It's a long tug of war. Even if the medicine is powerful and turns into a dragon, it's extremely difficult to break through the closed orifices.

Stone baby to formula as a guide, constant impact, that kind of bone pain makes his little face a little pale.

But this is just the beginning.

Shiwa's consciousness falls into the seesaw. Every time it strikes, the high spirited dragon will be scattered, and then it will be condensed by Shiwa again, repeating the crazy action again.

However, it was not Dantian acupoint that could not bear it first.

It's the channels of Shiwa's leading and converging, and transforming the dragon.

Under the continuous impact, the already weak meridians are shaken, like to disintegrate at any time.

To Dantian acupoint, it is still as solid as a stone, and can't shake a cent.

Stone baby can only shunt medicine, not condense such a majestic dragon, in order to weaken the vibration of the meridians.

But at the same time, it also weakens the drug's power and makes it more difficult to break through the orifices and acupoints.

But Lin Xuan is pleased that Shi wa did not give up and anxious, persevere, faith is still strong.

As time goes by, the sun and the moon flow, day and night alternate, and the light of the stars spreads all over the earth.

The sky and the earth are vast, and it seems that the Milky way is flowing in the boundless sky, shining brightly, magnificent and magical.

But Shiwa is still immersed in the pulse, a little bit of erosion, Dantian cave, has emerged a number of cracks, as if the dawn is coming.

This means that Shi Wa's efforts are not in vain, he will succeed.

Tens of thousands of impact, deep into the bone marrow of the pain, can not obliterate Shiwa's faith, but let him more firm.


In the dark, a tiny voice came to Shi Wa's mind. In the depth of his consciousness, the big dragon of drug power Huasheng heavily bumped in front of the gate of heaven, once again streaming.

Just this time, a little dragon entered into the Dantian acupoint and entered another section of the meridians.

The gate of heaven has been opened, and it is no longer as simple as a crack. With the great power of the medicine, it seems that the water of the Tianhe river is pouring back, and the momentum is huge.

The dilapidated orifices and acupoints were finally torn open, and infinite medicine poured into the body, rushing towards the unknown depths!

Then, the blocked orifices were completely cracked, and the vigorous power of life moistened Shiwa's Dantian acupoints, just like a wanderer back home, incomparably happy.

The outside world, Lin Xuan gave birth to a reaction, abnormal surprise, which for Shi WA, is undoubtedly a key first step.

"That's it, Shiwa. Be calm and don't be arrogant!"

Lin Xuan's voice was transmitted by divine thoughts, and he attached great importance to him.

As time went by, day after day, Lin Xuan took out all the pills he had prepared. After consuming the power of Lei Ling pill, he asked Shi wa to take these pills and continue to rush the pulse with the power!

In the twinkling of an eye, it was more than half a month. During this period, Lin Xuan stayed by Shi Wa's body, guiding and guarding him.

Shiwa almost did not stop, constantly repeating the pulse process, because he was baptized by the drug, his body was crystal clear, even if he did not eat, he would not feel hungry.

And under the effect of the formula, many impurities gushed out of his body, which made his body degenerate to a certain extent.

In the past half a month, Shi WA, like a rocket, almost broke through two or three orifices every day, and then led the great dragon, which was born of the great medicinal power, to gallop in her own meridians.

During this period, Shiwa fully broke through 42 orifices. If she came at this speed, she could completely break through 108 orifices in one month at most.

However, in a short period of half a month, the consumption was also huge, which made Lin Xuan feel a pain.

Half of the elixirs, high-level elixirs and top-grade elixirs he got from xuanming secret place were given to Huohuo by Shi WA, and their value was immeasurable, far more than hundreds of millions of elixirs.

This is almost the bottom line of Lin Xuan, the consumption is too huge.

"It's no wonder that no one is willing to cultivate this kind of physique. This kind of consumption is just so terrible at the beginning. If you break through all the orifices and open the shackles of the human body, it will cost at least one billion ordinary spirit stones, or tens of millions of alien spirit stones!"

"These valuable spirit stones are enough to cultivate hundreds of ordinary spirit Master disciples!"

"Even if it's a big door, it won't be so luxurious."

"What's more, this kind of constitution is too impermanent. Once there is a big problem, all the efforts will be ruined, and the gain is not worth the loss."

Although he thought so in his heart, Lin Xuan never showed it.

There are many elixirs in his hand, but the formed elixir has been consumed by Shiwa for more than half, and some of them are out of stock.

So that Lin Xuan had no choice but to use the white jade heaven and earth cauldron as the furnace to refine the medicine by himself and use it to meet the needs of Shiwa's pulse.

But refining medicine needs not only a magic medicine, but also other auxiliary materials, such as rootless water, or spiritual spring water, etc.

In recent days, Shi Wa's state is also stable, has been in the flow of pain and happiness, there is no change, no crisis of life and death.

So Lin Xuan can also put down his heart and let Shen MuQing stay for care, while he goes to the city to buy some auxiliary materials for refining medicine.

Just as he had just stepped out of the Yao clan, he noticed that he was being watched and followed him all the time.

"Can it be Teng people?"

Lin Xuan murmured that he had just entered the ancient city. The only one who had a festival was the Teng people.

At the beginning, the grey robed man threatened him, and it seemed that he had a plan.

On that day, the middle-aged man in grey robe watched his offspring being beaten violently, but he didn't do anything. I'm afraid it was because he was afraid that Lin Xuan had some secret treasure on him, and he was afraid that he would capsize in the sewer.

Thinking that he was ready and safe, he would start with Lin Xuan.

After such a casual reverie, Lin Xuan didn't continue to speculate. He pretended not to know. He still went to the black market in the ancient city according to the established route, waiting for Zhengzhu to show up.

He is very confident, and is not afraid of the people who follow him behind.

It's not that Lin Xuan is arrogant, but that Lin Xuan knows from Uncle Yao that the head of the Teng clan is just a venerable one, and the clan has no deep foundation.

Lin Xuan didn't feel that because he had taught a younger generation a lesson, he had been intercepted by the head of the Teng clan. That was a fuss.

What's more, his cultivation itself is a cover. He has just entered the realm of spiritual master. In many people's eyes, he is nothing at all. How can he kill a chicken with a butcher's knife?

Lin Xuan turned into a rainbow and left the settlement.

Before long, he came to the black market in the ancient city, where there were a lot of people, and the ground was covered with all kinds of stalls, mixed with the sound of Hawking.

The so-called black market does not mean that there is no light to be seen here. It is because there are no rules and regulations. Everything is good and cheap. Buyers can also become sellers and set up stalls here to sell what they want to sell.

It is different from the places like medicine Pavilion and chamber of Commerce set up by big forces.

However, Lin Xuan had a deep feeling after he came here, that is, this place is full of dragons and snakes. It is not as reputable as the orthodox chamber of Commerce, so it is very likely to buy parallel products.

It can be said to be a test of eyesight.

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