At dusk, under the rolling mountains, all the hunters in the city set foot on their way home, full of money.

The sky is vast with smoke clouds, the setting sun is falling to the west, and the brilliant rays are spreading all over the sky, and the ground is dark red, which makes the whole sky and the earth curl up with a thin layer of smoke. From a distance, it looks like a magnificent oil painting.

Shi wa opened her eyes and looked forward. After waiting in front of the gate for a long time, she finally found a familiar figure from the mighty team and began to giggle.


He yelled happily, pointing to a burly middle-aged man and introducing Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing: "that's my father!"

The man's face is rough, his skin is waxy yellow, he is wrapped in the clothes made of animal skin, and his thick arms are full of green tendons, as vigorous and powerful as a dragon!

Behind him, he pulled a wild elephant about the size of a hill with a thick iron chain. It was dusty, sweaty and dirty.

With Lin Xuan's eyesight, it is almost easy to see that this seemingly ordinary middle-aged man's cultivation is actually the pinnacle of the spirit. It's really surprising that he can enter the realm of the spirit master just one step away.

"Ordinary hunters in the city all have such accomplishments. It's not easy."

Before entering the city, Lin Xuan sighed several times. What he saw today surprised him.

"Shiwa, these are guests from afar. Their time is precious. You don't have to care about me. These two distinguished guests are the most important in everything."

The burly man grinned at Lin Xuan with a simple and honest face.

"Dad, it's dangerous in the mountain. I beg the two guests to wait here for a while. Shiwa can't be relieved until she sees dad coming back safely!"

Shi wa rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, you silly boy, how can you let your guests wait for me here with you? Go

Smell speech, the burly man is to drink to scold at first, then face apologetically to Lin Xuan two people simple and honest smile, even busy way: "let two distinguished guests wait for a long time, are children rude, also hope distinguished guests don't want to blame!"

"No matter, it's rare for Shiwa to have such filial piety. Naturally, I want to become a man of beauty."

Lin Xuan waved his hand, but he didn't like it.

"Dad, these two guests are good people. They don't blame Shiwa."

"Two guests said to ask Shiwa to take them to find a place where they can stay. Shiwa thinks that we have many houses, so we can invite two distinguished guests to our place. Dad, what do you think?"

Shi Wa's eyes are pure and innocent.

"Mischief, how can a noble guest live in a poor house like ours? Only tianyinque in the city is worthy of the status of a noble guest!"

Unexpectedly, the burly man was furious and yelled.

Seeing this, Shiwa was startled immediately. He did it for the first time. He was a little at a loss and said, "Dad, don't be angry. Shiwa will go now!"

However, Lin Xuan suddenly said: "uncle, don't be so polite. My name is Lin Xuan. This is my friend, surnamed Shen."

"We are not distinguished guests. We don't care about these. We have a few thatched cottages to rest in."

"The two of us are very congenial to Shiwa. I hope you don't want to dislike him!"

What Tianyin que sounds really tall. I think there will be a lot of outstanding people living here in the far north county who have never left. It is a place of great fortune.

Lin Xuan and his wife have just caused some trouble. They don't want to be so high-profile and easy to get into trouble. On the contrary, it's an excellent choice to go back with them.

Speaking of this, the burly man had to agree.

"In this case, let Shiwa take two distinguished guests to the house. If there is any improper reception, I hope the two distinguished guests will forgive me!"

"I still need to deliver the prey here. I have to delay for some time. Later, I will prepare some wine and vegetables and make amends to the two distinguished guests."

The burly man grinned and bowed. He was very polite.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to nod silently and return to their settlement in the west of the city under the leadership of Shi wa.

Far away from the bustling downtown, it is an open plain. There are no gorgeous pavilions, only scattered wooden houses and courtyards. They are all simple and ordinary.

It borders on the high city wall to resist the invasion of animal tide.

As I said earlier, there are countless wild and alien creatures and archaic creatures in fengxu, and there are countless low-level monsters, which are very dangerous.

That's why some magnificent cities were built to protect the descendants of the human race from fierce beasts.

This densely populated settlement is divided into more than a dozen small settlements, just like the one where Shiwa lives. Most of them are people of the same race who support each other.

Not far away, there is a vast animal farm, which is the place for them to cage and place exotic animals.

In the whole huge settlement center, there is a bustling market, trading many rare birds and animals, as well as rare elixirs from the mountains.

"What's your name here, and how to call it?" What Lin Xuan saw all the way made him feel interesting.

"Our family takes Yao as its surname and is called Yao. According to my father, we have lived here since very early." Shiwa replied.

"Yao people... What about them?"

Lin Xuan nodded and pointed to the clan road not far away.

"That's the Xin and the Yang!" Shi wa said with a smile.

"Well, where is that?" Like a curious baby, Lin Xuan pointed to a crowded area.

"It's a market in the settlement. Sometimes there are some good things for sale. Do you want to have a look?" Asked Shiwa.

"OK, then go and have a look." Lin Xuan is very relaxed. Although most of the people here are a little rough, they are still friendly.

Moreover, Lin Xuan didn't see any powerful people along the way. The only one with a higher level of life was the cultivation of Lingshi wuduan.

Along the way, it seems that the aborigines in the settlement are familiar to them, and they are not too surprised.

The people here are very strong in constitution, vigorous in blood, and turbulent in spirit. If you feel it carefully, you can hear the roar from your body.

Unfortunately, he didn't improve his cultivation as Lin Xuan imagined. Most of them were the peak strength of the spirit.

"How do you people here exercise your body on weekdays?"

Lin Xuan swept a few big and powerful men and was curious.

This is by no means born with a strong constitution, otherwise it would not be only the present achievements, but a special way to polish the body.

"When many potential companions in our clan were very young, there were some elders in the clan who handed down the method of physical training. They soaked in animal blood all the year round to exercise their physique and absorb the essence of animal blood, so as to practice physical training."

"In the long run, you will be able to strengthen your body, be invulnerable, and have a stronger body than the city wall!"

Although she is simple and honest, she is not stupid. She is not ignorant of the way of practice.

"I'm the only one who has been in poor health since I was a child. The Dharma of the clan is too overbearing. My father says that I can't practice, or I'll die..."

Stone baby depressed way.

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