All the way there was no danger. After abandoning a sacred jade platform, they escaped from the falling devil mountain safely.

Shen MuQing looked strange and said, "what happened?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't know, but falling devil mountain is not as simple as we think. Maybe there is an unknown mysterious existence, still alive and never dead."

"Now I am more and more curious. What kind of person is the devil described in the records tens of thousands of years ago?"

"When he was alive, he stirred up the storm and caused several saints to set up a situation. After his death, the place where his body was turned into a Jedi."

At this time, Shen MuQing seems to think of something, eyes flashing, light open red lips, means a long way: "that demon... Is not a person."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with relief: "forget it, no matter whether he is a human or an alien, now you can enter the imperial pass after you get the grass."

"Let's go back to Xingyue city first!"

In Shen MuQing's platform, the woman sitting in the small brown stone was also shocked. She whispered in her heart: "isn't that devil dead?"

"No... it's impossible... The six sages set up a bureau to kill him. It's impossible for him to survive..."

"But what's the matter with that heartbeat? It makes me feel a strong sense of oppression..."

This trip to the fall magic mountain is far beyond her grasp, and there are several times when she faces the unfathomable blood lake, she has a kind of feeling like she is on her back.

Behind the shadow curtain, it seems that a pair of eyes are staring at her firmly

Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing did not know all this.

They returned to the star moon city, after a short renovation, did not choose to stay, but went straight to the imperial pass!

They are half a month late. It's been a long time on the emperor's road. One after another, Shen Qingfeng and others don't know where they are.

The imperial pass is still majestic and majestic. It seems that it has been here since ancient times and is in the same level with heaven and earth. There is a kind of ancient rhyme of vicissitudes flowing.

At this time, the shadow was sparse in front of the imperial pass, only a few figures came in a hurry.

Initially, the imperial pass will be closed in the near future. I don't know when it will reopen. Entering it means there is no turning back.

Two teams of Jiashi with long guns stood in front of the imperial pass. Each of them was extremely powerful, and they were already the peak cultivation of Lingshi.

The peak of Lingshi can only be the most common Jiashi here. If it is in the reign of emperor Daqian, it is definitely the guest of honor of the major forces.

The cruelty of emperor's road seems to show some clues from the beginning.

"Stop, you can't enter without a pass token!"

Lin Xuan has nothing. He is stopped by a group of Jia Shi. The first Jia Shi, who is rough and burly, shouts at Lin Xuan!

"If you don't have a pass token, even if you enter the imperial pass, you can't step on the road of God. Young man, don't make mistakes. You'd better return quickly."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan said with a faint smile, "please tell me that I have found Youming grass as required."

At the moment, the commander was a little surprised. He didn't seem to expect that Lin Xuan was so ugly that he was able to pick the netherworld grass. It was incredible.

However, he also understood that no one dared to come here to play with them. Since Lin Xuan said that he had found the netherworld grass, he would never leave.

"I see. No wonder you look like a winner. OK, wait!"

The commander laughed. He told him to enter the imperial pass and summon the man in the golden armor!

Not long after, a golden light ran through the Xiaohan Dynasty, gathering away the glory and showing up in front of the imperial gate tower.

The man in gold armor stood still and looked at Lin Xuan. His voice was very flat. He said simply, "where is it?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan also don't wriggle, directly took out the white jade heaven and earth cauldron, in cauldron furnace, there is a dark red spirit grass is still swaying, leaves crystal clear, very magical.

"Bring it!"

Men talk very little, simple and rude!

Lin Xuan beat the netherworld grass out of the cauldron, and the latter grabbed it and photographed it!

Then, in his palm, he also threw a black token with dark light, on which many mysterious veins were mixed with each other, flowing with ancient charm.

Lin Xuan sprang up and held the token in his hand. Then the man in the golden armor went away without looking back. He didn't say a word.

As for Lin Xuan, he cut off his fingers and let the blood drop on the black token to mark his own mark.

Then, the golden pattern on the black token in Lin Xuan's hand swam away like a little snake, and all of them showed up.

Just a moment later, he regained his original simplicity.

Then, Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing entered the imperial pass without any obstruction.

Entering the imperial pass, Lin Xuancai found that it was also a city, and some people were still staying in the city.

There are also some people who live here all the time, from teenagers to old people.

"These people are the aborigines in the imperial pass. Most of them are descendants of soldiers. They have lived here for generations and have been guarding the imperial pass."

Shen MuQing saw Lin Xuan's puzzled eyes and explained.

"According to the ancient maxim of the emperor's road, soldiers on the emperor's road are not allowed to leave their posts without permission. They have strict military laws, just like the general Jinjia we saw before. Even though he is extremely strong in cultivation, he can't leave the emperor's pass at will. Otherwise, we can't go to search for Youming grass."

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan shook his head and said with emotion: "eternal life can't leave, isn't life not like death?"

"In this initial imperial pass in front of us, some of the Jiashi in it were those who violated the ancient precepts of the imperial road and were punished here. Some of them were desperate and volunteered to become Jiashi in the imperial pass."

"In this way, we can at least ensure that they can live and be protected by the imperial pass, and no one will make any further decisions about them."

Shen MuQing sighed.

In this world, there are a lot of helplessness. Lin Xuan nodded. This is just some people's choice.

"All these soldiers got married and had children in the imperial pass. Some of their descendants also set foot on the imperial Road, and some of them lived peacefully in the imperial pass."

"After the death of these soldiers, if their descendants can meet the requirements and are willing to continue the mantle of their parents, they will basically pass the examination."

"Of course, if you don't want to, you won't be forced."

"And the emperor will protect their descendants from generation to generation. If they want to leave, they can help themselves."

Shen MuQing's words made Lin Xuan know more. He said with a smile: "I see. From this point of view, it's not bad for these Jiashi to make such a choice."

They talked with each other calmly, all the way along the main road in the city to the end of the imperial pass.

It was also a pass.

However, it was the way to get out of the pass of the imperial pass and lead to the real imperial road.

It is also the location of a domain gate.

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