Late at night, dark clouds hang high, the moon is dim, the stars are silent, and most of the creatures on the earth fall into deep sleep.

Only Shiwa and linxuan sat in the small courtyard, leaning on the stone mill, looking up at the boundless sky, telling their sorrow in pieces.

"Gouwa in the clan, when he was just nine years old, could carry a huge tripod of thousands of Jin!"

"When I was 13 years old, I was able to go hunting with adults in the mountains..."

"And Mou WA, who is only 14 years old, has been able to kill a wild elephant with one blow!"

"A lot of former friends, they have become practitioners, set foot on the road of searching for immortals, only Shiwa, can always only silently look at them behind, be a mortal..."

"In the clan, children younger than Shiwa can reach my waist, but they are stronger than Shiwa."

"Gouwa and MuWa, they don't play with Shiwa anymore..."

On the boy's simple and honest cheek, he was extremely depressed and sad. There was mist in his eyes condensed into tears. He looked lonely and his back was very lonely.

"Do you really want to practice?" After a long time, Lin Xuan sighed.

"May I?"

At this moment, the young man's eyes widened, some can't believe it, and a glimmer of hope sprouted.

"There is no way out of heaven. It's just the so-called way out of heaven. There is no way out of man. There is no way out of heaven. There is no way out of man. There is no way out of heaven

Lin Xuan didn't point out anything, just gave the boy a glimmer of hope.

"Big brother... Do you accept me as an apprentice?"

The youth wiped to wipe tears, very suddenly kneel in front of Lin Xuan's body, grasp his cape to beg a way.

"Please, big brother..."

Before the stone mill, Lin Xuan's eyes were deep. He pondered for a moment, lifted Shi wa from the front of his body and said to him, "Shi WA, if you really want to be my disciple, you will stand my test."

"But I want to tell you, such a test may make you die, even ordinary people can't do it."

At this moment, Lin Xuan's face was a little severe. He said in a loud voice: "moreover, even if you can pass my test, it's not easy for you to practice because of your constitution."

"You have to go through a lot of tribulations, and you will also face death. That kind of torture will be more painful than ten thousand knives stabbing you. Are you sure you want to make it clear?"

In front of him, the boy bowed his head, looked at a loss, hesitated and at a loss.

Then, Lin Xuan got up and didn't force him. He turned his back to the boy and said, "I'll stay here for a few days. When you think clearly, tell me your answer."

In this young man's body, he saw his own shadow. He didn't want to see him sink down. He felt compassion.

However, the way of practice, such as sailing against the current, requires not only talent, but also a heart not afraid of difficulties and dangers.

For monks, there can be no talent, but if they don't even have a fearless heart to the Tao, then there is really no hope.

However, just as Lin Xuan was walking towards the jingshe, behind him, Shi wa suddenly seemed determined. He overtook Lin Xuan, plopped and knelt down in front of him.

Clenching his teeth, clenching his fist, he said in a high voice: "big brother... I think it's clear... Shiwa has been waiting for this day for too long. Shiwa knows that if Shiwa misses such an opportunity today, it will ruin her last hope to set foot on the road of practice in this life!"

"Shiwa felt that it must be God's arrangement for Shiwa to meet his big brother..."

"No matter how hard the road is, Shiwa will bite her teeth and move forward!"

"I would rather die than regret!"

"Big brother, take Shiwa as your apprentice!"

The boy's face is firm and cold, very persistent!

At night, two oil lamps light up in the quiet courtyard.

Shi Wa's voice startled Shen MuQing and uncle Yao, and was attracted by him.

But Shen MuQing did not say anything, just holding the oil lamp, silently looking at them in the distance.


At this time, the burly uncle Yao sighed helplessly. He looked at the sky, where it was dark and covered by thick clouds.

"My mother, I promised you to protect Shiwa and take care of him when he grows up..."

"Now I've done it, but when my child grows up, he has his own plan. I can't stop him..."

Uncle Yao's voice was pathetic and his eyes were eager. He missed his late hairy wife.

At the moment, I saw Uncle Yao walking to Lin Xuan, plop, very abruptly kneeling in front of Lin Xuan with his children.

"Young Xia Lin, I know you are a man of great ability. It has always been Shi Wa's wish that you can practice like ordinary people. Now only you can help him..."

"I, Yao Dawu, implore you to accept Shiwa as an apprentice and fulfill his wish. For this reason, I am willing to serve Lin Shaoxia forever..."

This scene, so that Lin Xuan some unexpected, he quickly pulled uncle Yao up, sighed: "Uncle Yao, why are you doing this?"

"Uncle Yao, you should know that the road of practice is not plain sailing. Now Shiwa's constitution is not suitable for practice. Without talent, it will be more difficult."

"It's not that I don't want to give Shi wa a chance, but if I want to be my disciple, I must have the strength beyond ordinary people, and I also need Shi wa to grasp it!"

Lin Xuan looked at Shiwa and continued: "well, Shiwa, since you think clearly, you should pass the postgraduate entrance examination I gave you first. If you can pass my test, I will take you as my registered disciple for the time being!"

"I'll help you then, of course!"

"If you can make me satisfied and excellent enough, you will be accepted as a formal disciple!"

"What do you think?"

Lin Xuan's words made Shi wa happy.

He knew that he had no talent for practice. His constitution was so bad that he was a natural waste.

It's very rare to have such a chance to stand the test. I don't want too much!

"Big brother... No matter what kind of test you want Shiwa to complete, Shiwa will complete it!"

Stone baby biting teeth, look tough way!

"Well, Shiwa, the next test will be very difficult. You have to be prepared. Opportunities can only be won by your own efforts!"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Shiwa knows!"

Stone baby also nodded, low way.

"Well, it's getting late. Go back and have a rest. Tomorrow, I'll tell you what the test is!"

Lin Xuan waved his hand. He gave uncle Yao a little smile and a little fist. Then he went to the room.

Before long, Shen MuQing quietly appeared in front of Lin Xuan and said, "even if the child spends a lot of money to open his closed orifices and acupoints, he can set foot on the road of cultivation, but the weak meridians in his body will make him have a natural gap with ordinary monks in the future. It doesn't have much effect, and even will harm him."

Shen MuQing doesn't seem to understand Lin Xuan's idea and comes to remind him.

However, Lin Xuan didn't like it.

"This is the way of practice. To go through all kinds of calamities and dangers, everything depends on his own nature. What I can do is just to let nature take its course."

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