It is as clear as jade. On the crystal clear lotus jade platform, Lin xuanpan sits on it and is practicing with his eyes closed.

This lotus jade platform is the most precious treasure Lin Xuan got from the cave in the mysterious place. It is very magical and has great power.

He spoke calmly without too much explanation.

"No matter what the final result is, it's his own choice. Sometimes, even if he knows that the road ahead is a precipice, he has to take that step and try to die for the rest of his life!"

"For Shiwa, maybe that's what he wants to experience most."

Smell speech, Shen Mu Qing is silent for a moment, low voice way: "hope you are right."

Said, she like a gust of wind, light floating away.

For Shiwa, no one does not like such a pure teenager after a short contact.

Shen MuQing, too, doesn't want to see him wither.

She knew that if she wanted to embark on the path of cultivation, she would have to lose half of her life, or even the whole life if she couldn't carry it down.

Because in addition to the meridians and methods, the most important thing to practice is the 108 acupoints of the human body, which is the basis for practicing and running a week.

In the room, the white lotus like jade platform was suspended, as if rooted in the void.

Lin Xuan is still practicing. His body is covered with dense golden divine patterns, winding like one little dragon after another, obscure and mysterious, shining, interwoven with the laws of heaven and earth.

The lotus jade platform enables Lin Xuan to directly absorb the original essence from heaven and earth, and put it into his body for practice, which is better than pure aura.

But Lin Xuan's cultivation is too weak to give full play to the strength of this lotus jade platform. He can only passively assist and sit in the lotus jade platform, which can make Lin Xuan's cultivation get twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, on this lotus jade platform, there is still the imprint of the half saint who sat on it and preached to the disciples. In the dark, there is the divine sound of preaching.

Lin Xuan's explanation of practice and Taoism was very helpful, and he had a feeling of enlightenment.

The reason why Lingshi realm is called "teacher" is that it means "realm" and "cultivation".

The so-called "master" is to enter such a realm, that is to really step into the path of practice, to be able to hook the heaven and earth, to understand and practice.

It's completely different from spiritualists and ordinary spiritual practice.

In the world, there are so many monks in the realm of Lingshi that it seems that they are nothing.

But such cultivation, in fact, has been able to serve as a guide for the elderly.

The ancients said: teachers, so preaching, teaching and dispelling doubts.

What this means is that when the cultivation reaches the realm of spiritual master, you can accept apprentices and inherit the mantle.

It should be noted that in Tianxing City, where the Lin family is located, the whole border city is not small, but there are only a few masters of Lingshi.

Every spiritual master has great deterrent power. He can become the head of a family, protect the children of the family and be respected.

With Lin Xuan's cultivation, if he goes back to Tianxing City, he is invincible and fearless of anyone.

What's more, Lin Xuan is still so young.

At his age, he has already made such achievements. If he reaches the age of the master of the Lin family, he may have entered the realm of veneration and even become a king!

Therefore, this is also the reason why Shi wa wanted to worship Lin Xuan as a teacher.

In Shi Wa's eyes, Lin Xuan's accomplishments are extraordinary, and have a great history. He must have a lot of means, so he is absolutely qualified to be his teacher.

I'm afraid there are very few people who are strong in the realm of Lingshi in the whole Yao clan.

The next morning, Lin Xuan woke up naturally from his practice. He opened the door of his room. It was foggy and full of vigor.

I saw a young man waiting outside the door.

With a simple smile, he respectfully brought clear water for Lin Xuan. He was also ready to eat good food and tried his best to maintain his identity as a half disciple.

Shi Wa's eyes are as pure as gems, not to please him, but to show respect.

This made Lin Xuan feel better about his youth.

Not long later, Lin Xuan had breakfast and said to the boy, "let's go."


Shi wa followed Lin Xuan and came to the animal farm in the settlement, where he kept many kinds of monsters.

However, most of them are low-level monsters and middle-level monsters, which is nothing to Lin Xuan today.

He calmly took the stone baby into the stockyard, and the terrible momentum that he could not help showing had already scared these monsters to shiver and wail.

A golden lion in the middle stage, aware of the crisis, kneels down on his knees and kowtows to minister Lin xuanchen as if he had seen the king of beasts.

But the stone baby who followed Lin Xuan's body didn't have Lin Xuan's momentum. His face was white and his body trembled slightly.

He is just a mortal, ordinary beasts are not necessarily able to deal with, let alone in the face of these huge monsters!

Walking all the way to the depth of the arena, it is divided into two areas: low-level and medium level monsters, and the low-level monsters are in the deepest place, backed by the ancient city wall.

This layout is also due to the fact that there are people guarding the outside of the animal farm, and the inside of the animal farm is close to the ancient city wall, which is blocked by ancient lines, so it is impossible for ordinary low-level monsters to run away.

"Master, what are we doing here?"

Shi wa changed her name, no longer called big brother Lin Xuan, but called her master.

"The test for you."

Lin Xuanyan is concise and comprehensive. He doesn't say much. Instead, he takes Shiwa to move on, looking for suitable prey.

Such words made Shiwa tremble in his heart. He subconsciously looked at those ferocious beasts. These are not ordinary beasts. They are more or less intelligent and more powerful than ordinary beasts.

Lin Xuan brought him here in the name of test. Does he want to test him with these monsters?

This kind of guess, let the stone baby complexion pale, in the heart incomparable heavy, can only silently follow behind Lin Xuan.

Before long, Lin Xuan finally stopped. In front of him, there was a shivering silver moon wolf, crawling on the earth, not daring to move.

Lin Xuan's voice was clear, and there was no doubt: "Shiwa, no matter what method you use to kill this silver moon electric wolf, this is my first test for you!"

"Your life and death are all in your hands. If you don't defeat this silver moon electric wolf, I won't do it!"

"It's your choice!"

"Of course, if you regret it now, you think it's better to be a mortal. There's still time!"

This silver moon electric wolf is only a cub, not yet an adult. Even among the low-level monsters, it is the weak one.

And the size of the silver moon electric wolf is similar to that of Shiwa, which is not an unbearable gap.

The silver moon wolf is silvery white with dense and shiny hair. It is thinner and smaller than other monsters.

In addition, the reason why silver moon electric wolf is called electric wolf is that he can accumulate the power of thunder and lightning in his body to deal with the enemy.

In the evening, the lightning stored in the body will come out through the body and emit bright light. In addition, the hair is silvery white. It looks like a silver moon, hence the name.

In addition to the larger size, stronger bite force and speed, other aspects are not much different from ordinary wolves.

But even so, it's an almost impossible test for Shiwa!

He has never practiced. He is just the most ordinary mortal, and his constitution is very weak, not to mention that he has no power to bind a chicken, but even for a real wolf, he may die!

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