Lin Xuan was like carrying a chicken and Tengchong's back neck. It was like nothing. He not only slapped him, but also kicked him out tens of meters away and hit a huge stone in the distance!

This foot made the boy in purple faint directly, and the boulders behind him were cracked!

"Bold, stop it

Behind him, several Teng people seemed to wake up from their astonishment. No one expected that Lin Xuan would start at once, and the speed was extremely fast. Tengchong fell in the distance like a pool of mud, as if dead.

"Come to our Teng people's animal farm, and hurt our Teng people's genius. Are you going to die?"

Those young friars who were familiar with Tengchong all rushed to deal with Lin Xuan.

However, at this time, the middle-aged man in grey robe suddenly said, "come back!"



"Fourth uncle, he hurt Teng Chong like this. Are you so indifferent?"

A few people were puzzled. Before they could make a move, they were called back by the grey robed people and spoke one after another.

"Who is your excellency? Are you not the people in fengxu

The middle-aged man in the grey robe didn't pay attention to them, but said in a deep voice to Lin Xuan.

"Not bad!"

Lin Xuan nodded. For him, there was nothing to hide.

However, at this time, several young friars of the Teng clan were shocked and said, "what, he is the pride of the outside world. How can this be possible?"

"How can the pride of the outside world get involved with that little trash? Who can think of that?"

"No wonder the means are so strong that they are really heroes."

Just now, Lin Xuan treated them as if his father had beaten his son. He was shocked.

You know, Lin Xuan's realm cultivation is lower than Tengchong's.

As a result, Teng Chong had no power to fight back and was severely beaten!

This is really sensational.

"Ha ha, even if you are the pride from the outside world, it's too overbearing to bully the dog like this, isn't it?"

The middle-aged man in the grey robe laughs with profound meaning.

"I've left it, or he won't survive."

Lin Xuan said calmly.

It's true that, as he said, although it seemed that he was beating violently just now, he didn't do his best, even less than one tenth.

If Lin XuanZhen does his best and slaps him, the boy's body will not only become a pool of meat mud, but also the spirit will be destroyed!

"Oh? Can I thank you more? "

The middle-aged man in the grey robe suddenly sneered and his face was not good.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan eyes slightly Lin, calm way: "right and wrong, you naturally know."

"He was so arrogant at a young age, and he still needs to be more disciplined in the future. Today I will keep my hand. If I meet others in the future, I won't be so soft hearted!"

However, Lin Xuan's words, the middle-aged people in grey robes do not seem to appreciate, but coldly hum: "hum, don't think that you are the arrogant from the outside world, and then you can bully in our territory!"

"Know who is the owner of this land!"

"In the past years, it was not without the fall of talented people from the outside world!"

After that, the middle-aged man in the grey robe said to the Teng people behind him: "take him back, let's go!"

The party then left without asking Lin Xuan for a stone.

But the middle-aged man in the grey robe had a hint of threat at last, which made Lin Xuan have a premonition. It seemed that this matter would not be so simple.

However, Lin Xuan didn't show anything, but said to Shi Wa: "go, go back first. The medicine in your body is so powerful. It's a pity to waste it."

He grabbed the boy, turned into a rainbow, left the stockyard and went back to the yard.

Shen Muqing sat on the bluestone in the courtyard, huffing the essence of the sun and moon, and heard the footsteps of Lin Xuan's two men, and opened his eyes leisurely.

"Sister Qing."

Stone baby clever shout a way.

Yesterday, Shi wa already knew Shen MuQing's name and surname, so she called her sister Qing.

"Where are you going, Shiwa? How did you get hurt like this?"

Shen MuQing frowned slightly.

Now, she and Lin Xuan have regained their true bodies and showed their original appearance. They have no scruples.

She is as white as snow, beautiful as a fairy, even if she frowns.

"Sister Qing doesn't have to worry. Master gave me a pill. I'm fine now."

Shiwa shook his head and whispered.


Shen MuQing doesn't know that Lin Xuan has decided to accept Shi wa as an apprentice. He is a little surprised.

At this time, Lin Xuan said with a smile: "yes, Shiwa is now my registered disciple."

"Don't look at Shiwa's weak physique, but he has amazing savvy, which is of great help to the cultivation of you and me."

"I have promised him that if he can pass my test, he will be officially accepted as a disciple."

Then Lin Xuan asked Shiwa to repair her body according to the formula he taught. The extra medicine was used to break through the closed points in her body.

However, although this leiling pill is powerful, it is not enough to break through the 108 orifices in Shiwa's body.

One of the reasons why Shi Wa's constitution is called waste body is that his meridians are weak. Even if he breaks through the orifices and acupoints, it's not very useful. He can't go far in practice.

The second is that this kind of constitution consumes so much elixir that his orifices and acupoints are closed that he can't absorb the aura to break through the orifices and acupoints. He can only rely on the pills he takes to turn them into the source of strength and break through the orifices and acupoints in his body a little bit.

And these elixirs are absolutely astronomical for uncle Yao!

If there is no inside information, it is really impossible to provide.

And as I said before, even if it costs a lot to break through the orifices and acupoints, the meridians are still weak and will not have any effect.

Such resources are enough to train hundreds of people into practitioners.

Let me just say something.

It's a waste to use these resources on Shiwa!

This is also the reason why Shi wa did not practice.

It's not that you can't practice at all, but if you want to practice this kind of constitution, the cost is huge and the gain is not worth the loss.

But for Lin Xuan, the resources used by Shi Wa's practice were second, not huge.

The only thing that worries Lin Xuan is whether Shiwa can pass his second test.

The process of remolding meridians and opening closed orifices and acupoints can be called purgatory torture.

The slightest carelessness is likely to lead to death.

In ancient times, people who take this road, even if they are lucky enough to survive, are mostly half disabled, completely become useless, and can no longer practice.

There are only a few successful people. Only after thousands of years or tens of thousands of years can there be one or two.

But for the stone baby who has no foundation, it is more difficult to step on this road, which means that there will be a long time, always hovering on the edge of life and death.

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