It's a very long process to reshape the meridians and break through the orifices and acupoints. It takes a great cost to have such a chance to complete.

Lin Xuan's amazing idea did not come into being out of thin air, but came from many ancient books with examples.

According to the records, endless years ago, there was an invincible and powerful man in heaven and earth who broke his own shackles with the body of waste, and defeated all his enemies all the way to the top of his cultivation.

In the end, he made a great leap, stepped on all kinds of ways, and turned himself into a supreme emperor, invincible for ages.

Even more, it has created an immortal inheritance, standing on the top of the world. I don't know how many years have passed, but it has never been destroyed and is still strong!

"Tianyan holy land was created by the great emperor. It was taken from Tianyan 49, and it means to escape one of them. It tells the world that there is no way out in this cycle of heaven and earth."

"As long as the faith does not die out, we will be able to cut through the thorns and find a way to live."

However, Lin Xuan also understood.

That great emperor is the only one in all ages, and no one has ever been able to practice in the highest level with the body of waste. That's a legend.

Later, it was not that there were no imitators who wanted to cultivate such waste bodies.

As a result, most of them died or were half disabled. In the best case, they also had the defects of foundation. When they reached the realm of veneration, they were exhausted and could not move forward.

Tianyan emperor's road against heaven could not be copied. Later, this kind of constitution became a real waste, which was despised and despised.

This is why, before practicing, Lin Xuan wanted to temper and test Shi Wa's mind and will.

If he doesn't have a heart fearless of life and death, no matter how many natural resources and treasures there are, the elixir will not help.

It is human beings themselves, not elixirs, who can really create miracles.

Dan medicine is only an auxiliary function, and can not determine the final result.

But what makes Lin Xuan feel gratified is that Shi wa has a very high understanding. He seems silly, but in fact he is not.

Others are active and intelligent, but they can't give up their thoughts and concentrate on it.

Such a character, for Shi WA, is indispensable to him, making up for his lack of physique.

As long as he can cross the first barrier of cultivation and climb over the endless mountain, he can really turn the bird into a Peng and soar up for nine days!

After returning from the Colosseum, only half a day later, under the guidance of Lin Xuan, Shi wa fully understood the formula previously taught him.

All the injuries on the body have recovered, and because of the blessing of the medicine, the constitution is much stronger than before.

"Good, Shiwa, you really make me look at you with new eyes." Lin Xuan was also surprised and praised.

How can such talent be called waste?

However, these injuries and physical strengthening are not the root of the problem. Lin Xuan knows very well that it is his closed orifices and weak meridians that really block Shi Wa's path of practice.

Only by solving these two problems can we really break the cocoon and become a butterfly.

With the recovery of Shiwa's body, the residual drug power condensed around his Dantian acupoint, mixed in the flesh and blood.

Dantian acupoint is the first hole in the body's practice, and it is also the end of the cycle of the whole day.

It's the beginning and the end.

It's also the lifeblood of a monk.

Dantian cave is the place to open up Dantian and contain divine power, which is the foundation of monks.

With it as the beginning, the Lingqi then goes around the 108 orifices in the body, circulates around the heaven, and returns to the Dantian, and ends with it.

This hole is very important. It can't be damaged at all. Otherwise, even if you don't die, you will become a useless person, and you will never have a chance to practice in this life.

At present, Shi Wa is going to have such a test of life and death. With the help of the residual power of Lei Lingdan and under the guidance of the formula, she will break through this barren human body acupoint which is between Hongmeng.

"Shiwa, you really think clearly. If you do this, maybe you will die. Even if there is a magic medicine, it is difficult to save you."

At the last moment, Lin Xuan's face was as deep as water, facing the Youth Road in front of him.

This road is almost a dead end, and he can't bear to hesitate.

"Shifu, before I met you, Shiwa always thought that she had no hope of practicing in this life."

"But later, master, you said it was not that there was no chance, it was just very slim."

"For Shiwa, it's like the sound of nature. It makes Shiwa sleepless all night, too excited to sleep."

"Shiwa is not afraid of death, but of weakness and mediocrity."

"Even if there is only one chance in a billion, Shiwa will try."

I don't know when Uncle Yao came to the door.

"Dad." Cried the stone child.

Uncle Yao nodded, his face dark, looking at the stone baby sitting on the lotus jade platform, some reluctant, want to stop the stone baby.

But when he saw the perseverance in Shiwa's eyes, he opened his mouth and closed it powerlessly.

"Well, now you've grown up, and I've lived up to your mother's advice."

"Since you choose your own way, no matter what the result is, Shiwa and dad will support you."

Uncle Yao is very open-minded at this moment. Although he doesn't show it on his face, he is still very nervous in his heart, afraid of the worst result.

However, instead of letting Shiwa be a mortal all his life and being scolded as an old waste by others, it's better to let it go. Maybe there will be a turn for the better.

"Dad, don't worry, Shiwa will be able to succeed with Shifu!"

Shi wa seems to see Uncle Yao's arrogance and says in a low voice.

"Shiwa is not afraid. My sister is here too. She will escort you."

Said, Shen MuQing also came to the room, she was wearing a thin green shirt, graceful, curl.

At this time, Lin Xuan said: "don't hesitate. The power of the medicine is always volatilizing. According to the formula I taught you, guide the powerful medicine to attack the key points. This is just the beginning, and it's not difficult."

"Yes, master."

When Shi wa heard the words, he put aside all the thoughts. He sat on the lotus jade platform without any distractions, and began to guide the medicine power in his body according to the formula in the immortal xuanjing.

In order to make the stone baby can concentrate, Lin Xuan specially took out the lotus jade platform, so as to increase the odds for the stone baby.

Lin Xuan looked at him blazing in his eyes, as if he could see any meridian in Shiwa's body.

In Shiwa's body, the medicinal power is divided into hundreds of strands, like a dragon after another. The essence is overflowing, and the life is vigorous. In his body, he rushes and swims wantonly.

With the guidance of Shiwa, these little Qiulong all gathered together and turned into a big dragon, which swam slowly to Dantian cave.

The high spirited dragon head is like a real dragon coming into the world. It is so mysterious that its body is overflowing with golden light, and its scales are like fire, as if it is burning.

The great dragon, which is generated by the majestic medicinal power, enters Shiwa's meridians, but is stopped in front of the first door.

In the Dantian acupoint, the heaven and earth are connected. The medicine in the meridian is counter current. There is no way ahead.

What Shiwa wants to do is to open up a way to lead to the next big acupoint.

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