This is also a pass made of bluestone. Standing East, it is magnificent and magnificent. Standing in front of the pass, people will look extremely small.

When the sun rises to the East, thousands of red rays fall from the sky. From a distance, the whole pass looks like a sun palace rising from the ground.

Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing walked side by side, facing the glow, they were very calm and calm.

By their side, a group of arrogant figures arrived to enter the domain gate and step on the road of God.

"That boy really can bear, so many days did not show up, we wasted half a month in vain!" Some of the people who came murmured indignantly.

"Yes, I thought I could stop him before the imperial pass, but I didn't expect that he didn't come." Some people nodded in agreement with Wen Yan and felt it was a pity.

"Well, if he knows himself, he won't come. We don't have time to waste with him. It's not worth offering a reward for the jade sword gate!"

Among them, a young man in white, who was as rich as jade, waved his hand to indicate that his companions didn't need to mention more.

"It's half a month late. I don't know where elder martial brother Lin went and when they can catch up with him..."

A thin young man shook his head and sighed.

"Emperor road has many nodes, there are too many forks, it's hard to say where to go."

"However, no matter where you go, people like elder martial brother Lin will definitely attract attention. They will surely be famous and give us some guidance."

The young master in white didn't like it and said with a bright smile.

"These people say that they want to block that person, isn't it me?" Several people talk between, Lin Xuan to Shen MuQing to divine voice, did not disturb anyone.

"Because of the reward offered by the jade sword gate, who else can you be?"

Shen MuQing asked, feeling that Lin Xuan was asking knowingly.

Then they looked at each other and laughed. They both thought it was funny.

Even if they don't investigate carefully, they may not be able to see through their real bodies, let alone the people in front of them.

I can't believe that the person they are looking for is right in front of them.

But at this time, Lin Xuan seemed to have found something. He whispered, "these people's clothes are familiar. Do you think they look like the Qiyun sect's Taoist robes worn by the Qiyun sect's disciples when they passed by the Qiyun sect?"


Shen MuQing's eyes were as bright as water. He looked at them carefully and nodded silently.

"Ha ha, it's really interesting!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan is also happy, he did not expect to meet here qiyunzong disciples, very coincidental.

Before that, Lin Xuan didn't have a good impression of the qiyunzong disciples and had conflicts. Now he has met several qiyunzong disciples who are fighting with him. It can be said that the enemies don't get together.

At the beginning, Lin Xuan was in the site of qiyunzong, and he could only bear it.

But now stepping on the road of God, he no longer has any scruples, constantly thinking about how to teach these people!

Let them understand that not everyone can make Lin Xuan's idea!

However, we still have to leave the initial imperial pass first. After all, only leaving the imperial pass can be regarded as stepping on the road of God.

Lin Xuan quietly came to the front of the domain gate, where many people have gathered, waiting for the domain gate to open.

"Where is the connection behind the domain gate?"

Lin Xuan only knew that the emperor's road was connected by infinite nodes, but he really didn't know where the first node was after the emperor's pass in the extreme north county.

"The wind ruins!"

Shen Mu Qingfeng light cloud light road.

Lin Xuan was a little curious: "where is the wind ruins?"

However, without waiting for Shen MuQing to explain, he heard a man beside him sneer: "ha ha, where are the local buns? They don't even know the world of fengxu. They still want to step on the road of God. Why don't they get out of here now?"

"The province will die in other places in the future, and there will be no corpses left in the capital!"

It was not others who spoke, but the thin young man who had made Lin Xuan's idea before. With his mouth hooked and his eyes rebellious, he looked down on Lin Xuan and looked contemptuous.

"Are you in such a hurry to die?"

Lin Xuan laughed. He had planned to wait until he left the imperial pass to find a chance to teach a few people a lesson. Unexpectedly, he didn't leave yet. These people took the initiative to provoke him!

No one expected that Lin Xuan's response was so strong that he didn't give face to the people in front of him, which made the disciple of qiyunzong angry instantly!

"Hum... What are you? You dare to be disrespectful to me. Do you know who I am?" The thin disciple gave a cold hum. His eyes were dark and his face was vicious.

This person's cultivation is very deep, and there are several fellow students beside him. He is very confident. He doesn't pay attention to Lin Xuan, but he is still arrogant.

"Oh? I'm curious. Who are you? "

"What is the source of your arrogance?"

However, hearing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing and sneered.

"Hum, bumpkin, I'm not afraid to frighten you to death. The one standing in front of you is the descendant of elder Qiyun's lineal blood, who has got the true biography of the elder. In our Qiyun sect, they are all the most arrogant people in the front row!"

There was no need for the skinny boy to speak in person. Someone on one side said it with a compliment, showing great respect for the identity of the skinny boy.

"Hehe, qiyunzong is really no good. If any cat and dog can be called tianjiaorenjie, the title of tianjiaorenjie that day is too worthless!"

Lin Xuan sneered, his eyes deep, momentum like a dragon, but also in irony.

"Hum, bumpkin, don't brag here. Otherwise, fighting is not allowed in the imperial pass. You are already the soul of my sword. How can you be presumptuous here!"

For him, the reason why he doesn't do it now is not because he is afraid of Lin Xuan, but because of the rules of the imperial pass!

And at this moment, not far away from the domain gate has been opened, people have been waiting for a long time, even if there is a good play in the imperial pass, they did not delay, have stepped into the domain gate!

"Bumpkin, we are waiting for you in fengxu. If you are still a man, don't try to run away!"

At this time, the thin youth and his party also resisted the idea of trouble, followed the rich God such as jade, a look is also very extraordinary white childe into the domain door.

As for Lin Xuan, he was already a dead man in their eyes!

It's just early death or late death!

The rest of the people also quickly follow, all into the domain door.

This scene was watched by all the women who passed by Lin Xuan's side. They reminded Lin Xuan kindly: "there are six or seven of them in their party. They are all disciples of Qiyun sect. They have a great advantage in number. It's not good for you. You might as well stay in the Imperial pass for a few days, and it's not too late to leave!"

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