Seeing the depression and depression of the young man in front of him, Lin Xuan sighed and said, "come here, let me have a look."

Smell speech, stone baby nods, drag worn-out Dao Pao to walk to Lin Xuan's body.


Lin Xuan didn't say much. He just put his palm on the boy's shoulder, spilled a wisp of magic power, entered the boy's body, and explored his situation.

However, with Lin Xuanyun turning his power and wandering in the youth's meridians, he found the problem.

Young people's meridians are not only weak and delicate, but also close the secret of internal practice. It's strange that they have to be able to practice.

In short.

The boy is a wreck!

It's OK to be an ordinary person. There's no way to set foot on the road of cultivation.

There are 108 practice orifices in the human body, which are connected by meridians. After the monks have learned some skills, they can rely on them to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and wander in these 108 practice orifices!

If Zhou Tianxun starts, he can turn the aura of heaven and earth into pure divine power, which can be stored in the elixir field. He can perform powerful spiritual skills. If his cultivation is higher, like Lin Xuan, he will be able to move the Taoist method, change and become more powerful.

For ordinary monks, it is not too difficult to set foot on the road of practice as long as they have the skills of practice.

But the youth in front of him is totally different. If he wants to practice, it's more difficult than going to heaven!

The 108 orifices and acupoints of the human body are almost closed, and the meridians are still so weak and vulnerable that they can't transfer divine power.

Lin Xuan's magic power, even though he controlled it well, still seemed to break through the youth's meridians. Shi wa couldn't help humming. There was a kind of tearing pain!

In the end, he can only forcibly open the pure divine power in Shiwa's body, and dare not continue to explore, for fear of hurting the youth's foundation.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was a little silent, and finally understood what he had said before, why he was not allowed to practice his body with animal blood.

Such a constitution does not allow such a domineering way of practice. It really has no chance with practice.

However, Lin Xuan looked at the boy's face full of hope and didn't know how to speak to him.

"Big brother... Do I have a big problem?"

Seeing Lin Xuan's performance, Shi wa seemed to understand something. A glimmer of hope that had risen from the bottom of her heart was worn away again, and her bright eyes were dim, and her face was depressed.

"Yes, the orifices and acupoints in your body are closed, and the meridians are weak and difficult to practice."

Finally, Lin Xuan sighed. He had no choice but to tell the truth.

"My father said that you are all noble guests from heaven. You have a lot of knowledge and have the ability to pounce on heaven. Big brother, is Shi wa really unable to practice?"

Looking at the boy's innocent and kind face, Lin Xuan couldn't bear it.

In this world, there are always people who will bear the injustice of fate.

In front of him, Lin Xuan seemed to see his face.

In memory, there are too many frustrations, being teased by fate, difficult survival.

Lin Xuan didn't want to fight against the boy. He didn't speak. He just patted him on the shoulder and walked silently towards the distant market.

Beside, Shen MuQing also shakes her head. She communicates with Lin Xuan. She already knows about the youth and sighs.

At this time, Shi wa grinned and said to Lin Xuan, "big brother, my father said that being an ordinary person, you will have a safe and happy life, right?"

Lin Xuan looked back at him. There was some bitterness and helplessness in his smile, which was not the original intention of the youth.

But he still returned with a smile, like a spring breeze.

"Yes, a mortal's life can be meaningful, wonderful and happy."

He touched the young man's forehead and continued, "come on, go to the market and see if there is anything good."


Shi wa forced his face to smile and led the way ahead. Lin Xuan was moved by the fact that he suffered too much at a young age.

The market is full of people and bustling. Most of them are aborigines in the settlement, and only a few of them are foreigners.

However, Lin Xuan unexpectedly here, saw that riding lion dragon descendant, majestic green robe man.

The descendants of lion dragon are absolutely wild and powerful.

His mount was not yet an adult. According to the age of the human race, it was only a teenager, and it was close to the rank of spirit beast. It was very oppressive and had the momentum of king of beasts.

If we go further, I'm afraid we will become a real spirit beast.

You know, the spirit beast can be as powerful as the venerable.

The green robed man in front of him was able to tame such a wild alien. I have to say that he had a good method.

He seems to be only in his twenties, but his cultivation has already stood at the peak of the spirit Master, which is very terrible!

"This is definitely a local peerless man. He may have to step on the road of God in the future and strive for supremacy in the future."

Shen MuQing quietly with the divine voice, the same attention to the green robed man.

Lin Xuan and his three people passed by without any intersection.

Then, with the idea of picking up the leak, Lin Xuan wanted to find some rare treasures in the settlement market. As a result, he was greatly disappointed and met nothing.

In other words, most of the things here are useless to him.

"This is just a small market in the settlement. If you want to look for something, big brother, tomorrow morning, I will take you to the black market in the city. There are all kinds of things you should look for."

Stone baby don't know Lin Xuan they want to pick up leak plan, see he a pair of disappointed appearance, voice comfort way.

"That's fine."

They then left the noisy market and returned to the Yao clan. Under the leadership of Shi WA, they came to a courtyard in front of which there were five or six wooden houses, such as farmyard, simple and chic.

Soon after, the burly man came home and prepared good food and wine for Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing.

Although there is no dragon's liver and Phoenix's marrow, they are all treasures of exotic animals, which contain infinite life essence and are of great benefit to human body.

Even more, he dug out a jar of old wine from the cellar to entertain them.

Wine brewing is made from Zhuguo. It is a kind of common spirit fruit, such as Qiongjiang Yuye, which is sweet and delicious.

"The two of you have come all the way. It's hard work. If Shiwa doesn't take good care of him, I'd like to apologize to the two distinguished guests on his behalf. I hope you don't care about the young people."

The burly men are extremely respectful to them and dare not offend them.

But Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Uncle Yao, don't be so polite. We'd be very grateful if you could let us stay here."

Before long, when the banquet was over and Lin Xuan came back to his room, he saw the little figure under the stone mill in the courtyard.

"What do you think?"

He walked over and asked jokingly.

The boy in front of him is Shiwa. He is chewing an ordinary fruit with a ruddy luster.

His constitution is too weak. He can't eat the blood food which contains too much essence. Otherwise, it will not only do him no good, but also hurt his body.

As for Zhuguo wine, it can't be touched by a drop. It has too much aura. If he drinks it, he won't be able to absorb the medicine and will burst the meridians.

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