Shen MuQing's words are creepy. Just think about it, you will feel evil!

It's not the right way to take the netherworld herb bred from the ancient corpse body as the main medicine and a furnace of corpse pills to continue the life.

"Why does the strong man in the imperial pass need netherworld grass? Is it difficult for him to live a long life

Lin Xuan thought a lot in his mind and said silently.

"But look at his breath that day, it's so powerful and powerful, and his blood is as vast as the sea. It's not like he's in his twilight years."

He was a little curious. It wasn't a test, it was just the needs of the strong one.

To exchange a token for a Youming grass is not to come to the fall devil mountain for a walk.

It's just because in the extreme North County, only in the falling devil mountain can there be traces of Youming grass.

"I don't know. Maybe he wants to wait for the future, or look for others."

"For a strong man like them, netherworld grass can only be used to prolong his life."

Shen MuQing shakes her head. She is carrying a green gold sword, dancing in a red skirt and dancing in a green silk to recreate her beautiful face.

The white wrist is like lotus root. It's like a fairy in the dust.

"Whatever, our purpose here is to find a netherworld grass and exchange it for a pass token. As for the use of netherworld grass, it has nothing to do with us!"

Lin Xuan shakes his head and shakes away his thoughts. Instead of thinking more, he moves his eyes to the blood Lake in the distance.

He and Shen MuQing approached cautiously, lurking in the dark, and didn't want to disturb some unknown creatures.

However, as they came to the blood lake, they suddenly found a scene that made them feel terrifying

In the middle of the lake, in the decaying heads of those floating corpses, there is a faint blue ghost fire, which is palpitating.

"There must be something strange in this lake, otherwise there would not be so many strong people falling into the lake and becoming floating corpses."

"Even the dead ancient corpses are abnormal. I always feel that they are not dead yet..."

Lin Xuan's face calmly analyzed the way.

"Death is absolutely dead. After so many years, even the corpse has rotted. It's impossible to be alive..."

"But, in such a strange place shrouded by Yin Qi, and in this blood lake, those floating corpses... Maybe they have changed!"

Shen MuQing knows a lot of secrets, and his words are astonishing.

"It's said that the last corpse of the devil sank into the blood lake. That's why the place became so strange."

"Such a place, even if strange things happen again, is reasonable."

"There are many similar forbidden areas in the northern region. There are not a few records of ancient corpses' resurrection or corpse changes in evil places. They are all terrible and involve many secrets of life and death. Even many top inheritors know little about them."

Although Shen MuQing's words were plain, they shocked people like thunder.

Lin Xuan was silent for a moment, sighed and said, "we've all come here. No matter how dangerous it is, we still have to try it!"

"Fortunately, this place didn't set up field and array pattern at the beginning, and the law of heaven and earth didn't have any suppression. It can still walk in the air, or it will be a place where there is no death if you really want to sneak into the blood lake!"

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and said to Shen MuQing, "you wait for me here. I'll go and have a break first. If something can't be done, we'll try again."

He is very calm and does not intend to lose his life here. If he really meets the extremely terrible existence, he will definitely give up.

As long as he is alive, there is always a chance, or he will not take the road of God and walk in the world. Lin Xuan doesn't think his final achievement will be much worse.

"Lin Xuan..."

Shen MuQing showed a worried look on her face. What she wanted to say eventually turned into a sentence: "be careful, I'll meet you here!"


Lin Xuan nodded. He quietly stepped on the dragon's Footwork and came to the lake.

With a flash of brilliance in his hand, a little jade man appeared, carved with divine jade, separated a wisp of divine thoughts and attached to it.

The whole body is green, and the facial features are exquisitely carved, which is no different from ordinary people. The eyes seem to have a spirit, flashing a glimmer.


Lin Xuan didn't hesitate to beat the villain out. He saw that the villain was like a balloon. He was blessed by divine power and quickly became bigger. Like a real person, he flew to the blood lake!

This is the preparation Lin Xuan made in the past few days. The jade villain carved with divine lines and primitive runes is also his ability to understand other primitive runes.

But now he is just a beginner, and still has a long way to go.

Many ancient heritages have the ability to refine puppets, which is very similar to this way. The puppets refined by this way have great fighting power. They are made of divine iron or divine jade, which is terrible.

There are even some devils who specialize in this way. They use dead bodies to refine war puppets. Those great powers that were strong before they died are still comparable to divine iron after they died. They condense Tao lines and can not die. They are refined into war puppets and have the power of destroying heaven and earth!

This is equivalent to a different kind of separation, but it is not a real powerful means. It can't be compared with noumenon and it's hard to fight.

It's just about finding the way.

The jade villain and Lin Xuan are the same as each other. Under the control of the separated spirit, they go into the deep of the blood lake and want to pick one of the dark grass growing on the chest of the ancient corpse!

However, with the approaching of the jade villain, the clouds and clouds on the blood lake are changing color, the sky is red, there is a sea of blood surging, and huge waves are surging up. It seems that there is something terrible in it, waking up from the blood pool, and the momentum is huge!

Some of the corpses floating on the blood lake disappeared, but some of them opened their eyes. Like skeletons and corpses, they got up from the sea of blood, like the resurrection of the dead. With empty eyes, they all looked at the green people in the air!

This scene is too frightening, even if Lin Xuan is not the real person to go, just watching on the edge of the lake, there are cold sweat pouring out from his back!


Those ancient corpses really had an accident. No wonder many people were scared out of their wits after they escaped. Such a scene is really hard to accept. It's terrible!

Most of the ancient corpses were powerful monks before they died. The most important thing was the cultivation of the spiritual master. Even some venerable people had great power. They all died here and came back to life!

This is not a living person, but a kind of horrible existence. There is no consciousness in life, no divine power and Cultivation in life!

However, these people's bodies were very good, comparable to the divine iron, and many ancient corpses still have residual divine power in their bodies!

The jade villain was torn by an ancient corpse with green eyes, and the separated ideas were evaporated into a wisp of smoke. Nothing was left!

As a result, there is turbulence in the blood lake, and those ancient corpses wandering aimlessly in the blood lake!

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