"Oh, no!"

Lin Xuan exclaimed to himself, knowing that the only way to go up now was to die. He could only hide his body. He retreated from the lake for several miles and returned to Shen MuQing!

"Are you all right?"

Although it was very far away just now, Shen MuQing had been paying attention to it all the time. He knew what happened to Lin Xuan, and his face turned white!

"I'm all right... But I just startled those ancient corpses. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to get Youming grass in a short time!"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with lingering fear.

"I didn't expect the guess to come true. These ancient corpses actually changed..."

Two people quietly lurking in the mountains under the boulders, waiting silently.

In the sight, the blood lake was finally recovered, and many ancient corpses floated on the surface of the lake, motionless, letting the waves push them to the depth of the lake.

As time goes on, dusk comes, the gray sky seems to be coming, the last few wisps of deep light looms, and a thin layer of green miasma gradually rises between the whole mountains.

The blood Lake in the distance is also covered by the green miasma, which obscures the vision. The valley is empty and secluded. There is a continuous shrill sound coming from the green miasma, which is extremely penetrating.

Night is coming!

"We can't wait until the evening. It's definitely more terrible in the fall magic mountain. It's enough for us to die a hundred times!"

In the thin green miasma, Lin Xuan could sense that the thin smoke had a corrosive force. If he was not unique in his body, ordinary people would be invaded by the poisonous gas and die of decay.

"Hold the five senses, don't be eroded by miasma!"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth heavily.

Then, a light golden light appeared on his body, and the immortal golden body was operated by him to resist the increasing miasma!

These miasma in the blazing sun, will dissipate briefly, but when time comes to dusk, but with a very terrible speed, continue to spread, more profound!

It's like being in the dark, you can't see anything clearly!

In the green miasma, some strange news came from time to time. Lin Xuan knew that he couldn't wait any longer!

"I'll go to the lake again. If we don't have a chance, we can only leave first. We can still leave before night falls and the green miasma doesn't cover the whole falling magic mountain!"

These green miasma, like the gas evaporated from the blood pool, spread around the blood lake!

They also feel strong because they are in the center of the miasma.

With the passage of time, the whole falling magic mountain will be covered by green miasma. At that time, you can't see anything clearly. If you want to leave, it's really hard!

"I'll go with you... There's no time. It's no use for me to stay here!"

Shen MuQing shakes her head, her expression is very serious.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan took a deep breath and said nothing more. He nodded and said, "OK, remember, life has been saved at any time. Even if you can't get the netherworld grass, it doesn't matter!"

"I see!"

Thin green miasma is still spreading, especially on the blood lake, which has been covered by thick green miasma!

The two of them came to the edge of the lake. In the green miasma, they could see the blue light from the heads of many ancient corpses.

That should be the key to the resurrection of the ancient corpse, rekindling the magic fire.

As they continued to swim around the lake, they finally found a place closest to the ancient corpse with Youming grass growing on its chest.

Moreover, just at this time, it seemed that even heaven was looking after them, and the cold wind was blowing towards them, and the waves in the blood Lake were also surging in their direction.

Blood gas, mixed with stench, an ancient corpse who did not know how long he had died along the waves, constantly drifting towards the lake!

In front of the ancient corpse's chest, a bright blood red spirit grass was growing, swaying in the wind, and the nine leaves were shaking and making a sound, just like the sound of the leaves.

"Even God helps us, here comes the chance!"

Lin Xuan was excited and naturally found this. His eyes were shining like stars.

His body was covered with a layer of light gold luster, his fists moved, his feet were steady, and he was ready. As long as the ancient corpse continued to drift in their direction, closer, he could take it!

"I have a premonition that if you pick the netherworld grass, something may happen. You and I should not be too far away. If there is a crisis at that time, I can take you away with the divine jade platform!"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth calmly. Although the Shenyu platform he carved didn't have the power to cross hundreds of thousands of miles or even millions of miles, it could also ignore the restrictions of array patterns and field, and didn't need to spend too much time to open the door of void!

As long as you activate Shenyu platform, you can directly send it away!

Although each transmission is only a few miles away, there is no limit on the number of times of Shenyu platform. As long as the Shenyu platform is not destroyed, the inherent power has not been consumed, and many times of crossing is enough to let them leave here!

In the past seven days, Lin Xuan has made a lot of preparations. He has spent tens of millions of spirit stones and many holy materials to carve a new holy jade platform. The distance he crosses is increased to three or four Li each time!

And each Shenyu platform can be used at least ten times, forty or fifty miles away, enough to let them out of the most dangerous section of falling magic mountain!


Shen MuQing nodded, and they were staring at the ancient corpses floating in the lake. They looked serious!

At the same time, the strong green miasma rolled by the strong wind gradually covered their figure, isolated a lot of murderous opportunities!

The ancient corpse also kept coming with the waves, getting closer and closer, from several thousand meters in the beginning to less than 500 meters now!

The green miasma is becoming more and more intense. Originally, the ancient corpse track can be seen clearly for thousands of meters, but now, it can't be seen clearly for 500 meters!

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, shooting out two divine lights, as if he could break all the obstacles!

As time goes by, the sky at dusk is already on the verge of darkness.

Five hundred meters

450 meters

Four hundred meters

The ancient corpse continued to approach, still floating towards the shore.

But at this time, the blood lake, originally covered by green miasma, a few heads far away from them, flashing blue light of the ancient corpses also emerged, floating along the waves, such as ghost fire burning!

This scene, let Lin Xuan suddenly nervous, pinch tight fists.

"We can't delay it. Those ancient corpses are also drifting towards us. I've just tried. Although there are murderous opportunities in the blood lake, they haven't been revealed..."

"The most terrible thing is the ancient corpses. They are all powerful psychics. Even if they die forever, only the corpses are left, and we can't compete with them!"

Lin Xuan spoke in silence. He knew that he had to take action!

And at this time, the ancient corpse that had been flowing down the river actually shifted, the wind turned upside down, and even floated towards the deep of the blood lake!

The sudden turn of this strange wind seems to have something strange.

But there was no time left for Lin Xuan to continue to think. The opportunity was fleeting. He knew very well that if he missed such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity today, he might never have it again!

"Right now, you wait for me here!"

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and explained to Shen MuQing. In an instant, he was as bright as the God of war. He stepped on the dragon's Footwork and rose up in the sky, and swept away towards the ancient corpse with the grass of the nether world!

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