic. The dark mountains are old and mysterious, with jagged rocks, and there is a kind of boundless atmosphere.

However, in this mountain range, there are a lot of landslides, all of which are truncated boulders, rolling down to the foot of the mountain.

"Before the great war, it was also a pure land with mountains and lush vegetation. The ancient vines and old trees were unknown, and there were many precious places. With the long-standing elixir of pregnancy, countless spirit beasts were occupied and full of vitality."

"It's a pity that all of them were destroyed in the war. This mountain range has become a Jedi. It's barren of grass. It's covered with death all day long. It's dilapidated and evil."

Shen MuQing sighs. Her red skirt looks like fire and her eyebrows are slightly frowning. It's a pity.

In their eyes, the mountains were bare and in a mess. Many boulders were stained with brown blood, which had already dried up.

In the crevice of some black stones, there are many white bones, which are as rotten as dead wood.

The sky is dark red, with a few crows hovering, and vultures looming, all very strange.

"These people used to be the masters who entered the falling devil mountain. I don't know what they met. They died here and were devoured by vultures and black crows."

After the war, falling devil mountain became a place of death, from which many evil places were born. So far, they are creepy and dare not go near.

It's just that all things are complementary.

Although the vitality here is dying out, it is lifeless and dangerous.

But once there was a holy spring flowing continuously in the mountain stream. Later, it gathered into a lake and became a holy land, moistening the mountain.

It has bred a lot of elixirs and auspicious animals, and attracted the covet of many big forces.

Unfortunately, this holy spring was destroyed in the war tens of thousands of years ago. The original holy spring pool was stained with magic blood, and it has turned into a sea of blood. The bones of many world-famous experts are wandering, and it has become a magic place.

The netherworld grass, bred in the sea of blood, takes the flesh and blood of the world's greatest figures as the carrier of growth, but also absorbs the holy spring and magic blood, as well as the residual power in the bones, so as to grow.

These, even if just listen to, feel extremely terrible.

Not to mention that Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing are going to such a place to pick a Youming grass!

As they continued to deepen, they bypassed many Jedi and finally entered the depths of the fall devil mountain, not far away, the center of the mountain, where all things meet.

There is a turbulent pool of blood, like a devil's eye, dark red and evil.

The gusts of wind blowing, make Lin Xuan two incomparably cautious, that kind of cold feeling as if in the nine hell, terror!


The blood pool is much bigger than the small pool on the periphery of the mountains. It is like a lake and a vast sea, on which are twinkling black birds.

On the surface of the water, as the legend, drifting many corpses, the clothing of all ages seems to be simultaneous interpreting one story after another.

Moreover, in this sea of blood, there are constant waves and strange sounds coming from the lake, just like ancient beasts. That kind of ancient sound is chilling and frightening.

"This is the sacred spring pool in those days. It's really terrible..."

Lin Xuan opened his mouth silently, and his eyes showed a trace of fear.

Even he always had a feeling, as if there was something terrible, staring at them in the invisible dark, seeping and terrible!

However, it is strange to say that although there are a lot of strange things along the way, the two of them are still stable, not falling down like those old masters.

But all the way here, like a miracle.

Of course, most of these are the credit of Shen MuQing. He has a treasure in his body, which is able to pursue good fortune and avoid bad fortune, avoiding many terrible existence.

This mountain is by no means simple. There are many strange creatures growing in it. Even when they looked at it from a distance, there was a huge beast hidden in the shadow of the mountain depression, which gave them a sense of inexplicable pressure and was even more terrifying than the power of the venerable realm!

Lin Xuan had no doubt that if they were targeted by the monster, they would die and never have a chance to survive!

There used to be many terrible legends here. Some invincible heroes broke in and finally escaped like madmen. It seemed that they saw something terrible

It is also said that this place is connected with Jiuyou underworld, and the endless Yin soldiers are under the blood pool. Many strange sources also come from the blood pool.

"You see, is that the netherworld grass?"

Lin Xuan's clothes were dancing and the wind was blowing from the lake. There was a bad smell in his endless blood.

His eyes were like stars, shooting two divine lights. His mind was clear, and he looked at the blood pool.

There, there is a corpse that has never rotted in the blood pool. On its chest, there is a bright red spirit grass swaying with nine leaves, just like the spirit bred in the sea of blood.

The whole body is full of misty blood gas, the roots are dark black, but the leaves are flashing dark red luster.

"Yes, according to the records in ancient books, it should be Youming grass!"

"Netherworld grass can only grow in such a Jedi, rooted in the flesh and blood of the corpse, relying on the Qi and blood of powerful monks to nourish itself, so as to grow!"

"And the netherworld grass we see is more terrifying and evil. It can even be said that it is highly poisonous. If it is not used well, it will be killed in a moment if it is taken carelessly!"

"Even the monks in the venerable realm will fall."

Shen MuQing constantly opens her mouth, and her eyes are also focused on the corpse who is still wandering on the lake like a ghost, with some palpitations.

"However, although the netherworld herb is evil and poisonous, some people hold the ancient prescription and regard it as the main material of the precious medicine!"

"When those strong people who have exhausted Shouyuan have eaten all the panacea in the world, their bodies are completely withered, and they can no longer contain the slightest essence in their bodies, in order to continue to live forever, some people will choose Youming grass as the main medicine, refining a furnace of life sustaining elixir, so as to continue to prolong Shouyuan..."

"It's just that the netherworld grass usually grows in the extremely overcast place and relies on the flesh and blood in the corpse to nourish its growth. It is the most Yin and evil thing in itself, and the alchemy pill is also called the corpse pill..."

"If Shouyuan is taken by the dying people, it can keep the fire of the spirit alive, continue a certain amount of Shouyuan and survive."

"But this way of life renewal also has great disadvantages... People are not ghosts when they are alive, and the whole person is lifeless. When they are dead... It is very likely that there will be a corpse change, which will bring disaster to the world!"

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